Tag Archives: giving tuesday

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Dec, 2019

Mary Iverson National parks painting

Mary Iverson paints and collages exquisite natural landscapes crisscrossed with graphic geometric designs.  She conducts the viewer to explore our “complicated relationship with nature.”  Even in the most pristine places of parks, industrialization overlays the landscape, through climate change and industrial pollution.  Iverson uses  national parks for many of her backdrops to initiate conversations about conservation and sustainability.

Olympic National Park is my favorite in North America. It feels as if you are back in a primeval North America. The park covers nearly one million acres of Washington State going from craggy Pacific coastlines, glaciated mountains and verdant temperate forests. Teddy Roosevelt realized its magic and in 1909 protected it by giving it national monument status.  This started the struggle between the timber industry and conservationist.  By 1938 Olympic was designated as a national park by congress and signed into law by Franklin Roosevelt.   If you donate on Giving Tuesday, Dec. 3rd,  think about donating to your local national park.  Nature Matters.

P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Sagittarius this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Gemini it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.


*Emperor – Last week’s energy helped you with the processes of change.  Telling you that, the more balanced you are with your goals the easier change can happen.   This week’s energy adds builder energy to the mix. The combination of these two cards are great for building anything already in progress.  Doing things with your hands and your body will help you connect to this energy of momentum.  This can look as simple as rearranging your furniture or as complex as building a new product in your business.


*Devil – You roll into December feeling as if you are in mid-terms.  There is a sense of completion if you could just finish your tasks.  The key to getting through this week’s trials is sticking to your morals/plans.   However, the challenge of that is two fold.  First, you  feel  irritable and easily unbalanced by distractions this week.  Also, you will need to listen to others this week even though you don’t agree.  This energy has karmic threads tied to it, so the more tested you feel the more important it is to make sure you are on your moral ground before saying your peace.  


Mary Iverson National parks painting*Sun – The Sun brings with it the energy to do what is needed.  Anything you do this week should come with ease if you focus  energy on it.  The challenge with this energy is focusing the right amount of attention on each project/person.  Think of it like this, lasers are great for cutting away something but not so good for growth.  Where a more ambient light is great for growth.  Or soft light is great for viewing a landscape but sucky for details.  Or candlelight is better for conversations and romance.  All of these are light energy, but each has a purpose and a mood.  This will be your fine-tuning challenge for this week.


Mary Iverson National parks paintingKing of Cups – Last week’s energy was creating opportunities in all areas, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual planes.  Asking  you questions like: Does this get me to where I want to be in five years?  Does this feel right? Is this interesting to me? Does it connect to my purpose?  This week’s energy drills down this idea of looking at your future on how you want to feel moving through it.  This is a week to trust your feelings.  They can feel overwhelming but that is a great time to pull back and sit in them.  You don’t have to be scare of owning your feelings, and you can pull back to do that if that is comfortable for you.  The big challenge is not running from them.  They are opportunities of discovery.


Mary Iverson National parks paintingTwo of Wands – This week is best used by overall planning and designing what’s next.  You can use this energy to go through emails or stuff to lighten your load, but this energy needs to be pointed towards the future.  If a project is stuck let it drop and focus on the bigger picture, the details can be better handle in weeks to come.


Mary Iverson National parks paintingFour of Coins – The energy this week is all about frugalness.  You can do a lot during this time even though it feels as if there is not enough time, space or money.  Also, this is when your sign rises to the occasion.  You all are masters at making a dime stretch to a dollar’s worth.   The limitation of resources brings out your creative response – use it to your advantage.


Mary Iverson National parks paintingTwo of Cups  – The last two weeks have been high energy.  The Death card’s energy was about letting something die off, and the Empress came in with strong growth energy to follow.  This week the energy is lower and has the potential of being more fun.  Romance and relationships are in the spotlight.  The challenge is tending to the easiest of your relationships.  They are the ones that feed you as much as you feed them.


*Magician – Bring the divine into the world is your task this week.  Your dreams and ideas are asking you to bring them into reality.  This universe is saying you are ready for the challenge. You have all the tools and lessons needed to create something new.  This can be as simple as putting together a bike for your kid, or as complicated as starting the steps to bring your dream business into reality.  The only challenge is you might have to hurry because even miracles take a little time – Fairy Godmother in Cinderella.


Mary Iverson National parks paintingNine of Coins – Another material plane week for you.  Last week it was about enjoying the material plane with others.  This week it is more about enjoying solitude.  There is plenty of work to be done but this energy is best used when you are alone, or you have a finite group of people to work with.  Your challenge is finding that alone time.


Two of Swords – Well last week was a decision-making time and this week follows another round  of making decisions and planning.  The big challenge with this energy is feeling like there are too many options and you don’t know where to go next.  What this tries to teach you is that even though this feels like a crossroads, it is not. The decision or goal is not important but the journey.  If it doesn’t feel right don’t do it.  This is a week to follow the heart for it will guide the mind.


Mary Iverson National parks painting*Emperor – The energy this week is about building on what already exist.  This is not a week to create something new.  The challenge is making sure what you’re building helping others and is not from a place of hubris.   My way or the highway thinking will get you nowhere.  Build to create community not a regime.


Mary Iverson National parks painting*Hermit – You are at your best this week if you can gain perspective and some distance literally and metaphorically.  You need time to hear yourself think and ponder.  So, any quiet time you  find will be vital for decision making, scheduling and planning going forward.  The only challenge with this card is you must tell people you are taking time out otherwise they will think you ghosted them.  Communication is vital before you take a hiatus of any kind.  This can look as simple as taking a walk for 20 minutes each workday to readjust or as complex as taken a week long sabbatical.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,
