Tag Archives: painting

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Dec 29, 2019

On Kawara Today series

As we move from one year and one decade to the next, the series Today by On Kawara seemed appropriate.  He started this series on January 4, 1966 and worked on in for 48 years.  His Date Paintings are monochromatic canvas of red, blue or dark gray with the date in white, and composed in the language of the place he was in on that date.  The paintings took several hours following a meticulous process, and if it was not finished by midnight, he destroyed it.  He made a cardboard storage box with each painting that usually was lined with the local newspaper.  And he grabbed his titles from these newspapers, what was happening historically or personally.

Looking at the series, the viewer realizes that the dates picked (sometimes three paintings in one day) do not follow a pattern.  This series and his others nudge us to contemplate space and time as constructs.  That we all feel time flow differently therefore experience space and time individually.  So, as 2019 leaves us and 2020 rolls in…maybe we should reflect not on the time we spend but how and who we spend it with.

P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Capricorn this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Cancer it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.


Ace of Cups – During this intermediary time and space this energy nudges you to contemplate emotional beginnings.  This is a great week to start new relationships or take a relationship to the next level.  Share the love you have with the lens for relationships to grow they must have a solid foundation to grow in and the freshness of air and water to sustain them.


On Kawara Today series Eight of Coins – As the years switch your contemplation is around mastering your skills.  You have achieved much this past year.  Going forward is less about learning something new and more about fine tuning skills or projects you already have mastered.  What do you want to work on in the coming year? What do you want to take to the next level.


*Devil – As you transition from one year to the next, the cards have you look at how you successfully passed tests of 2019, and contemplating if you had to be tested on something for 2020 what would it be.  You see once you pass a test you do not have to do it again.  Contemplate the freedom of that.


Ten of Wands – Your transitional contemplation is the area of burden.  What do you carry that you do not have to?  Does the sense of obligation, expectation or ego make you do more than you need to?   You do not need to do it all in 2020.


Ace of Swords – As the world turns for another year the cards have you pondering.  Pondering is great if you are learning, communicating and making decision.  The time for pondering for pondering sake is done.  In 2020 new thought moving to new action is required.


Eight of Wands – Your transitional mediation is around information.  When you look back what information do you load your quiver with for the coming year. And then with that information what positive outcomes would you launch into 2020.  What would be the prize at the end of those arrows arc?  Shoot for the stars.


On Kawara Today series Nine of Coins – This transitional week’s contemplation is about prosperity and isolation.  For the sign that is all about relationships, this is a come to Jesus moment that you do better work with fewer people around. And if this is impossible your mediation is on creating a sacred space where you can prosper and have control on who gets in for 2020.


Two of Swords – This transitional energy for your musing is about making decisions.  What decisions would you have changed last year or didn’t make because you felt you didn’t know which was the right one?  With that information, in 2020 make decisions that go more for how you want to feel and less about the outcome or goal.


On Kawara Today series Four of Swords – Did you get enough sleep?  Are you eating well?  Have you taken care of yourself?  These are the questions that you need to contemplate in this transitional period.  In 2020 you will need to be in tip top shape, but it is up to you to take the time to take care of your body, mind and spirit.


Six of Swords – The energy during this transition of time is about simplification.  2020 will hold a lot of motion and for you to sail smoothly, you need to carry less cargo and have a narrower focus.  Your contemplation is around what do you need that is vital to you going forward and put your energy into that.


Two of Cups – Your interim contemplation is around harmony and cooperation in your close relationships and with yourself.  Do you feel like your relationships were emotional balanced in 2019? Was there enough romance?  If yes or no feeding those bonds of love are vital.  You all tend to pull back or stay in the air to cope and concentrate.  Love is what grounds you.  Invest in it in 2020.


On Kawara Today series *Hanged Man – Your contemplation is the concept of suspension.  Are you ever truly inert? Is there a mind-space where you can stop your thoughts?  Can you just be?  Why does the feeling of not “going” bother you?  Can you find peace in a moment? Just think, if you allowed yourself the time, space and belief to brainstorm, ponder and think outside the box, what 2020 might feel like. Meditation is the key to 2020.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Dec 15, 2019

Synesthesia Mikalojus Konstantinas Ciurilionis

The above painting, Winter VII, is by Mikalojus Konstantinas Ciurilionis.  In his short life of 35 years, he produced 400 pieces of music and 300 paintings.  This week I am just looking into paintings but you should check out his music (In the Forest is just one). Čiurilionis believed he was a synesthete – a person who perceives colors and music simultaneously. If you listen to his music while looking at his pieces you  can see how the two correspond.   Many of his paintings bear the names of musical pieces.  The paintings below are his Zodiac series.

Synesthesia in art historically is attributed to a wide variety of artists exploring the collaboration of the senses in the synthesis of their work. However, neurological synesthesia is a perceptual phenomenon in which one sense or cognitive pathway is stimulated and involuntarily stimulates another senses’ cognitive pathway.  There are 80 identified types of synesthesia and come in a wide variety of forms.

One common form is grapheme-color synesthesia where numbers and letters are seen in color.  Another is number-form Synesthesia where numbers, months or years are seen spatially farther apart.  Mikalojus possibly had chromesthesia. This is where one hears everyday sounds or musical notes that also trigger the visual pathways, where the person sees a corresponding color.  So when listening to his symphony of sound he would also see a symphony of color.

P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Sagittarius this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Gemini it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.


Two of Swords – This week making decisions can seem difficult.  Too many options or not enough.  You are wanting decision-making to be clear.  Heres’ the rub with this energy, it’s not the decision that is important but the journey you want to go on.  Either choice will get you to where you want to go, but each path brings a different mood.  Pick the path by how you want to feel.


King of Swords – The energy this week is best used in big picture planning.  In fact, the challenge is you loosing the big picture by homing in on the details.  It doesn’t mater how you get there if the why is intact.


Ace of Cups – All aces bring new beginnings into your life.  This week the energy will be focusing on your emotions.  The only challenge with this card is can you be open enough to the gifts that are around you and are wanting to propel you forward.


Synesthesia MK CiurilionisAce of Swords – Last week, the Wheel’s energy was about changing your fortune.  And getting you ready for the eclipse that happens on December 26th by figuring out where you are going to hook your cables to charge the next 12 years.  Lucky for you, you have another week to spend pondering.  This week’s energy will help you focus your thoughts; however, the challenge is thinking forward not into the past.


Eight of Swords – This week’s energy is a challenging one.  Your thoughts can bind you and your progress.  The best way to tame this energy is to just let go of a couple of negative thought patterns.  You don’t have to tackle all of them but try to let go of at least two to give you a threshold to walk out of your thoughts.


Synesthesia MK CiurilionisPage of Swords – Investigation is key this week. Information and conversations are not as clear as they could be, so your challenge is asking more questions.  Inquiry and listening are the skills you will need to gather important information this week.


Synesthesia MK CiurilionisTen of Wands – Last week, the Hermit advised you, space was needed to gain perspective and grounding.  This week’s energy is vastly different.  You will need to be involved in the World, but hopefully with last week’s energy you gain some perspective on what is crucial to do and what responsibilities at least for this week can be put off.  The problem is you taking on too much either out of wanting to get it all done or feelings of obligation.  Your challenge is focusing on one thing until it is complete or as close as you can get before moving to the next item. And no feeling guilty that even you in super-person mode can get it all done.


Synesthesia MK CiurilionisSix of Coins – This week’s energy is all about Karma.  Be very aware of doing no harm this week.  The more good vibes you send out the more you will get in return.  The challenge however is this works with negative energy too.  The tidbit to know is the payback will not always be quick nor will it always come from where it was given.


*Justice – LOL you wait until the last week to get the theme for next year – Justice.  Justice’s energy rules the balancing act of head and heart.  Next year will be great for anything analytical, planning, writing, communication, research.  They are all good if they have a practical application as well as a philosophical one.  Your lessons with this energy are around the forms of justice – right and wrong especially when judging others.  In ancient Egypt a dead person’s heart was weighed against the Feather of Truth.  This will be your challenge – will your thoughts and actions balance out with your heart’s truth? And the concept of what is the retribution of a wrongdoing or is there even one? (for more info and insight on the myth click here)


Synesthesia MK CiurilionisNine of Swords – The energy this week leads to overthinking and worrying.  Perhaps because you all are coming into your final week before your birthday month.  And/Or you are feeling the weight of Jupiter, planet of expansion, about to shift into your sign.  The challenge around this week’s energy is to work with the worries you can fix.  Worries are a byproduct of your analytical mind.   However, the concerns that are not solvable are not worth the mental energy so let them go.


Three of Coins – This week is about collaboration and cooperation.  Ask for help when you need it.  Listen to others’ opinions.  You will get more done and your work will be better for it.


Synesthesia MK CiurilionisSeven of Swords – This week’s energy is victorious; however, the test is that these victories cannot be lauded over or gotten in unscrupulous ways.  Therefore, your challenge is making sure that your actions align with your morals.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Dec, 2019

Mary Iverson National parks painting

Mary Iverson paints and collages exquisite natural landscapes crisscrossed with graphic geometric designs.  She conducts the viewer to explore our “complicated relationship with nature.”  Even in the most pristine places of parks, industrialization overlays the landscape, through climate change and industrial pollution.  Iverson uses  national parks for many of her backdrops to initiate conversations about conservation and sustainability.

Olympic National Park is my favorite in North America. It feels as if you are back in a primeval North America. The park covers nearly one million acres of Washington State going from craggy Pacific coastlines, glaciated mountains and verdant temperate forests. Teddy Roosevelt realized its magic and in 1909 protected it by giving it national monument status.  This started the struggle between the timber industry and conservationist.  By 1938 Olympic was designated as a national park by congress and signed into law by Franklin Roosevelt.   If you donate on Giving Tuesday, Dec. 3rd,  think about donating to your local national park.  Nature Matters.

P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Sagittarius this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Gemini it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.


*Emperor – Last week’s energy helped you with the processes of change.  Telling you that, the more balanced you are with your goals the easier change can happen.   This week’s energy adds builder energy to the mix. The combination of these two cards are great for building anything already in progress.  Doing things with your hands and your body will help you connect to this energy of momentum.  This can look as simple as rearranging your furniture or as complex as building a new product in your business.


*Devil – You roll into December feeling as if you are in mid-terms.  There is a sense of completion if you could just finish your tasks.  The key to getting through this week’s trials is sticking to your morals/plans.   However, the challenge of that is two fold.  First, you  feel  irritable and easily unbalanced by distractions this week.  Also, you will need to listen to others this week even though you don’t agree.  This energy has karmic threads tied to it, so the more tested you feel the more important it is to make sure you are on your moral ground before saying your peace.  


Mary Iverson National parks painting*Sun – The Sun brings with it the energy to do what is needed.  Anything you do this week should come with ease if you focus  energy on it.  The challenge with this energy is focusing the right amount of attention on each project/person.  Think of it like this, lasers are great for cutting away something but not so good for growth.  Where a more ambient light is great for growth.  Or soft light is great for viewing a landscape but sucky for details.  Or candlelight is better for conversations and romance.  All of these are light energy, but each has a purpose and a mood.  This will be your fine-tuning challenge for this week.


Mary Iverson National parks paintingKing of Cups – Last week’s energy was creating opportunities in all areas, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual planes.  Asking  you questions like: Does this get me to where I want to be in five years?  Does this feel right? Is this interesting to me? Does it connect to my purpose?  This week’s energy drills down this idea of looking at your future on how you want to feel moving through it.  This is a week to trust your feelings.  They can feel overwhelming but that is a great time to pull back and sit in them.  You don’t have to be scare of owning your feelings, and you can pull back to do that if that is comfortable for you.  The big challenge is not running from them.  They are opportunities of discovery.


Mary Iverson National parks paintingTwo of Wands – This week is best used by overall planning and designing what’s next.  You can use this energy to go through emails or stuff to lighten your load, but this energy needs to be pointed towards the future.  If a project is stuck let it drop and focus on the bigger picture, the details can be better handle in weeks to come.


Mary Iverson National parks paintingFour of Coins – The energy this week is all about frugalness.  You can do a lot during this time even though it feels as if there is not enough time, space or money.  Also, this is when your sign rises to the occasion.  You all are masters at making a dime stretch to a dollar’s worth.   The limitation of resources brings out your creative response – use it to your advantage.


Mary Iverson National parks paintingTwo of Cups  – The last two weeks have been high energy.  The Death card’s energy was about letting something die off, and the Empress came in with strong growth energy to follow.  This week the energy is lower and has the potential of being more fun.  Romance and relationships are in the spotlight.  The challenge is tending to the easiest of your relationships.  They are the ones that feed you as much as you feed them.


*Magician – Bring the divine into the world is your task this week.  Your dreams and ideas are asking you to bring them into reality.  This universe is saying you are ready for the challenge. You have all the tools and lessons needed to create something new.  This can be as simple as putting together a bike for your kid, or as complicated as starting the steps to bring your dream business into reality.  The only challenge is you might have to hurry because even miracles take a little time – Fairy Godmother in Cinderella.


Mary Iverson National parks paintingNine of Coins – Another material plane week for you.  Last week it was about enjoying the material plane with others.  This week it is more about enjoying solitude.  There is plenty of work to be done but this energy is best used when you are alone, or you have a finite group of people to work with.  Your challenge is finding that alone time.


Two of Swords – Well last week was a decision-making time and this week follows another round  of making decisions and planning.  The big challenge with this energy is feeling like there are too many options and you don’t know where to go next.  What this tries to teach you is that even though this feels like a crossroads, it is not. The decision or goal is not important but the journey.  If it doesn’t feel right don’t do it.  This is a week to follow the heart for it will guide the mind.


Mary Iverson National parks painting*Emperor – The energy this week is about building on what already exist.  This is not a week to create something new.  The challenge is making sure what you’re building helping others and is not from a place of hubris.   My way or the highway thinking will get you nowhere.  Build to create community not a regime.


Mary Iverson National parks painting*Hermit – You are at your best this week if you can gain perspective and some distance literally and metaphorically.  You need time to hear yourself think and ponder.  So, any quiet time you  find will be vital for decision making, scheduling and planning going forward.  The only challenge with this card is you must tell people you are taking time out otherwise they will think you ghosted them.  Communication is vital before you take a hiatus of any kind.  This can look as simple as taking a walk for 20 minutes each workday to readjust or as complex as taken a week long sabbatical.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


Tarot and Art Horoscope for Week of July 28, 2019

Remedios Varo

Happy Birthday month Leo!

Many artists use their art to investigate who they are.  This week’s artist is surrealist Remedios Varo (1908-1963).  Varo used her art, intellect, and curiosity to investigate and understand her dichotomous upbringing, diverse and war-weary history, nonconformist ideas of gender and spirituality, and inner landscapes of her mind.  In her youth, her father, an engineer, spurred her to read sciences and fantasy books and learn mechanical drawing.  Where her Mother a devout Catholic sent her to convent school.  This possible opposing theme of science versus spirituality becomes her most prominent motif in her art.

You can see in her art how she tried to conjoin the conflicting topics of occult/science, human/machine, and conscious/subconscious, to name a few. Her paintings gave Varo a safe place to revolt from the restrictions of her Mother’s Catholicism, and the male dominated Surrealist movement.  Remedios elevated the woman figure from object to subject.  The subjects of her paintings became version of herself evolving into gender-neutral characters in surrealistic dreamscapes.  Varo’s landscapes gave the parts of her – artist, mystic, scientist and spiritual being – a place to express and explore her and ultimately the viewer’s multidimensional character.  That is the amazing thing that art aids us in, our investigation of the age-old question:  Who am I.

P.S.  Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Leo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.



Remedios VaroSeven of Pentacles – Another great week to put time and effort into how you make your money.  The Seven of Pentacles is the work horse card.  Spend this week investing ways that will bring you material wealth.  The only challenge with this card is having patience. This week is great for planting ideas/time/space; however, you will have to wait till late fall to see its bounty.



Remedios VaroQueen of Swords – The Queen of Swords can play out two ways this week.  First, because you are a true friend and have integrity, you might feel called to protect someone or idea.  Second, your intellect is honed to see the smallest cracks in any project or process.  However, the common challenge is when defending or helping you tend to be a bit too pointy in your communications and/or parlays.  So, the question to work on is – how can you say and/or do your truth without coming off as being judgmental?



Remedios VaroEight of Cups – The Eight of Cups is the card of letting go.  Whether it is emotional or physical baggage this is a great week to prioritize and simplify.  This card is a mini-turning point in your life.  So, look around your physical and internal landscapes and get rid of what no longer fits the you of NOW.



Remedios VaroNine of Cups – The Nine of Cups continues the theme of last week’s Sun card. The Sun closed out your birth month with its energy of growth and increasing your person shine.  This card is about enjoying life’s abundance and being content with what is in the now.  Take this week to partake and be grateful for all that you have.



Remedios VaroKing of Cups– Last week the Hierophant declared a theme for 2019-2020 – organization and structure.  This week the King of Cups ask you to put responsibility aside and celebrate your birth. This King rules your emotional well-being, and he wants you to party, fall deeply in love, fill your cups and enjoy life overall.  The only caution with this Bacchian vibe is be careful of overindulgence.



Remedios VaroNine of Pentacles – The Nine of Pentacles advice, this is a good week to get things accomplished and easier if you spend your productive time alone.  This is not calling for you to be totally isolated but when or if you decide to invite others in choice wisely.   Outsiders can be a distraction to your efficiency.



Remedios VaroKing of Pentacles – Last week, The Death card declared it was great time to start the ball rolling to create change in places that have bottom out, dead-ended or ran out of oomph.  The goal was and is to weed out the dead growth so new things can grow in its stead.   This week the King of Pentacles gives you a bit more control on the process and outcome than last week.  Where last week was more go with the flow, this week is more hands on.  This card brings with it the momentum to finish up or clean out projects that have spilled over from last week.  The challenge is still not to start anything new but to finish up or build upon the old.



Remedios VaroSeven of Cups – The Seven of Cups is the card of imagination and wishes.  This is a great week to daydream and fantasy about what would satisfy your heart ie: make you content with love and relationships.  There is a paradoxically challenge with this card and week.  One side is challenging you that you are not dreaming or living big enough and the other is that your dreams play out in your life as more fantasy then fiction.  The key dream bigger with love while being also realistic of human nature.



Remedios VaroPage of Swords – When the Page of Swords shows up it means that you do not have all the information you need to move forward or make decisions this week.  Take this time to put on your Sherlock hat and find out what is going on behind the scenes.  The challenge is posing the right questions and listening to the answers with an open mind.



Remedios VaroKnight of Cups – The Knight of Cups is the card of romance and people/places or things that stir your heart.  This week take time to do all things that fill your emotion well.  The only challenge with this card is you may wear your heart on your sleeve.  This is not always a comfortable position for Capricorn’s hearts to be, but it is important to share some vulnerability and insight into what stirs you with those that you are close to.  Intimacy is vital for the human experience.



Remedios Varo*Moon – The Moon realms the realm of things that are hidden. Everything is not what it seems this week, and there is information that you need to process.  This week is dealt with best when you open your mind to your intuition to find your path through the fog.  This is a great week to daydream or follow your wimsy instead of cold hard facts and logic.  And by doing so, you unlock some subconscious info that you will need soon.  The challenge is when you are having to deal with the outer world.  Be aware this week you can feel vulnerable and/or moody when pushed to make decisions in this misty moonlight.  If you must move forward, follow your instinct instead of your logic.



Remedios VaroSeven of Wands – The Seven of Wands is the card of challenges.  This card foretells that this week can have some struggles, but they are important for you furthering your opportunities.  The challenge is not to get discourage these trials are short lived and easily solved.  Motto: Keep on Keeping on.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,



Tarot-cast for the Week of March 31, 2019

April is the month of change and a reminder of the amazing marble we live on.  It is Spring in the northern hemisphere and Fall in the southern.  The cycles of life are in Mother Earth’s headlines. Flowers are budding or plants and animals are getting ready for winter, and migration is happening all over the planet.  No wonder Earth Day is celebrated in April.  In honor of Mother Earth and her inhabitants I am picking artists that have a flora or fauna themes all month.

This week’s artist is Lisa Ericson.  Her detailed paintings are the perfect combination of fact, fantasy, and myths. For instance, the pelican paintings could be related to the evolutionary theorem of Island hopping – animal population arriving by flotsam or flight.  Her Rodentia flutterbys fulfill the childhood fantasy that all animals should have butterfly wings; it makes any animal cuter.   Her paintings of tortoises carrying small ecosystems evokes the myths of some indigenous tribes of the Americas and the Hindu cosmology of the World Turtle, who holds up the world.

Overall, her paintings convey the frailty of the web of interspecies dependence. What truly caught my eye with this artist’s work is the eyes of her subjects.  They look at the viewer with a sense of winsome and wisdom. Reminding us that we are interconnected to them; our stewardship of Earth and companionship with them can be an omen of good or ill for all.

P.S.  Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.



Lisa Ericson*Moon – The Moon card comes to light when you need to investigate the darker parts of your subconscious – lighting a fear.  This anxiety or fear can be grounded in truth, and the Moon’s reflective light reveals the fact or fantasy of it.  This can look as simple as if you are walking down the street and get a hint that someone is following you, don’t blow it off.  Walk with courage to a well lite area with people, say Hi to someone and then turn around.   Or a more complex situation of confronting an anxiety and dissecting it to see if it is based in reality.   In both scenario your intuition and feelings are something to listen to but not let them overwhelm you.



Lisa EricsonEight of Cups – The Eight of Cups is the spring-cleaning card.  This card can literally mean you need to do some spring cleaning in your home or metaphorically any area of your life.  Open the windows air, out your linens, and vacuum the dust bunnies from under your bed.  There is a witchy ritual where you sweep out your front door sweep out the bad vibes.  If you don’t have a broom to do that then at least clean out the bag/canister in your vacuum cleaner.



Lisa EricsonFive of Wands – Second five in a row, so let’s dive into the meaning of five.  Fives are the cards of chaos where the chaos brings out things that are hidden or things that can sweep us away.  Last week the chaos had you uncovering the positive and negatives in your life and asking you to choose the positive perspective.  This week the Five of Wands looks at the chaotic energy you allow in from others.  You have a choice whether to play in the chaos or simple turn around and walk away.  The challenge with either choice is not getting swept up into or trigger by the drama of others.



Lisa EricsonTen of Cups – The Ten of Cups is the rainbow card.  It advises us to celebrate even after a storm.  The challenge is seeing that happiness is not the absence of pain.  Pain can co-exist with happiness without canceling it out.



Lisa EricsonPage of Cups – Time to pull out your rose-colored glasses.  The Page of Cups advises you that this week no matter what happens to find the silver lining and the rainbow.  You need an injection of naivety, play and an innocent perspective, even though that grumpy lion-ic side wants to roar.  This week it’s all about your inner cub.



Lisa Ericson*Hierophant – This is card that Virgo feels comfortable in as long as you don’t get to self-critical.  The Hierophant advise you to work on structures and efficiency this week.  This can look as simple as oiling the door hinge that squeaks. Or as complex as fixing your money or schedule so that you are no longer broke at the end of the month or too tired at the end of the week.



Lisa EricsonThree of Wands – The Three of Wands advise you to do some planning before diving into projects this week.  The best use of this time is focusing on how to make the work run smoothly.  Think of yourself as the guy on the tarmac that guides the plane into the gate.  The challenge is having foresight and peripheral vision for things to line up.



Lisa EricsonTwo of Pentacles – Juggling is the name of the game this week with the Two of Pentacles.  The challenge with this card is getting too brash.  Make sure you start out simple and have two items/things/people on your plate and once you do that well then you can add another “ball” to the mix.  This week a misstep can be a mishap.



Lisa EricsonSeven of Coins – The Seven of Coins is the worker bee card.  This week’s energy is best used working your butt off.  All the things you do and partake in this week fertilize and grow your productivity for the coming summer months.  This is a week to start projects/plant seeds, weed projects in progress, exchange seeds, direct people in helping to tend the garden, water relationships, etc…  Use this gardening metaphor to the fullest so you can harvest in the Fall.



Lisa EricsonQueen of Swords – Last week the Hierophant and Eight of Wands had some spiritual messages having you create a deeper meaning and structure to your life.  Lucky for you the Queen of Swords is helping you with another week of this esoteric challenge.  She is the card of critical thinking.  So, take this week to do some Socratic questioning on the concepts of meaning itself to help complete the blueprint of the structures that you need.



Lisa EricsonSix of Swords – Last week, the Justice card said all things are just and fair, but it may take a while to see it play out.  Justice challenged you to see the truth in situations and yourself without the lens of emotion. Reminding you that you can’t control every aspect of this life and by letting go of some of the control you let Justice takes its course justly.  This concept still rings true this week.  The only added advice that the Six of Swords is giving is to “let go” you need to simplify your life.  Also, this card reminds you if you are stuck in how to do that, water either its rhythm or water itself can help you realize where and what to pare down.



Lisa EricsonEight of Coins –The Eight of Coins is the card of mastery.  You challenge is to use this energy to up your game at how you make money.  Whether that is learning a new skill, honing an old skill, networking, refreshing your website/LinkedIn page, etc.., it is all business this week.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,



Tarot-cast for Week of March 10, 2019

Laura Knight was a ceiling smashing artist at the beginning of the 1900’s.  She became the first woman elected to a full membership of the Royal Academy in 1936 and the first to get her own retrospective exhibition there though it took 30 more years to obtain that.  One of her first controversially pieces, above, was Self portrait with a nude (see Aries) .  This portrait shows herself painting a nude. This was to retaliate the rule that women were only allowed to paint nude forms by casts or copying existing drawings.   The painting composition is not only the finest but also intriguing.

She continued her rebellious nature by the choice of her subjects of portraits.  Many of her portrait studies were from marginalized people of the time doing either the highly unusual or the mundane, like having a woman with cropped hair holding a gun, gypsies, people of color, circus people, or more famously woman working in military.   Why is it still shocking seeing these portrays today – is it because these population are still marginalized and stereotyped so when we see them, we are still “amazed?”

P.S.  Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.


Four of Cups – The Four of Cups, another week where your emotions take the forefront.  This week the Four of Cups advises taking time pondering yourself, and here is the challenge also pondering your place in the world.  You hold many of the keys this week, but one is beyond your everyday personal space.  So, take a moment not only to look in but also to look out.


Laura KnightSix of Coins – The Six of Coins is the mini karma card.  Be aware that especially this week that your interactions with others and your environment will ripple out and come back to you three-fold.  So, the nicer and more caring you are for the environment and people around you, the more positive the world will be towards you.  The challenge -this of course also works with negative energy.


Laura Knight

Queen of Cups – Kindness and compassion is the key to this card.  Not only to those around you but also to yourself.  The challenge with this card is you can’t do either with goals or expectations.  This card is just a challenge to exercise your heart muscle.


Laura KnightEight of Coins – This is your second eight in a row so let’s just check into the meaning of eights.  Eights are the cards that challenge improving and releasing.  Last week the cups ask you to release; this week the Coins ask you to improve.  The Eight of Coins advises honing the skill of getting into the zone, whether that is at work or play – trying for mastery is the key.  The challenge perfection is unobtainable.


Laura Knight

Page of Coins – The Page of Coins advises that you need to keep an open mind this week.  Learning is the key that will help you with work.  The challenge – open mind, open ears, open heart.


Laura Knight

Knight of Cups – Oh this one is challenging for you all.  The Knight of Cups is inspiring you all to be vulnerable this week. What makes you vulnerable makes you beautiful.  Brene Brown


Laura KnightAce of Swords –It is a great week to be the philosopher and ponder on the bigger questions in life.  Your challenge is for your mind to think in ways it hasn’t thought before.  Also, if you have been holding off on a decision, this is the time to make it.


Laura Knight*Empress – The Empress is the card of growth and mothering.  This card wants for you all to reconnect with the person that was the most motherly to you – even in spirit if they no longer reside on this plane.  The challenge, however, is finding and cultivating those “motherly” qualities in yourself. Not only for providing support and compassion for others but also giving you an internal source to dip into when you need it.


Laura Knight

Queen of Wands – The Queen of Wands advises that nature and magic are key to you this week.  This card challenges you to conjure up some magic to ignite your imagination.  Whether that is a walk in the woods to find fairies, pondering a starry night for UFOS, or putting socks under your bed for monsters.   The more magical your thinking the freer your mind becomes from the mundane.


Laura KnightThree of Swords – The Three of Swords ask you to be honest with your emotional thinking.  This card asks you to let go of some thought patterns that are not working.  The challenge is sitting with that emptiness – not fill it back up with another thought or emotion- so your mind and heart can heal.


Laura Knight*Tower – The Tower is the card of destruction from an outside force that make you start anew.  This card comes up when something needs to be fixed that you have been putting off.  The best way to head off a possible catastrophe is to fix the problem.  This can be as simple as fixing that door handle that keeps falling off, scheduling in some “me time” so you don’t burn out, or as complex as have that hard talk with a love one before frustration burns down the house.


Laura KnightNine of Swords – The Nine of Swords is the card of excess thinking and worry.  The challenge with this card is to figure out which worries you can fix and put them on a to-do list (out of your head-space) and the rest to put on a list and flush them (you can literally flush then if you put them on TP).  Another exercise is when a worry comes up replace it with a song or image that makes you smile or even better laugh.  The point being making more room for quiet contemplation instead of yammering worries.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


Tarotcast for the Week of September 16, 2018

Fruit Dennis Wojtkiewicz

Categorizing fruits or vegetables can be a contentious debate among chefs, botanists and gardeners.  Botanically a fruit “is a seed-bearing structure that develops from the ovary of a flowering plant, whereas vegetables are all other plant parts, such as roots, leaves and stems.”  With this definition, squash and tomatoes hang with peaches in the fruit realm and beets, kale, and cauliflower grow with the vegetables.

However, this debate was taken to the U.S. Supreme Court in 1893, Nix. v. Hedden.   The court ruled unanimously that an imported tomato should be taxed as a vegetable, rather than as a (less taxed) fruit. The court recognized that a tomato is a botanical fruit, but sided with the “ordinary” definitions of fruit and vegetable which was defined by when we eat them.  So the savory tomato is considered a vegetable by are palate and by the court.

This week’s artist, Dennis Wojtkiewicz, takes painting fruit/vegetables (depending on who you side with above) to a new level. His distinctive large-scale fruit, vegetables and flowers are painted with a combination of realism and being heavenly lit to create a sense of religious ardor for yummy plant parts.

P.S. Please share.

Aries – Four of Cups

Dennis WojtkiewiczThe Four of Cups asks you not to spend too much time gazing at your belly button.   You do need to check in with your emotions all this week, but in doing so, don’t stay too long in your internal emotional landscape.  Look up and out or you will miss some good loving from the outside.


*Taurus – Emperor

The Emperor is the card of manifestation, so this is a pivotal week in your material plane.  This week work on projects that are already in play.  By working with what is instead of what could be will carry you farther in the following weeks.


Continue reading Tarotcast for the Week of September 16, 2018