Tag Archives: surrealism

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Oct. 24, 2021

Dorothea Tanning Self Portrait

The artist this week is Dorothea Tanning.  When you play the game Having a Dinner Party, where you pick 10 people alive or dead that you would have over, I would pick Dorothea Tanning as one of them.  She is a creative.  Tanning is well known for her surreal paintings, but her endeavors include drawing, painting, sculpting, installations, costume design, set design, writing poetry….

She published a book of poetry the year before her death in 2012 at 101 years old.  The span of her work in her words is “her enigmatic versions of life on the inside, looking out.” Tanning draws us into her mind as well as her physicality.  She also often paired her work with poems from other poets, to give even more depth into her painterly ponderings.  As we view her work one feels not only acquainted with her investigations of self but also, we identify ourselves in her.  For me, I would learn more about me by my conversations with her.

Your pondering, as the veil thins this week, who would you invite to your party, dining with the dead? And I have attached a line, bolded, of Tanning’s poem All Hallow’s Eve to each of your casts.  Start with the first 2 lines here and read down.


Be perfect, make it otherwise.
Yesterday is torn in shreds.

Solar System highlights:  On Monday the Moon starts in Cancer– get cuddly with a partner or pet and self-care should be on the agenda. Then it moves into Leo on Oct 28th – a time to shine.  The Moon then finishes in Virgo – so you can categorize your candy haul. Mercury is in Libra– great for communication, creating networks and getting in touch with friends.  Venus is in Sagittarius asking are we feeding and nurturing our relationships enough to keep them growing?    Mars is in Libra until Oct. 30th  – the last week investigating relationships around the question are your actions following your words?  Then it moves into Scorpio – passion is in the air and a great time to finish up projects.  And lastly, Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius – so innovating and upping your game is their focus until end of December.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Scorpio this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Taurus it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,


Dorothea Tanning
Dorothea Tanning

Page of Wands – The Muse of Inspiration has come this week.  You will find that she has hidden at least one “Easter egg” of insight in each day.  These small gifts are here to help you motivate or bring your work/life up a notch.    Lightning’s thousand sulfur eyes


Dorothea Tanning
Dorothea Tanning

*Hierophant – The Muse of Structures has arrived with rulers and T-squares.  This energy comes around when you need to check the structures that support you in life.  Something is off kilter.  Whether it is your schedule, eating habits, your rules/morals, or your boundaries one of these is not aligned with your way of life.  The challenge with this energy is making sure when you do this re-structuring that it remains flexible enough that you can still grow.  Rip apart the breathing beds.   


Dorothea Tanning
Dorothea Tanning

Five of Cups – The Muse of Clumsiness is here to spill liquids and disrupt emotions.  So, on a practical side, don’t put your fluids by electrical devices.  And on a heart side, be careful how you interpret emotional outburst- yours and others.  This week can also be full of fret.  Your challenge is to clean up your mess and leave others to clean up their own.  Hear bones crack and pulverize.


Dorothea Tanning Set design for Ballet Witches

*Tower – The Muse of Destruction has come with a sledgehammer to  dismantle some aspect of your life. You don’t really have any power in this deconstruction; except to lessen the chaos by finding what needs to be fix before this energy does it for you.  This can be as simple as your desk has been a mess for weeks – clean it up.  Or as challenging as leaving a job or relationship that is no longer working for you.  Look around and find out what you have pushed off for ages and know well and good that it needs to be done so do it.  Doom creeps in on rubber treads.


Dorothea Tanning
Dorothea Tanning

*High Priestess – The third high energy week for you.  The last two weeks advised you to pause and evaluate, then the Muses suggested remixing to balance your fabrication.  Now the Muse of Higher Purpose ask you to tap into your intuition and ask what’s next? Now this Muse is asking what the purpose is behind your next steps?  Are they leading you to where you want to go, who you want to be?  If not, time to take a hard look at your plan and re-do.  If so, you still have a few insights to round out the picture.  Intuition and asking your spirit guides are keys to unlock the secrets to the next steps.    Countless overwrought housewives,


Dorothea Tanning
Dorothea Tanning

*Moon – The Muse of Unconscious is here to help with your fears.  This energy wants you to investigate the darker hidden aspects of what you fear.  This Muse reminds you that interacting with your worries as if they are friends, allows you to see that they are like helicopter Moms.  Trying to keep you from harm, but also keeping you locked up.   So, this week converse with your fears, and coax them to see that they really don’t have to save you.  You are doing just fine.   Minds unraveling like threads,


Dorothea Tanning

Seven of Coins – The energy this week is all about work.  Time to get things done and off your to-do lists.  The challenge is you will not see the benefits from your labors for a couple of  weeks.  Try lipstick shades to tranquilize


Dorothea Tanning

Page of Coins – Last week you started off your birth month with the Muse of Deconstruction and The Muse of Potential.  They wanted you to strip away what is not working so you can re-divine a new you and your surroundings.  Now the Page of Coins joins this duo declaring that  one of your roles this coming year is being the student.  This is a year to learning new skills on the material plane.  This can look like going back to school, learning new skills for work, or trying on different hats in the workplace.  Fears of age and general dreads.


Dorothea Tanning

Two of Coins – The Muse of Juggling comes when you need to adjust at how you get things done.  This week is not made for multi-tasking.  This muse advises to take on one thing and do it well before adding a new something to your attention.  Sit tight, be perfect, swat the spies, 


Dorothea Tanning

Four of Cups – The Muse of Introspection has come to help you remove the metaphorical lint from your belly button. She advises that you spend ¾ of your time navel gazing, but you must spend the other fourth doing and being in the world.    Don’t take faucets for fountainheads.


Dorothea Tanning

Three of Cups – The Muse of Friendship comes when your emotional glass is empty.  She reminds you that friends can uplift your spirts the best.  Find time this week to just hang and talk shit with loved ones.  Drink tasty antidotes. Otherwise


Dorothea Tanning

Queen of Coins – The Muse of Keep Calm and Carry On is here to remind you to do just that.  She advises that practicality, down-to earthiness, and compassion are the elements to work with this week.  Also, a great week to invest in your future.  You and the werewolf: newlyweds.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Oct. 4, 2020

pipe dream Stella Snead
pipe dream Stella Snead

First, I want to thank all of you for reading my musings on art, tarot, and a bit of science.  I am going into my 6th year with this blog, and I so appreciate your support and feedback throughout the years. At times I feel as if I am writing into the void, so your echoes back help me see that this is fulfilling its purpose of entertainment and hopefully some enlightenment and ease.  You all are few but mighty in spirit, love and appreciated!

And now to start off the month of spook, this week’s artist is Stella Snead.  She is a surrealist painter, photographer, and collage artist. She and her father struggled with depression.  Though she has few memories of her father the viewer can see her exploration of her own psychology through her artwork.  Surrealism has a natural affinity towards the study of the subconscious.

Her early paintings all seemed set in a nocturnal landscape of the dreaming mind.  Her depression stopped her from painting in her mid-life, but travel and photography became the mode and medium during her darker times.  She began collaging her mental ponderings.  By her 70’s she returned to painting and revisited images she had done in her earlier years. Themes you often see in her musings are nature’s powerful forces: volcanos, tornados geysers, containment, and using perspective to draw the eye out of the picture.  These techniques and images are keys to propelling the viewer into unknown waters.  But also, the opportunity that once we have traversed the unknown it becomes know, less scary and possibly a brighter freer place than what we have known.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Libra this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Aries it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.



Stella Snead
Stella Snead

Ace of Cups – This week is testing your emotional intelligence.  This energy wants to unblock your heart and get your emotional energy moving.  This is a great week to watch a movie that brings a tear to your eye.  While balancing it with activities that make you laugh.  The more you are in tune with your feelings, the more you can be there for your love ones and understand the emotional intention behind those around you.


Tornado Stella Snead

Six of Cups – The keys to navigating this week is linked to the past.  This is a great week to share stories of your childhood, go through old photos, and read old journals.  There is inspiration and answers in reminiscing this week.


Stella Snead
ladies from afar Stella Snead

Queen of Wands – Your passion needs a focus this week.  Inspiration and creativity are craving your attention, but it is up to you to take the time to let them in for a drink.  Creativity takes time, pondering, mulling to find its nuance and ignite passion.   Time to have a must needed conversation with your muses.


Flood Dance Stella Snead

*Star and Nine of Swords – This week highlights that the future is uncertain; however, this does not mean to worry or fret. The key to navigating the night is seeing that you are surrounded by a blanket of love and care, and the Star Muse of Hope and Faith leads the way even though the path is dark with uncertainty.


Deadlock Stella Snead

*Hanged Man – This week’s energy surrounds the concept of insightful exposure.  What is driving you crazy or blocking you needs to be reexamined.  However, this investigation must be done from a new perspective.  You are stuck because your life stories are being played out through a lens of an old perception.  To become more malleable with your thinking let go of awareness and allow your truth to float to the surface.  A gestalt is forming to break you out of your stagnation, but you will need to flip and flow your mind in the quiet of reflection without judgement or logical thought.


Stella Snead
Ecstatic cows Stella Snead

*Magician – Last week was about ending and cleaning out the debris from last birth year.  You still have until mid-November to tie things up.  But this week is about creating what you hold as divine.  This is your purpose wanting some hang-time with you, so you can start plotting out how this concept will unfold.  This muse reminds you that you already have the skills and tools to accomplish what you want to do.  The challenge is realizing that those tools can come from other people taking over some of the everyday of your plans.  Your energy needs to focus  on creating the form and space for your creation to begin to grow, however, there is no need for you to do it all alone.


Stella Snead
smothered city Stella Snead

Six of Swords – This is your winding down month until your birthday and the energy this week helps in this transition.  The challenge is that the future is clouded over.  You may feel as if the mists have settled in front of you.  However, the muse this week gives you the keys to traverse the unknown.  The first key is simplification.  She asks what is it that you most want to change or shift. The second key is faith for there will be clues along the way to guide you through these coming months as your perspective and horizons become clearer.



Stella Snead
Capture Stella Snead

Seven of Wands – This week people can get on your nerves.  The challenge with this energy is standing your ground and keeping your inner light lite.    Planet-wise there are some hard aspects this week, and water signs are feeling the brunt of it.  This muse reminds you even in standing your ground you can reach out with love to keep the blue meanies away.


Eye to horizon Stella Snead

Two of Cups – The energy this week is all about positive reinforcement of relationships that you have picked in your life.  Whether that is a partner, a pet, or your plants.  Caring for others fills your cup as much as them caring for you.


Stella Snead
Advancing Monuments Stella Snead

Knight of Swords – This week’s energy tends to make you feel as if you need to rush to decisions and actions; however, the exact opposite is true.  To deal with this hectic energy slowing down is the best solution.  Be gentle with your responses for they can become defensive.  Be slow in your actions for you can hurt yourself, especially your extremities.  Logic and caution are key this week.  Motto:   look both ways before crossing the street.


Stella Snead
From the Grotto Stella Snead

Knight of Wands – You are in the right place doing the right thing.  This week’s energy helps you accomplish anything you put your focus towards.  The key is finding inspiration to keep the energy going.  Whether that is seeing that this project will lead to more projects or the beginning of something new.  It is vital that you see the why behind what you are doing so you can take your life to the next level.


Family Portrait Stella Snead

*Empress – The energy of creation for comfort is what generates ease this week. You are needing some positive mothering energy to sustain yourself.  This can look as simple as making a scrumptious meal or get that new piece of furniture that will make your living area finally comfortable.  The challenge with this energy is creating comfort not prestige.  Creating things that feed your senses, that make you go ahhh, have you smiling, and that make you feel nurtured are the items you should incorporate into this week’s schedule.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Jan 5, 2020

Eileen Agar, as most woman artists, was and is overshadow by the men in her field of surrealism.  However, she helped bring Surrealism from Paris to Brittan during the 1930’s. She used a variety of forms, painting, photography and collage, to investigate the subconscious and its interplay with nature but through a British aristocratic eccentric lens.

She is also one of the founders of what now is called performance art.  Using her body as a canvas she brought the surrealism to the world of fashion.  She was the only woman artist in the 1936 International Surrealist Exhibition in London, where she first debut her iconic  Ceremonial hat for eating Bouillabaisse. This item she wore in a variety of interviews throughout her life.  It pokes fun at the British aristocratic etiquette around eating and fashion.  At the same time has a tongue and cheek contemplation of the phrase “I’ll eat my hat.”

All her art embraces the organics forms of nature.  She once stated: “the earliest forms of Nature to a painter are studies in pure abstract design. I must go back to these forms and create design out of what the scientist tells us.”

P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Capricorn this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Cancer it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.


Eileen Agar
Bird woman 1978

*High Priestess – This week you will need the knowledge found in the study of cycles and holistic ways of looking situations or projects.  You can take in consideration thoughts and emotions but to find your true direction your intuition is key.  The challenge is finding the time to contemplate and listen to your inner voice.


Eileen Agar
Jug of Verse

*Hanged Man – The Hanged Man comes this week advising you to look at situations with a different perspective.  Take time for contemplation with an emphasis of out-side the box thinking.  The supposed challenge is you may find your way blocked.  However, this is the universe saying stop and listen. The silence has more answers than the noise.


Eileen Agar
Rite of Spring

*Star – This week calls for you to do some healing.  The past couple of months have had some rough spots.  Take this week to restore, relax, and wish.  Hope and faith in the divine are key to your healing process. The challenge is in life the bad happens but so does the good.  Take time this week to align with the positive.


Return of Nautilus

Knight of Cups – Your emotions have been through the wringer. Take this week to re-build your emotional fortitude by bathing in positive feelings like love and romance.  Whether this is by pampering yourself to a bath, the endorphins from a vigorous workout or having a romantic dinner with your loved one.  Vulnerability is your key to strength.


Eileen Agar


Four of Coins – Frugality is key this week.  Be frugal with your time, space and monetary wealth.  This is a great week to invest but not to spend on the frivolous.  The goal is quality and longevity.


Figura 1972

Eight of Coins – This week’s energy is about mastery and hard-work. The best use of your energy is with your nose to the grindstone.  This may sound unpleasant but if you can find your flow, that sweet spot, you will accomplish much this week.


To a nightingale

Page of Cups – Love, hope and innocence are the energies that surround you this week.  Your challenge is not being so skeptical that that they exist in your world.  It is up to you to feed and grow these feelings through actions and forms of communication.  Except and share the love.


*Lovers – Your energy this week is about creating harmony while still maintaining a duality in your nature and/or with others.  Your challenge is connecting with the ones you love without losing either’s selfhoods, and/or harmonizing your own masculine and feminine energy.  This week explore not only the two sides of yourself or the complexity of a relationship with your lover, but the joining of these two unique qualities/people creates a new unique hybrid energy. This energy will be needed for growth in the coming weeks and months.


Seaweed collage

Ace of Coins – This week’s energy is best used by starting projects and grasping new opportunities especially in the arena of your health and wealth.  Be in your body and on the physical plane.   Invest time and energy into yourself and what makes you money.



*Empress – The concept and energy to work with this week is gardening and growth.  Create and design.  Plant and nurture. Tend and weed.  And finally, balance the work with the pleasures that you have reaped from that work.  The challenge with this growth energy is the concept sharing is caring.    The end game is attending and feeding all the senses for yourself and for others.


Three Symbols 1930


Three of Wands – The energy this week is best used by setting plans into actions.  New opportunities are on the horizon and your timing is perfect in preparation for them.  You are moving towards your goals.  Keep it up.




Queen of Coins – The energy you are running is that of a provider. The challenge and the gift are that the universe has your back.  It is rooting for you and actively working behind the scenes mirroring the work you are doing for others in the foreground.





May light be on you, around you, and within you,



Tarot and Art Horoscope for Week of Aug 25, 2019

Above is the iconic photograph Glass Tears by Man Ray.  He was born on August 27, 1890, a Virgo.  Not only did he influence fashion photography, he was also a painter, film-maker, collagist and sculptor but as he said I have finally freed myself from the sticky medium of paint and am working directly with light itself.  His exploration of photography and film became the birthplace in making his dreams a reality.  I would photograph an idea rather than an object, a dream rather than an idea.

That freedom is seen in how he styles the photograph and plays with techniques.  Like his technique of rayographs, placing a variety of objects and parts of himself and models on sheets of photosensitive paper and then exposing them to light.  Where his image of a spring (see Sagittarius)  highlights the concept of movement and three dimensions in one still image.  He begs the viewer not to judge his work solely on technique or to just see the subject in one dimension but expand your awareness and curiosity by prompting you to ask the why within the image.

P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Virgo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Pisces it is your half way mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.


Man RayKnight of Swords – Last week the Page advised finding out more information before moving forward. Now with that information, the Knight of Swords pronounces moving ahead but taking your time thinking before action. This is a week to slow down in general for you will miss vital information or missteps.  This card’s practical application also warns, watch out that you don’t hurt your extremities.  Look both ways when you cross the street.  Curl your fingers in when you cut veggies and be careful when you are walking.


Man Ray*High Priestess – Last week the Chariot, card of change that you are sole responsible for, pulled up to give you another chance to make transformations happen around areas that you want to alter.  Now the High Priestess shows up advising that you need to do some deep reference work on the how and why of your changes.  The great thing about this card is, if you ask for signs from the heavens, she can scry you some answers either in your dreams, synchronicities or in deep contemplation.  This can look as simple as you need a new plumber for that drip in your bathroom sink, you see a black cat in the window, then you google a plumber near you and see one named Black Cat Plumbing.  Or as complex as doing dream work with your desires.  Motto: Insight and inspiration comes from many sources.


Man Ray*Hanged Man – Last week, the Devil card came to test you on who you are and what you stand for.  This week the Hanged Man keeps you in a purgatory like state to let you contemplate how you were triggered last week.  You need to see the patterns and/or places that are working against you.  You can blame your failure on others, or you can see that maybe the game you have willingly played is rigged.  Time to figure out what really is important in your life and how you want to be seen in the world.  Take this week to center back to who you really are.


Man Ray

Eight of Coins – The Eight of Coins is the card of mastery.  This week your focus should be around how to work smarter not harder.  This week do not start new projects but tweak and oil what is already in process.


Eight of Swords – Your thoughts get in your way this week.  The Eight of Swords advises to stop over analyzing a situation.  If you let old thought patterns go, you will make room for feelings that are more helpful then harmful.


Ace of Wands – Last week you all got your first big card for your birth-year, the Strength card.   This card comes to help you ground yourself and acknowledge your resilience, self-compassion, and mental acuity.  By 2020’s birthday you will feel more comfortable in you own skin.  This week, the Ace of Wands joins the Strength Card having you strike the match to create passion in your life.  This year has the potential for new beginnings.  The question for you to answer is what is your deep desire?   Then write it on a scrap of paper and burn it on the Virgo moon, August 28th or 29th.  And then let the Universe finds ways to gift it to you in the coming year.


Page of Cups – Time to get out your rose-colored glasses.  The Page of Cups advises to look at the events and people in your life this week with compassion and empathy.  Everyone needs a little love.  The challenge with this card is being vulnerable enough to receive the love back.


Six of Wands – The Six of Wands is the card of victory.  Take this week to see all that you have accomplished and pat yourself on the back.  The only challenge with this card is even though you deserve this break and win, be aware that the battle is not yet totally won.


Man Ray*The Magician – The Magician is the card of bringing the divine down into the material plane.  It is a great week to create! This can look as simple as making an exquisite meal that delights the senses.  Or as complex as writing the next great novel.  Then only challenge with this card is that your creation must have meaning behind.  This is not a week for mundane chores and to-do list.  If you reach with a higher purpose you will be able to grasp the brass ring.


Page of Wands – The Page of Wands comes when you need to create or live with a flourish of passion.  This card shows up to re-ignite your purpose and enhance your innovation. If you are not vibing with this energy or your muse has gone on vacation.  Time to immerse your self in the arts, music or nature to realign yourself with your passion.


Two of Coins – This week can get out of balance.  The challenge is figure out what you need to do to stop your internal and/or external vertigo.  This card suggests juggling one thing well before picking up another.  Or even better, don’t multitask at all this week.


Queen of Wands – Last week the Tower, card of change coming from an outside source, shook up something that was not working.  But if you were proactive in initiating the change, the Tower promised it would lessen the blow.  So, if you did nothing and shit hit the fan, the Queen of Wands advises to use your intuition to help clean up the mess this week.  If you did initiate the change, then she helps by staking out the easier path with the breadcrumbs of synchronicities. Making you surer of the path you are now on and more instinctive with every step.  Either way your Spidey Sense is key this week.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


Tarot and Art Horoscope for Week of July 28, 2019

Remedios Varo

Happy Birthday month Leo!

Many artists use their art to investigate who they are.  This week’s artist is surrealist Remedios Varo (1908-1963).  Varo used her art, intellect, and curiosity to investigate and understand her dichotomous upbringing, diverse and war-weary history, nonconformist ideas of gender and spirituality, and inner landscapes of her mind.  In her youth, her father, an engineer, spurred her to read sciences and fantasy books and learn mechanical drawing.  Where her Mother a devout Catholic sent her to convent school.  This possible opposing theme of science versus spirituality becomes her most prominent motif in her art.

You can see in her art how she tried to conjoin the conflicting topics of occult/science, human/machine, and conscious/subconscious, to name a few. Her paintings gave Varo a safe place to revolt from the restrictions of her Mother’s Catholicism, and the male dominated Surrealist movement.  Remedios elevated the woman figure from object to subject.  The subjects of her paintings became version of herself evolving into gender-neutral characters in surrealistic dreamscapes.  Varo’s landscapes gave the parts of her – artist, mystic, scientist and spiritual being – a place to express and explore her and ultimately the viewer’s multidimensional character.  That is the amazing thing that art aids us in, our investigation of the age-old question:  Who am I.

P.S.  Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Leo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.



Remedios VaroSeven of Pentacles – Another great week to put time and effort into how you make your money.  The Seven of Pentacles is the work horse card.  Spend this week investing ways that will bring you material wealth.  The only challenge with this card is having patience. This week is great for planting ideas/time/space; however, you will have to wait till late fall to see its bounty.



Remedios VaroQueen of Swords – The Queen of Swords can play out two ways this week.  First, because you are a true friend and have integrity, you might feel called to protect someone or idea.  Second, your intellect is honed to see the smallest cracks in any project or process.  However, the common challenge is when defending or helping you tend to be a bit too pointy in your communications and/or parlays.  So, the question to work on is – how can you say and/or do your truth without coming off as being judgmental?



Remedios VaroEight of Cups – The Eight of Cups is the card of letting go.  Whether it is emotional or physical baggage this is a great week to prioritize and simplify.  This card is a mini-turning point in your life.  So, look around your physical and internal landscapes and get rid of what no longer fits the you of NOW.



Remedios VaroNine of Cups – The Nine of Cups continues the theme of last week’s Sun card. The Sun closed out your birth month with its energy of growth and increasing your person shine.  This card is about enjoying life’s abundance and being content with what is in the now.  Take this week to partake and be grateful for all that you have.



Remedios VaroKing of Cups– Last week the Hierophant declared a theme for 2019-2020 – organization and structure.  This week the King of Cups ask you to put responsibility aside and celebrate your birth. This King rules your emotional well-being, and he wants you to party, fall deeply in love, fill your cups and enjoy life overall.  The only caution with this Bacchian vibe is be careful of overindulgence.



Remedios VaroNine of Pentacles – The Nine of Pentacles advice, this is a good week to get things accomplished and easier if you spend your productive time alone.  This is not calling for you to be totally isolated but when or if you decide to invite others in choice wisely.   Outsiders can be a distraction to your efficiency.



Remedios VaroKing of Pentacles – Last week, The Death card declared it was great time to start the ball rolling to create change in places that have bottom out, dead-ended or ran out of oomph.  The goal was and is to weed out the dead growth so new things can grow in its stead.   This week the King of Pentacles gives you a bit more control on the process and outcome than last week.  Where last week was more go with the flow, this week is more hands on.  This card brings with it the momentum to finish up or clean out projects that have spilled over from last week.  The challenge is still not to start anything new but to finish up or build upon the old.



Remedios VaroSeven of Cups – The Seven of Cups is the card of imagination and wishes.  This is a great week to daydream and fantasy about what would satisfy your heart ie: make you content with love and relationships.  There is a paradoxically challenge with this card and week.  One side is challenging you that you are not dreaming or living big enough and the other is that your dreams play out in your life as more fantasy then fiction.  The key dream bigger with love while being also realistic of human nature.



Remedios VaroPage of Swords – When the Page of Swords shows up it means that you do not have all the information you need to move forward or make decisions this week.  Take this time to put on your Sherlock hat and find out what is going on behind the scenes.  The challenge is posing the right questions and listening to the answers with an open mind.



Remedios VaroKnight of Cups – The Knight of Cups is the card of romance and people/places or things that stir your heart.  This week take time to do all things that fill your emotion well.  The only challenge with this card is you may wear your heart on your sleeve.  This is not always a comfortable position for Capricorn’s hearts to be, but it is important to share some vulnerability and insight into what stirs you with those that you are close to.  Intimacy is vital for the human experience.



Remedios Varo*Moon – The Moon realms the realm of things that are hidden. Everything is not what it seems this week, and there is information that you need to process.  This week is dealt with best when you open your mind to your intuition to find your path through the fog.  This is a great week to daydream or follow your wimsy instead of cold hard facts and logic.  And by doing so, you unlock some subconscious info that you will need soon.  The challenge is when you are having to deal with the outer world.  Be aware this week you can feel vulnerable and/or moody when pushed to make decisions in this misty moonlight.  If you must move forward, follow your instinct instead of your logic.



Remedios VaroSeven of Wands – The Seven of Wands is the card of challenges.  This card foretells that this week can have some struggles, but they are important for you furthering your opportunities.  The challenge is not to get discourage these trials are short lived and easily solved.  Motto: Keep on Keeping on.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,



Tarot-Cast for Week of July 8, 2018

This week’s artist is Josef Florian Krichbaum.  The definition of quirky is characterized by peculiar or unexpected traits.  Quirky is exactly what I love about JFK’s art.  Each painting has something unexpected, a twist of a foot, a dog looking directly at the viewer with a paw in mid-step, or the theme of over-sized headdress.  There is a sense of awkwardness but also a sense of joy.  In short his paintings make me smile.

Quirkiness or more precisely a joyful unexpectedness is what makes me smile in my own life.  An unexpected outcome is the part of what makes a good joke. Or unexpected scenarios bring joy – like when a child hugs you “just cuz”, your partner gives you a hand-picked flower, a dragonfly sits upon your toe, or even a stranger says Hi.

The unexpectedness, good or bad, seems to give things more energy.  Hence, we try to control the unexpected bad by doing what is expected or planning every moment of our lives. However, this over planning and social conformity stops us from having moments of unexpected joy and creates shame for our own quirks.  I challenge you to allow and highlight the quirky or unexpected joy in your life. Whether that is spontaneously doing something joyfully unexpected, or proudly let your freak flag unfurl. I expect that this will make you smile.

P.S. Please share.  I’ve add more works from Josef Krichbaum and please go to his website his sketches are also so cool.   Also, I have add quotes to your forecast and put up another quote to download for your vision board.  Enjoy.

Aries – Two of Cups

Last week the Magician challenged you to experiment and see that the key to success are learning and building on your mistakes.  This week continues that theme with the focus shifting to relationships.  The solution is not so much learning from past mistakes but finding new ways to connect. Remember unconditional love is to truly seeing and saying  I like you just the way you are – Mister Rodgers.


Taurus – Queen of Wands

The Queen of Wands embodies spiritual creativity.  Your challenge is being mindful of what you create.  She asks- What are you communicating with your creation?  Will it improve the world? That challenge is daunting unless you remember the quote from Mother Theresa- I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.
Continue reading Tarot-Cast for Week of July 8, 2018