Tarot and Art Horoscope for Week of Aug 25, 2019

Above is the iconic photograph Glass Tears by Man Ray.  He was born on August 27, 1890, a Virgo.  Not only did he influence fashion photography, he was also a painter, film-maker, collagist and sculptor but as he said I have finally freed myself from the sticky medium of paint and am working directly with light itself.  His exploration of photography and film became the birthplace in making his dreams a reality.  I would photograph an idea rather than an object, a dream rather than an idea.

That freedom is seen in how he styles the photograph and plays with techniques.  Like his technique of rayographs, placing a variety of objects and parts of himself and models on sheets of photosensitive paper and then exposing them to light.  Where his image of a spring (see Sagittarius)  highlights the concept of movement and three dimensions in one still image.  He begs the viewer not to judge his work solely on technique or to just see the subject in one dimension but expand your awareness and curiosity by prompting you to ask the why within the image.

P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Virgo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Pisces it is your half way mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.


Man RayKnight of Swords – Last week the Page advised finding out more information before moving forward. Now with that information, the Knight of Swords pronounces moving ahead but taking your time thinking before action. This is a week to slow down in general for you will miss vital information or missteps.  This card’s practical application also warns, watch out that you don’t hurt your extremities.  Look both ways when you cross the street.  Curl your fingers in when you cut veggies and be careful when you are walking.


Man Ray*High Priestess – Last week the Chariot, card of change that you are sole responsible for, pulled up to give you another chance to make transformations happen around areas that you want to alter.  Now the High Priestess shows up advising that you need to do some deep reference work on the how and why of your changes.  The great thing about this card is, if you ask for signs from the heavens, she can scry you some answers either in your dreams, synchronicities or in deep contemplation.  This can look as simple as you need a new plumber for that drip in your bathroom sink, you see a black cat in the window, then you google a plumber near you and see one named Black Cat Plumbing.  Or as complex as doing dream work with your desires.  Motto: Insight and inspiration comes from many sources.


Man Ray*Hanged Man – Last week, the Devil card came to test you on who you are and what you stand for.  This week the Hanged Man keeps you in a purgatory like state to let you contemplate how you were triggered last week.  You need to see the patterns and/or places that are working against you.  You can blame your failure on others, or you can see that maybe the game you have willingly played is rigged.  Time to figure out what really is important in your life and how you want to be seen in the world.  Take this week to center back to who you really are.


Man Ray

Eight of Coins – The Eight of Coins is the card of mastery.  This week your focus should be around how to work smarter not harder.  This week do not start new projects but tweak and oil what is already in process.


Eight of Swords – Your thoughts get in your way this week.  The Eight of Swords advises to stop over analyzing a situation.  If you let old thought patterns go, you will make room for feelings that are more helpful then harmful.


Ace of Wands – Last week you all got your first big card for your birth-year, the Strength card.   This card comes to help you ground yourself and acknowledge your resilience, self-compassion, and mental acuity.  By 2020’s birthday you will feel more comfortable in you own skin.  This week, the Ace of Wands joins the Strength Card having you strike the match to create passion in your life.  This year has the potential for new beginnings.  The question for you to answer is what is your deep desire?   Then write it on a scrap of paper and burn it on the Virgo moon, August 28th or 29th.  And then let the Universe finds ways to gift it to you in the coming year.


Page of Cups – Time to get out your rose-colored glasses.  The Page of Cups advises to look at the events and people in your life this week with compassion and empathy.  Everyone needs a little love.  The challenge with this card is being vulnerable enough to receive the love back.


Six of Wands – The Six of Wands is the card of victory.  Take this week to see all that you have accomplished and pat yourself on the back.  The only challenge with this card is even though you deserve this break and win, be aware that the battle is not yet totally won.


Man Ray*The Magician – The Magician is the card of bringing the divine down into the material plane.  It is a great week to create! This can look as simple as making an exquisite meal that delights the senses.  Or as complex as writing the next great novel.  Then only challenge with this card is that your creation must have meaning behind.  This is not a week for mundane chores and to-do list.  If you reach with a higher purpose you will be able to grasp the brass ring.


Page of Wands – The Page of Wands comes when you need to create or live with a flourish of passion.  This card shows up to re-ignite your purpose and enhance your innovation. If you are not vibing with this energy or your muse has gone on vacation.  Time to immerse your self in the arts, music or nature to realign yourself with your passion.


Two of Coins – This week can get out of balance.  The challenge is figure out what you need to do to stop your internal and/or external vertigo.  This card suggests juggling one thing well before picking up another.  Or even better, don’t multitask at all this week.


Queen of Wands – Last week the Tower, card of change coming from an outside source, shook up something that was not working.  But if you were proactive in initiating the change, the Tower promised it would lessen the blow.  So, if you did nothing and shit hit the fan, the Queen of Wands advises to use your intuition to help clean up the mess this week.  If you did initiate the change, then she helps by staking out the easier path with the breadcrumbs of synchronicities. Making you surer of the path you are now on and more instinctive with every step.  Either way your Spidey Sense is key this week.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,
