Tarot and Art Horoscope for Week of July 28, 2019

Remedios Varo

Happy Birthday month Leo!

Many artists use their art to investigate who they are.  This week’s artist is surrealist Remedios Varo (1908-1963).  Varo used her art, intellect, and curiosity to investigate and understand her dichotomous upbringing, diverse and war-weary history, nonconformist ideas of gender and spirituality, and inner landscapes of her mind.  In her youth, her father, an engineer, spurred her to read sciences and fantasy books and learn mechanical drawing.  Where her Mother a devout Catholic sent her to convent school.  This possible opposing theme of science versus spirituality becomes her most prominent motif in her art.

You can see in her art how she tried to conjoin the conflicting topics of occult/science, human/machine, and conscious/subconscious, to name a few. Her paintings gave Varo a safe place to revolt from the restrictions of her Mother’s Catholicism, and the male dominated Surrealist movement.  Remedios elevated the woman figure from object to subject.  The subjects of her paintings became version of herself evolving into gender-neutral characters in surrealistic dreamscapes.  Varo’s landscapes gave the parts of her – artist, mystic, scientist and spiritual being – a place to express and explore her and ultimately the viewer’s multidimensional character.  That is the amazing thing that art aids us in, our investigation of the age-old question:  Who am I.

P.S.  Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Leo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.



Remedios VaroSeven of Pentacles – Another great week to put time and effort into how you make your money.  The Seven of Pentacles is the work horse card.  Spend this week investing ways that will bring you material wealth.  The only challenge with this card is having patience. This week is great for planting ideas/time/space; however, you will have to wait till late fall to see its bounty.



Remedios VaroQueen of Swords – The Queen of Swords can play out two ways this week.  First, because you are a true friend and have integrity, you might feel called to protect someone or idea.  Second, your intellect is honed to see the smallest cracks in any project or process.  However, the common challenge is when defending or helping you tend to be a bit too pointy in your communications and/or parlays.  So, the question to work on is – how can you say and/or do your truth without coming off as being judgmental?



Remedios VaroEight of Cups – The Eight of Cups is the card of letting go.  Whether it is emotional or physical baggage this is a great week to prioritize and simplify.  This card is a mini-turning point in your life.  So, look around your physical and internal landscapes and get rid of what no longer fits the you of NOW.



Remedios VaroNine of Cups – The Nine of Cups continues the theme of last week’s Sun card. The Sun closed out your birth month with its energy of growth and increasing your person shine.  This card is about enjoying life’s abundance and being content with what is in the now.  Take this week to partake and be grateful for all that you have.



Remedios VaroKing of Cups– Last week the Hierophant declared a theme for 2019-2020 – organization and structure.  This week the King of Cups ask you to put responsibility aside and celebrate your birth. This King rules your emotional well-being, and he wants you to party, fall deeply in love, fill your cups and enjoy life overall.  The only caution with this Bacchian vibe is be careful of overindulgence.



Remedios VaroNine of Pentacles – The Nine of Pentacles advice, this is a good week to get things accomplished and easier if you spend your productive time alone.  This is not calling for you to be totally isolated but when or if you decide to invite others in choice wisely.   Outsiders can be a distraction to your efficiency.



Remedios VaroKing of Pentacles – Last week, The Death card declared it was great time to start the ball rolling to create change in places that have bottom out, dead-ended or ran out of oomph.  The goal was and is to weed out the dead growth so new things can grow in its stead.   This week the King of Pentacles gives you a bit more control on the process and outcome than last week.  Where last week was more go with the flow, this week is more hands on.  This card brings with it the momentum to finish up or clean out projects that have spilled over from last week.  The challenge is still not to start anything new but to finish up or build upon the old.



Remedios VaroSeven of Cups – The Seven of Cups is the card of imagination and wishes.  This is a great week to daydream and fantasy about what would satisfy your heart ie: make you content with love and relationships.  There is a paradoxically challenge with this card and week.  One side is challenging you that you are not dreaming or living big enough and the other is that your dreams play out in your life as more fantasy then fiction.  The key dream bigger with love while being also realistic of human nature.



Remedios VaroPage of Swords – When the Page of Swords shows up it means that you do not have all the information you need to move forward or make decisions this week.  Take this time to put on your Sherlock hat and find out what is going on behind the scenes.  The challenge is posing the right questions and listening to the answers with an open mind.



Remedios VaroKnight of Cups – The Knight of Cups is the card of romance and people/places or things that stir your heart.  This week take time to do all things that fill your emotion well.  The only challenge with this card is you may wear your heart on your sleeve.  This is not always a comfortable position for Capricorn’s hearts to be, but it is important to share some vulnerability and insight into what stirs you with those that you are close to.  Intimacy is vital for the human experience.



Remedios Varo*Moon – The Moon realms the realm of things that are hidden. Everything is not what it seems this week, and there is information that you need to process.  This week is dealt with best when you open your mind to your intuition to find your path through the fog.  This is a great week to daydream or follow your wimsy instead of cold hard facts and logic.  And by doing so, you unlock some subconscious info that you will need soon.  The challenge is when you are having to deal with the outer world.  Be aware this week you can feel vulnerable and/or moody when pushed to make decisions in this misty moonlight.  If you must move forward, follow your instinct instead of your logic.



Remedios VaroSeven of Wands – The Seven of Wands is the card of challenges.  This card foretells that this week can have some struggles, but they are important for you furthering your opportunities.  The challenge is not to get discourage these trials are short lived and easily solved.  Motto: Keep on Keeping on.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,
