Tag Archives: tarotscopes

Tarot and Art-Cast for week of August 20, 2023

Agnus Martin Untitled

Happy Birth month Virgo!

The artist this week is Agnus Martin.  Martin’s art is another form of contemplation.  While most abstract expressionist artists were doing Action art or Color Field.  Martin took a more spiritual approach to her art.  For her painting was like “going into a field of vision as you would cross an empty beach to look at the ocean.” Her work did not exclude nature or landscape but as she explained: “Nature is like parting a curtain, you go into it. I want to draw a …that quality of response from people when they leave themselves behind, often experienced in nature, an experience of simple joy … My paintings are about merging, about formlessness … A world without objects, without interruption.”

Your pondering for the week:  To Martin even formlessness did not mean sameness.  If you are feeling that life is mundane or ruttish ponder this:  When Martin was asked about the process of the slightly varied forms in some of her series of paintings, she recalled studying clouds.  “I paid close attention for a month to see if they ever repeated. They don’t repeat.”  And neither do your days, there is always a variation, a distinction, that makes that day different than the rest.  Try to see the passing of time through the lens of nuance.


Solar System highlights

The moon begins in Libra – start the week with harmony and balance.  On Tuesday it moves into Scorpio – where the focus is on your passion.   Then on Thursday, the moon moves into Sagittarius – go on adventure this weekend.

The planets are doing the same thing as last week.  Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in Virgo (analyzation) for a 10 weeklong stay.  So, this is around lessons with getting to the point when communicating.  Being clear and concise is the goal.  Mercury also turns retrograde on the 23rd through Sept 13th.   This is a great time to Reflect, Review and Redo.   Mars (action) is joins Mercury in Virgo until August 27th.  This combo makes getting things check off your to-do list easier.   While Venus (beauty and harmony) is in Leo until October 8th.  This is a four-month exploration on the question: Does your outward expression of yourself harmonize with who you are within?

Jupiter (growth) is in Taurus, an aspect that nurtures expansion of pleasure in our lives.  The challenge is dipping into overindulgence while investigating this aspect.  So, we have until May 2024 to work on perfecting our balance between work and play.  Then Saturn (structures) is in its two-year stint with Pisces so we can make our structures elastic and responsive to change.  The challenge is our boundaries can get too bendy or have gaps, so we need to work on being flexible but resilient.

And lastly Pluto (the hidden, death, wealth, and shadow) is in Capricorn (work, structure, business, and discipline) until January 2024.  So, Pluto is back to playing in the world of business and capitalism. This cycle started in 2008, so whatever you started back then this is the time to tie up any lose ends especially around the house and planets in Capricorn in your natal chart.


***Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Virgo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading  for your coming year.  And Pisces it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading  for a check in now is the time. And I have a tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the weekly forecasts.

May light be on you, around you, and within you.



Agnus Martin The sea

Three of Swords – The Muse of Deep Wounds comes this week to help you in areas where you are triggered.  If you find yourself reacting to something, do a deep dive into the why behind it.  If you find that your shoulder hurts, is it due to being tense or a deadline? Use this energy to heal the root of the problem instead of soothing the symptom.


Agnus Martin Starlight

Four of Water – The Muse of Contemplation would like you to pull back and do some belly button gazing.  She would like you to ponder some internal questions.  Simple questions like why did I say yes to this event or harder ones like who am I?  The challenge is that a fourth of this contemplation is done with eyes looking out.


Agnus Martin The Tree

*Hanged One – Where last week the Muse of Chance advised you to participate in it all, the Muse of Stops is telling you to slow down.  This makes sense since your planet is going retrograde on Wednesday.  So, for you all it is important not to start any projects during this time.  Think of retrogrades as the Rest Stops of Life.  A place to refuel, rest and recheck if you are heading in the right direction.



Agnus Martin Gratitude

*Justice– The Muse of Equity would like you to consider how you share responsibilities this week.  Maybe you take on too much, maybe not enough.  But she says something is off kilter and needs to be readjusted.  She reminds you that equity is not always physically equal shares, but feelings have something to do with the weight of imbalance too.



Agnus Martin The Rain

Two of Water – The Muse of Romance would like you to court something you love.  It can be a person, a plant, a passion, animal, or yourself.  Romance is defined as a feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love.  So, spend some energy to relight that excitement and invite spontaneity in for some mystery.



*Hierophant – You ended your last birth year with the Muse of Integration.  She asked you to ponder what were your success last year?  What have you learned?  What needs to be left behind?  And what are you going to carry forward?  Now the Muse of Structure, who you work with your whole life, comes this week to start off your new year.  Hopefully you did last week’s exercise, for if you did, this week of structuring a new year should be a breeze.  If you didn’t then those questions are a good place to start.


Agnus Martin
Agnus Martin

Four of Earth – The Muse of Conservation visits this week.  She has you assess your resources on the physical plane:  time, money, and space.  During this retrograde work on making these areas feel like places of abundance rather than impoverished.


Agnus Martin
Agnus Martin

*Emperor – Now that you have done your considering and weighing last week with the Muse of Accountability.  The Muse of Formation would like you to start building it.  Now this week is the beginning of the retrograde period.  So, if you are going to start something, do it before Wednesday.  But if that is impossible, then the projects you do start may need more planning and restructuring than you thought.  Overall, it is important that you take your time with what you are doing for the next couple of weeks.  Think like the Tortoise not the Hare.


Agnus Martin
Agnus Martin

Seven of Fire – The Muse of Defense calls you to stand your ground on some matter.  You all are usually great at finding ways for everyone to win, but this week you may need to pick a side.  If so make sure the defense come with a strong argument and even stronger boundaries.


Agnus Martin I Love Life

Two of Fire – The Muse of Inbetween teaches you lessons of being present in the moment.  Yes, while most of us are reviewing and reassessing, you all should just be. She advises to stay away from learning from the past and planning for the future.  But to stay in the moment to see the lessons of the now.


Agnus Martin
Agnus Martin Milk River

Seven of Water– The Muse of Daydreaming has come to help you do some reimagining.  This is a good energy to have during the retrograde period.  Something is not quite right in your sphere of existence.  And this muse would like you to work with your superpowers of imagination and thinking outside the box to reharmonize the situation(s).


Agnus Martin
Agnus Martin

Ace of Earth – Interesting this energy is about new beginnings, but it is also a retrograde period.  So, the Muse of Grounding would like you to find ways to pull your energy downward instead of going with the flow.  This could look like exercising, digging into some dirt, working with clay, walking barefoot on grass, hugging trees, or even getting a massage.  She would like you in your body this week.

Tarot and Art-Cast for week of May 7, 2023

Anna Zemánková
Anna Zemánková

The month of May is mental health awareness month.  So, the artist this week is Anna Zemankova considered one of the prominent figures in Art Brut (outsider art).  Early in her life she painted landscapes as a hobby but gave that up when she had her children.  Pouring her creative spirit into their clothes, rooms, and conjuring fairy tales.  But as her children aged and left home, she lost her sense of self and depression set in.   So, she began drawing in her 50’s as a form of therapy.  She followed a strict routine where she produced pieces evoking botanical forms and portraying them in delicate hues.  Later she embellished her drawing with embroidery and beadwork.  Zemankova leads us as the viewer and seemingly herself to calmer spaces where flow and nature reside.  She worked at her art for the next 26 years, until her death in 1986.

Anxiety has been a been a visitor of mine since childhood.  And when I had a health scare in my mid-thirties, well, it decided to rent a room in my mental space.   It has taught me that I am an introvert trying to fit into an extrovert centric society, I need to create better boundaries and it brought art into my life.  I had always wandered the edges of art by surrounding myself with artistic people, but I never really tried it.

Until I got sick and came very close to full blown agoraphobia.  I started therapy and making sock monkeys.  And then I learned how to sculpt from a friend and re-discovered my childhood love of dioramas.   And then I took a class in scientific drawing and dabble in landscape paintings.  Art now is an integral part of my mental health regime.  It allows me to turn off anxiety’s soundtrack, reconnect with my flow, and do this blog.  Thanks for reading it!

 Your pondering for the week:  How do you support your mental health?



Solar System highlights

The moon begins in Sagittarius – work on going with the flow.  On Tuesday it moves into Capricorn – where you can finally get into the work week with more focus.   Then on Thursday it goes into Aquarius – look for innovative ways or outside of the box thinking.  Then for the weekend it moves into Pisces – time to daydream and play.

Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in Taurus (grounding) and in retrograde until May 14th – this period is useful to reflect, review and redo especially within the aspects of how to be calm and focused as you convey your thoughts and intentions.  Venus (beauty and harmony) is in Cancer (self-care) until June 6th.  Mars (action) is also in Cancer so especially until May 21st, it is best to let your heart run the show.  At its best we can consciously act on what our heart needs. But be aware that at its worst we can get emotionally charged and overreact.

Jupiter (growth) is in Aries until May 16th – great for manifestation and expansion and during retrograde we can still get things done.  Saturn (structures) is in its two-year stint in Pisces to make sure our structures are elastic and responsive to change.  The challenge is our boundaries can get too bendy or have gaps, so we need to work on being flexible but resilient, think like bamboo or jellyfish.

And lastly Pluto (the hidden, death, wealth, and shadow) is in Aquarius until June 11th, giving us a taste of what the next 20 years will bring.  Pluto is considered a generational planet and takes its time doling out its challenges and treasures.   Pluto is bouncing back and forth from capitalistic Capricorn to socialistic Aquarius, so politics, technology and societal whims should be interesting to watch during this time.


***Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Taurus this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading  for your coming year.  And Virgo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading  for a check in now is the time. and I have a new tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the weekly forecasts.

May light be on you, around you, and within you.


Anna Zemánková
Anna Zemánková

Four of Fire – The Muse of Happy Home would like you to focus your attention on creating a more comfortable home.  Whether that means doing spring cleaning, adding plants or a pop of color, or fixing that squeaky door, spend time this week making your physical home more comfortable and inviting.


Anna Zemánková
Anna Zemánková

*Devil – This week has the potential to be something like Mister Toad’s wild ride with turns, mystery, adventure, surprises, and a bit of mayhem.   Be aware that these detours are liable to distract you from your goals.  So, the challenge becomes twofold.  First have a clear focus of what you want to happen.  And secondly if things de-rail, be flexible but have the resolve to get things back on track.


Anna Zemánková
Anna Zemánková

Ten of Fire – The Muse of Burden comes when you are taking on too many responsibilities.  Some of these things you carry are actually your responsibility and then some are not.   So, she first advises you to put down what isn’t yours.  Then with the rest she has you put them in order of urgency, take off the last two items, and only then can you successfully tackle the rest.


Anna Zemánková
Anna Zemánková

*Hanged One – If you are trying to get something done with a sense of urgency, this week’s energy will be like swimming upstream.   However, the Muse of Suspension is the perfect energy for Mercury in retrograde vibe.  Like last week this is a time to slow down review, revise, and redo.  Now is not the time to move forward, but if you find the need to, carry flotation devices so you can take breaks from the opposing currents.


Anna Zemánková
Anna Zemánková

Seven of Air – The Muse of Stealth heralds that things are not as they seem.  She says this is not a malevolent situation, but more likely it is surround by an air of ambivalence, wariness, or unsureness.   So, she advises you to walk softly into situations this week until you can suss out the lay of the land.


Anna Zemánková

Five of Water – This week you will need to let some disappointment go to see the positive in a situation.  The Muse of Partial Loss advises that though this week may have some burdens and frustrations there are at least two beautiful treasures within the situation.  You just need to look around and see them.


Anna Zemánková
Anna Zemánková

Ace of Water – Last week the Muse of New wanted you to branch out and do something that you have never done before to expand your horizons.  You get to continue this quest of “the new” with this week’s energy.  The challenge is to find new ways that please your heart and deepen your emotional well.


Anna Zemánková

Knight of Water – The Muse of Flirtation would like you to practice this skill this week.  If you are partnered, time to reignite your relationship with flirtation and splashes of intimacy.  If you are solo, flirt with others and light up their shine.  Either way this muse challenges you all to flirt with yourself.   For example, each time you pass a mirror give yourself a knowing wink.



*High Priestess – The Muse of Sacred Knowledge is passing down some info for you.  The challenge is that these messages are conveyed in paradoxes and synchronicities.  So, take time this week to wander in the philosophical realms of the mind.


Anna Zemánková

Six of Earth – The Muse of Karmic Reciprocity is playing with you this week.  She reminds you that kindness begats kindness, but the opposite is also true.   The challenge with this energy is that the path of reciprocity is never a straight one.


Anna Zemánková

Nine of Water – The Muse of Contentment is wanting you to ponder what would make you content. She is challenging you to recalibrate your happiness meter.  For you have either lowered your expectations too far or expect them to be an 11 on a 1 to 10 scale.   What small change could you make or ask for that would give you pleasure of satisfaction?  She advises to start there.



Tower and Queen of Fire – The Muses of Fortification and Change would like you to stock up on resources and check your foundations.   This can mean as simple as checking your plumbing for leaks, tires to see if they are worn, or restocking your pantry.   Or it can be as complex as shoring up your mental health, getting your resume ready, or signing up for classes.  Change is coming, are you ready for it?

Tarot and Art-Cast for week of March 26, 2023

Augusta Savage
Augusta Savage Realization 1938

The artist this week is Augusta Savage. Savage was a sculptor, teacher, and community organizer.  Whether it is the crinkle of a shirt, the lines created by a body or the steady gaze of her piece John Henry, Savage’s sculptures are the essence of the sublime.   She brings natural beauty and emotions to her portrait sculptures, with a simple curve of the mouth or how we can feel the cold water the boy is about to jump into (see below).  This is the goal of portraits in all their forms, to not only portray a person but to engage us in our collective humanity.

Savage was a seminal artist.  Though an artist since her youth, it wasn’t until she was 29 when she was awarded a scholarship to Cooper Union in 1921, before 142 men on the waiting list.   Where she earned her 4-year degree in 3.  Then in 1929 and 1931 she was granted two fellowships in Paris.  In 1934 she became the first African American member of the National Association of Women Painters and Sculptors and opened her own studio becoming an influential teacher in Harlem.

In 1937, she was asked to be the first director of the Harlem Community Art Center.   Also in 1937, Savage was one of four women and only two African Americans to receive a professional commission for her work to be included in the 1939 NY World’s Fair.  She spent two years creating Lift Every Voice and Sing (see Aries below), an homage to the influence of Black music in American culture.   But why do most of us not know her?  And if we do only know her through these smaller pieces.  What would not only Savage’s legacy, but our society be like if works like hers were not only in historical representation but also in the present public eye?

The above work is called Realization.  Though stunning, Savage was never able to bring it into the world, due to the absence of consistent funding and support for women artists, which still rings true today.  Realization is defined as an act of becoming fully aware of something as a fact. Only 11% of all acquisitions at 26 prominent US museums over the past decade were of work by women artists.  When will we truly realize as a society that there is not equal representation of women?  Not until we see fifty percent of what we support and see in any museums and public spaces are created by women, and not just in highlighted shows for Women’s month.

Your pondering for the week:   How can you better experience and implement a truer representation of equal representation in your life?

Solar System highlights

This week the moon begins in Gemini – communication is key.   On Tuesday night it moves into Cancer – watch that your emotions don’t block your drive.  Then on Friday through the weekend the moon is in Leo, your time to play in the sun.

Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in Taurus(grounding) – this is a 7-week course on being calm and focused as you convey your thoughts and intentions.  Mars (action), after its 7-month stay in Gemini, shifts our focus from creating action not reaction through communication, moves into Cancer.  Now instead of our mouth running the show are hearts are.  So, at its worst we can get very emotionally charged and overreact, and at its best we can consciously act on what our heart wants.   Venus (beauty and harmony) is also in Taurus until April 3rd.  This is where it loves to be.  It wants us to indulge our senses especially with the natural world.

Jupiter (growth) is also in Aries until May 16, 2023 – great for manifestation, expansion, and action.  And Saturn (structures) is in its two-year stint in Pisces.  So now all that work you did with structures, building and innovating them the past 5 years, it is time to make sure they are elastic and responsive to change.  The challenge is our boundaries can get too flexy or have gaps, so we need to work on being flexible but resilient, think like bamboo or jellyfish.  And lastly Pluto (the hidden, death, wealth, and shadow) moves into Aquarius giving us a 3-month taste of what the next 20 years will bring.  Pluto is considered a generational planet and takes its time doling out its challenges and treasures.   Pluto is bouncing back and forth from capitalistic Capricorn to socialistic Aquarius, so politics, technology and societal whims should be interesting to watch during this time.

***Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Aries this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading  for your coming year.  And Libra it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading  for a check in now is the time. and I have a new tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the weekly forecasts.

May light be on you, around you, and within you.


Augusta Savage
Augusta Savage Lift Every Voice and Sing

King of Water – The Muse of Emotions is challenging you to be the mature person in the room.  You are being asked to circumnavigate and direct others’ emotions out of the more shadowy lands that are laid out for you and yours this week.  That means you need to step up your compassion and speak from heartfelt empathy to gain any ground or consensus.

Augusta Savage
Augusta Savage The diving boy

Ten of Water – The Muse of Bliss is asking you to highlight what brings you joy this week.  First, she reminds you that you are successful in more than a few aspects of your life, and you need to honor those accomplishments.  Secondly, she asks you before you move to the new “next…”, take this week to have a bit of fun.

Augusta Savage
Augusta Savage

Two of Fire – The Muse of Future is asking you to take a moment this week and do some pondering on what your plans and intentions are for 2025?  She knows we are just ending month-three of 2023, but she asks  – are you doing what needs to be done to get to where you want to be by the end of next year?  This week is the perfect time to readjust if your actions and goals are not lined up, or you might find you need a whole new game plan.

Augusta Savage, John Henry

King of Fire – The Muse of Leading is calling you to take the lead this week.  She reminds you that being a leader does not mean having to do everything.  Delegation, teamwork, and cheerleading are vital.

Augusta Savage
Augusta Savage

Nine of Air – Your second nine, so a little on that number.  Nines are about preparation.  Last week was about preparing your soul/fire to create a new spark.  This week you are asked to prepare your mind.  The Muse of Worry is here to help with your over-thinking.  Science has proven that worry and hope ignite the same part of the brain, so they are linked.  Why we worry is because we have an investment/hope for the future. However, where that goes haywire is when we continue to worry about possibilities that are beyond our control.  So, this week, focus only on the things you have actual control over and leave the rest to hope.


Augusta Savage
Augusta Savage

Five of Earth – Lat week had the potential for some storms and hopefully you were prepared for them.  This week you are dealing with the aftermath.  The Muse of Low Resources comes when your assets are at a low point.  This can be your energy, time, space and/or money.   She reminds you that you do not have to do this by yourself.  It is okay to be not okay this week.  You have friends and loved-ones that can give you a variety of resources, but it is up to you to ask for it.  And then not to feel less than for the asking.

Augusta Savage
Augusta Savage The Musican

*Devil – This week can have a few deja’vu events for you.  The Muse of Tests comes to see if you have learned your lessons.  If you find yourself irritated, confused, lost, or tempted, she advises you to step back and think about the lesson behind the troubles.  You have already learned the lesson. You are just being asked to respond correctly to what has challenge you in the past.


Augusta Savage

Eight of Air – The Muse of Bondage comes to release you from old thought patterns that no longer work for you.  This can be as easy as an ah-moment or as complicated as feeling trapped.  However, you should pay attention to both those feelings, for this energy is highlighting negative inputs from others that you are holding onto. And it will help you finally find your sovereignty from these thoughts and situations.

Augusta Savage Gamin

Six of Earth – The Muse of Pay Back is asking you to pay forward this week.  Whether that is paying for someone’s coffee or calling a friend or smiling at a stranger.  This week she asks you to emote as many positive vibes as possible out into the world.  For this muse will give you back positive energy three-fold.  The challenge with this muse is that the path of return is never direct or straight so keep your eyes open for money at your feet and smiles in the streets.

Augusta Savage
Augusta Savage The Singer

*Tower and Seven of Water – The Muse of Destruction and the Muses of Dreams are working together this week.  As a team they are asking you to lower your expectations of what you are dreaming.  Outside forces are not willing or able to work for your usual perfectly controlled outcomes or goals this week.  So, it is best to be as prepared as possible for twists and turns and then go with the flow.

Augusta Savage

Two of Water – So last week the Muse of Relations wanted you to focus on all your relationships.  Well, the energy has not switched that much this week.   The Muse of Love is now here and wanted you to invest some positive emotions into your closest relationships.  By filling your loved one’s cup, they can also fill yours.  And if it feels not equitable, now is the time to have a heart to heart around each other’s definitions of sharing and how you like affection to be given to you.

Augusta Savage

Queen of Water – The Muse of Fun is asking you to have some.  You are taking life too seriously and this muse is advising to find friends and loved ones to do something fun or silly with.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Aug 14, 2022

Lois Mailou Jones 1982
Lois Mailou Jones 1982

The artist this week is Lois Mailou Jones.  She worked with textiles, costumes, watercolors, paintings, and collages and was part of the art department at Howard University (1930 to 1977).  Her work is typical recognized for its use of masks, bright colors, and geometric shapes, a deep dive into her cultural ancestry.  Even though her interest in masks continued throughout her career, her arc of color choice and style wasn’t always that way.  It progressed from muted to vibrant, realistic to abstract that correlates with her travels and studies.  Jones is a brilliant model of the concept of a lifelong learner.

For example, she took a yearlong sabbatical to Paris in 1937 where she found like most African American’s at that time that her race seemed irrelevant to her success.  During this time, she introduced African tribal art into her paintings and the Parisian galleries loved them.  This experience celebrated and spurred on her exploration of the idea of masks and ancestral art.  Then in 1970 we see a jump in color and abstraction in her work.  At that time, she was commissioned by the US Information Agency to serve as a cultural ambassador to Africa, touring eleven African countries.  This trip influenced her further exploration into various African motifs that she continued until her death in 1998. These are only two examples of how she expanded her perspective throughout her life.  She studied and worked throughout America, Europe, Africa, and the Caribbean and her work shows how each experience expanded and deepened her art.

Your pondering for the week:  What events helped color your world?

Solar System Highlights

The Moon starts in Aries which is a great energetic start to the week.  Then Taurus comes in on Tuesday continuing the momentum for getting things done.  Then the moon moves into Gemini for the weekend a great time to hang and exchange thoughts with friends.  Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in Virgo – time for sharing, helpful advice and hashing out solutions.  Venus (beauty and harmony) is in Leo – update your style, bio and resume so you can accent your shine.  Mars (action) is in Taurus, so do your action steps at a saner, slower, and steadier pace.  Jupiter is in Aries; it influences action and expansion until October 28th.  And lastly, Saturn (structures) remains in Aquarius until the beginning of March 2023 – so innovating and modernizing your game is its focus.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Leo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Aquarius it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,



Lois Mailou Jones
Lois Mailou Jones textile 1928

Ten of Wands – People will be asking a lot of you this week.  The Muse of Burden has come to help.  She reminds that you have responsibilities but not all of them are yours.   Yes, you could get tasks done quicker, or just get them done.  But this does not help you focus on what you really need to do or teach those around you to carry their weight.  Time for applying some accountability into your life.


Lois Mailou Jones
Lois Mailou Jones 1937

Queen of Coins– The Muse of Sensuality comes when you need to re-ground into your senses.  She challenges you two ways.  One, she reminds you that the reason for working is to also enjoy that works’ rewards.  Then she challenges you to dive into each sense this week by rewarding yourself through sensually experiencing life.  Partake in pleasurable food, scents, sounds, textures, and sights.


Lois Mailou Jones
Lois Mailou Jones 1938

Five of Wands – I hope you worked with the Muse of Moderation practicing the middle path of ease and balance.  For this week, the Muse of Chaos brings challenges that try to un-stabilize your footing.  You can manage these encounters as long as you realize you are stepping into “the game.”  So your motto maybe something like:  “yes, I’m jumping through hoops but I have trained for it and can do it with ease.”


Lois Mailou Jones 1947

Eight of Wands – This week will be full of messages and information.  The challenge is that not all of them are pertinent or yours.  So, the Muse of Messages advises that you ask specific questions and if needed ask for a clarifying symbol (ex: you see a bird, a dog barks or that somethings comes in threes) to help sort through what is useful this week.

Lois Mailou Jones
Loïs Mailou Jones,  1949

*Fool – Your final card for this year is The Muse of Possibilities.  But let’s review your other muses to work with this year.    First was the Muse of Overthinking giving you rules to live by about staying in the present.  Then the Muse of Organic Change wants you to create change by letting go of the past and planting seeds for the future.  The challenge with the latter is to properly plant your seeds in groups that work together and in proper seasons.  Then the Muse of Inquiry advises to sharpen your skill at astute questioning and deep listening to help you find the answers you will need.  And lastly the Muse of Possibilities prophesizes that this year can be a starting point for new adventures. The challenge is can you let go of the past, simplify the present and plan based on natural timing for the future.  Remember this is a yearlong process, so don’t try to push things faster than what can naturally happen.


Lois Mailou Jones 1953

Four of Wands – The Muse of Home is calling for you to spend time feathering your nest.  She asks what makes you comfortable and secure in your home space?  Does your house need to be cleaned, cupboards replenished, or add some color to your space? This is the week to spend time make your home a place you want to be in.


Lois Mailou Jones
Lois Mailou Jones 1958

*Moon – The Muse of the Subconscious comes to shine light on what is hidden.  This week pay attention to your dreams and/or synchronicities (ex: seeing the number 3).   The challenge with this Muse is that it does take some deciphering to get at the heart of the message.  She advises to start with your feelings, and they will lead you on to the path of discovery.


Queen of Swords – The Muse of Details is helping you out this week.  She recommends creating ease by paying attention to the minutia.  That means read the fine print, listen to what people are actually saying, deep dive into questions and look at multiple views without bias.  The challenge is coming from curiosity and not interrogation.

Lois Mailou Jones 1971

Three of Coins – Collaboration is key to ease this week.  You all often don’t ask for help but this week it is important to.  Because you need varying perspectives, possible physical help and to see that you are supported.   The challenge is putting pride and ego aside and asking for it.

Lois Mailou Jones 1972

Six of Swords – This is the second 6 so a quick dive into the number.  Sixes often have to do with cause and effect.  Last week it was how the past effects the present.  And this week the Muse of Transitions help you take that knowledge and move it into the future.  Often this means that something needs simplifying to continue to the next phase.


Lois Mailou Jones 1977

Page of Wands – The Muse of Intuitive Thought and Creation comes when you need to re-light your spark.  She asks you to reunite with your passions.  What turns you on?  What makes you wake up excited?  Now is the time to put these activities back into your schedule.

Lois Mailou Jones 1983

Seven of Swords – The Muse of Schemes shows up for one of two reasons.  She shows up when you need to be very watchful of how you navigate work situations.  Or she comes when you need to scheme up a new plan to increase your chances of success.  Either way play nice.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Sept. 5, 2021

Hung Lui Wings

This week’s artist is Hung Lui  @hungluiartist who just passed in August.  She is a painter and often created mixed-media installations around her paintings.  Hung’s style is layered not only technically but also in context.  She uses layered brushstrokes combined with washes of linseed oil to create her paintings.  Her portraits are of refuges, prisoners, prostitutes and the forgotten.  Her installations might have one piece, a broom, clock, or cup paired with the painting.  Or be a mountain of railroad tracks surrounded and leading to a pile of fortune cookies.

These items bring us into her pieces like a smell leads us to memory or an object starts a dream.  Then as we awaken and remember, we hold on to an aspect that is vivid and punctuated but the whole is blurred.  Hung’s art feels as if she is summoning ghosts.  As she says  “When I moved to the West, exactly half a lifetime ago, I carried my ghosts with me. The ghosts I carry are a burden, but also a blessing.”  Your pondering for this week:  seeing your ghosts as blessings.

Solar System highlights:  This week the Moon starts in Virgo– it’s all about organizing and cleaning until the 8th.  Then the Moon goes into Libra and a focus on relationships.  And finally, into Scorpio for the weekend- time for finding some fun.  Mercury is in Libra– great for communication, creating networks and getting in touch with friends.  Venus is in Libra until the September 10th – enjoy your relationships and work with the energy around equity.  And then it moves into Scorpio to add more positive energy to the weekend vibe.  Mars is in its last week in Virgo – clean and tidy up anything your gaze goes to.  Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius – so innovating and upping your game is their focus for the rest of this year.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Virgo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Pisces it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


Hung Lui
Blue Boy Hung Lui

*Judgment – Last week’s energy was about co-creation, and the Muse of Evolution takes it to the next level.  Time to push your self out of the same old – same old and evolve into a new you.  If you could become any type of chimerical creature, what would you be?  A Merlion? A Catantram?  Your challenge this week to answer – What are the best qualities of your peers and mentors that you want to add to you?

Hung Lui
Mirror Hung Lui

*Hierophant – The Muse of Structure is here to help you with your Achilles heel, over- doing.  If you make a structure so airtight, you make the building and its inhabitants unable to breathe.  Or so impenetrable, you stifle creativity.  Your work this week is about balancing work with play.  All work kills creativity.  All play ends up not getting you to the goals you have set.  So, how can you build a sense of a schedule with the flexibility and spaciousness to create freely?

Hung Lui
Dry Well Hung Lui

Five of Coins – This week’s energy can highlight a sense of lack in your life.  So, the Helper Muse has come to highlight you are not alone nor totally lacking.  Though this week is hard it is not doomed.  There are gifts to this week.  But you must reach out to acquire them.  This Muse reminds you that focusing energy on only the negative feeds it.  Her advice, starve the worry and feed the hope.

Hung Lui
Crane Dance Hung Lui

*Lovers – The Muse of Co-Creation recommends looking at who and/or what you are partnering with to create this part of your life.  She advises call on your likeminded friends and do some deep imagining. Or ingest some literature or music that inspires you.  Spend some time with your favorite material or tool and make something.  Bring into your life the people, things and ideas that make you a better you.

Hung Lui
Dragonflies Hung Lui

Ten of Cups – The Muse of Family is highlighted this week.  She reminds you that family are the people that support you.  They can be the ones you are born with but are also the ones you have gathered.  Time to connect with your peeps and deepen your roots.

Hung Lui
Polly Bemis Hung Lui

*Star – Your third and Big Karmic energy to work with this year is the Muse of Healing. This year, magic is flowing around you to help restore and rediscover your purpose.   As you leave behind the past, pick up the lessons and move into a brighter future.  The lesson this Muse has is that wounds leave scar tissue, and these areas must still be tended to and stretched often.  You have all year to work with this energy, but this week spend time with your bruises and wounds and see which ones still need mending.


Visage VII Hung Lui

Two of Wands – The Muse of the Future is here to activate your imagination and set some goals for you to work on into 2022.  If nothing was in your way, would your goals change?  This Muse wants you to ponder obtainable and seemly unattainable goals.  She then asks you what is in your way to get to these seemly inaccessible aspirations.  Compare them to the strengths that make your obtainable goals possible.  Work on areas where there is crossover.

Hung Lui
America Hung Lui

Queen of Wands – The Muse of Nature is calling to you.  Animals and plants are calling you to impart their wisdom. Whether it is the resilience of a dandelion growing in sidewalk, the focus of a dog finding a scent, the joyous song of a bird, the fragile beauty of a butterfly or the contentment of a cat finding the perfect spot to rest.   Nature is giving you clues on aspects in your life that you need to work on.

Refugees Woman and Children Hung Lui

Ace of Cups – The Muse of Love is here.  Whether you are in a relationship or not this energy advises you to share some part of you.  The more you joyfully fill another’s cup the more your cup will be filled with joy.  The challenge is if it does not bring the joy then you are sharing that negative energy in a loop, so try something new or quit and move on.


Chinese in Idaho Portrait II Hung Lui

*Hermit – The Muse of Hermitage has called you back to the cave.  This energy comes when you need to gain perspective by pulling back from society.  But the challenge is you can not completely withdraw.  So, your pondering becomes: How can you hang out your open sign without being bombarded by the crowds?  Think about the paradox of honesty and stealth.  Like being that spooky shop that is on some back alley.  You know it is open but it hard to get to its exact location.

Jongzhe- First Spring Thunder Hung Lui

*Justice – The Muse of Truth has come to help align you to your purpose or to help you find a solution to a problem.  However, this energy holds you accountable for your actions and words.  If you are aligned with your divine or searching for a truth to aid, then no worries.  However, is you are not aligned or hunting up a “good story” then be careful, for Justice is swift.

Hung Lui
Strange Fruit Comfort Women Hung Lui

Three of Swords – The Muse of Heartache is here with tissues and a shoulder if you need one.  This week can be rough and triggering.  First be kind to yourself.  And secondly, be aware you are being triggered because something is not aligned to your heart purpose.  Either it is an old hurt or hole that needs mending.  Tend to it this week.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Sept. 13, 2020

Meghann Riepenhoff
Meghann Riepenhoff two waves and salt scattered and poured

The artist this week is Meghann Riepenhoff.  Her process is cyanotype.   Cyanotype is a photographic printing process that produces a cyan-blue print.  Engineers used the process well into the 20th century as a simple and low-cost way to produce copies of drawings, referred to as blueprints.  She is not the first person to use it for art. Anna Atkins would be the first, using it to “photograph” seaweed.  (Atkins will be highlighted soon.)  Riepenhoff has taken Atkin’s process of creating static images to creating a dynamic photograph of an action or interaction.  She collaborates with the elements of rain, snow, ocean, salt, and sediment.  She drapes her “canvas” over objects in the environment which adds the aspect of the terrain that then collides with these elements.  These interactions are recorded on the cyanotype.

The two series represented here and below are Ectone and Littoral Drift .  Ectone is a region of transition between two biological communities. Litoral Drift is a geological term describing the action of wind-driven waves transporting sand and gravel.  Riepenhoff is illuminating that these edges of water, air, and land blur in their interaction, becoming something new and occupy an everchanging space.  Thus, having us as the viewer pondering where, when or if we begin or end.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Virgo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Pisces it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

Meghann Riepenhoff
Meghann Riepenhoff water poured and silt scattered

Ten of Coins – Last week’s energy was cluing you into something being off in your life and you needed to gain perspective to find solutions.  This week the energy shifts from contemplative to active.  So, if you found solutions, now is the time to use them.  If you found that everything is balanced and moving smoothly then do not dally, for now is the time to move things into the done box.  This is a great week to finish projects and bask in your success.

Meghann Riepenhoff two waves poured dawn to dusk
Meghann Riepenhoff two waves poured dawn to dusk

Three of Coins – Last week the energy was asking you to look for cycles that need to be readjusted, and synchronicities to help move you forward, enlightening situations of inertia or chaos.  This week wants you to take those enlightenments and utilize them in the world.  The challenge is you need the help of others to lift what you are doing to a new level.  Time to get your besties on the phone and brainstorm.

Meghann Riepenhoff
Meghann Riepenhoff 23 minutes in a tidal stream

Ten of Cups – Last week’s energy wanted you to reignite optimism and hope in your being.  Luckily, you get another week to find moments that give you the curative perspective that after each period of chaos comes a time for healing.  You need to heal and bask in love, so this week engage in activities and people that fill your cups. Joy is key.  Find or create it.

Meghann Riepenhoff.
tidal pools dipped and buried

Ace of Swords – The energy this week is great for planning, research, philosophy, and problem solving.  Your mind is your best tool.  Your emotions can play with the radio, but your mind must do the driving.

Meghann Riepenhoff.
Meghann Riepenhoff snow, salt draped against a window

Page of Coins – You got another active energy card.  So, if you still need another week to finish up old projects do that.  But if you did that work last week this is a great week to start a new project.  The challenge is taking tiny steps, because big leaps will have you in a tangle of minutiae or chasing your own tail.

Meghann Riepenhoff
Meghann Riepenhoff three waves buried and flooded

*Death – Your first big energy card for your coming birth year.  This energy is about rebirth, regeneration, and metamorphosis.  The energy this year is about rising from the ashes of old.  The challenge is making sure that you are not holding on to dreams you have outgrown.  This Muse has come to aid you in seeing the parts of you and your life that have been decaying and need to be buried.  That the seeds of change are just below the surface being feed by the aspects you are now laying to rest.  When you step back you will see that this burial ground is also a place of planting and future growth.

Meghann Riepenhoff. rainstorm one hour and 47 minutes

Knight of Swords – This is not a week to rush anything.  Though you may feel antsy or anxious do not jump without thoroughly looking both ways and figuring out your plan before you step onto your path.  This card can also mean to be careful of injuring your extremities.  So cut your vegetables with care and watch where you step.

Meghann Riepenhoff
rain through a tree canopy

Queen of Swords – Last week’s muse asks you to dive into your subconscious, listen to your intuition, emotions, and dreams.   The challenge was that emotions could run high.  And you had to decipher which emotions were yours and what were others.  Emotions are still riding high this week.  To combat this, this muse suggests only taking in the logical details to see the correct channel through these emotional waters.  Your motto:  head over heart.

Meghann Riepenhoff
Meghann Riepenhoff rain sleet snow draped on a log

Knight of Coins – The last two weeks had you deep diving into your shadow side to find your vulnerabilities, strengths and testing your character and will.  You can use this insight now to really dig into your work.  The key is your pace.  You are now less likely to be distracted and will find that slow and steady wins the race.

Meghann Riepenhoff
Meghann Riepenhoff two waves dipped

Queen of Coins – Last week’s energy was about building upon your empire.  This week you can continue your construction, but you must add indulging in the finer aspects of your physical environment.  This muse knows how to work hard but also can fully indulge in her bounty she has created.  Your challenge is to follow her lead and realize play, comfort and pleasures are as important as work.

Meghann Riepenhoff
Meghann Riepenhoff five waves

Seven of Coins – Last week’s muse wanted you to adjust your material and spirit goals, blending the need to survive with the need to enjoy life.  This energy bleeds into the beginning of this week.  The first few days are best used as a pause between the past and future.  This is a moment where rethinking, reestablishing, and redirecting is need before you push forward.  By the end of the week you will be in full nose to grindstone mode, but the challenge is a plan and adjustment is needed before going ahead.

Meghann Riepenhoff
Meghann Riepenhoff

*Judgment – The muse this week is pulling you above the clouds to a personal clarity.  A reckoning is needed.  You have made a mistake from the past which you have not forgiven yourself for.  This week’s energy is implanting the clarity of self-compassion and forgiveness into your sight for self.  This muse ask you to truly forgive yourself for this past transgression, so you can open yourself to a lighter and enlighten future that is more in tune with your divine nature.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Sept. 6, 2020

The artist this week is Marina Vargas.   Vargas often uses the motif of guns and the color red.  Her work can be very jarring which it is supposed to be, but it is also, as art is, very enlightening for the viewer.  With all art we as viewers bring our perspective. Of late we have been dealing with a lot of  violence and unrest.  How do we deal with it is the inquiry in highlighting her art this week.

When asked what her favorite color was, Vargas said it was difficult to pick one, but she uses red often.  As she said in a South Mag article: Although there is no doubt that in my work the most predominant (color) of them all is red. I suppose that in some way it is the color that mediates me with the rest of the colors. Red is a wake-up call, it is alertness and it is also the color that represents blood, wound, vulnerability and violence.  I suppose that to be in relation with this color is to enter fully into the control that there must be to manage between the instinctive and the rational.

These images of Vargas’ correlate with Mars going into retrograde September 9th through November 13th.  Mars is the planet of activity, sex, energy, confrontations, and war.  During this time, you should be wary of starting new businesses, projects, or litigation.  They may be exceedingly difficult to gain momentum and in the areas of law those that start “the war” may fail.  Also, be aware this time can lower sex drive and increase a feeling of malaise.  However, this period  is great to work on projects already started, organization, and planning.  It is made for crossing off old to-do lists, cleaning up your inbox, creating relaxing activities with loved ones, etc…

So, the big lessons with Mars are being aware of what irritates, frustrates and angers you.  Take note but not action.  And when you feel low energy, it is a wake up call for self-care.  This time will be filled with more uncertainty and feelings of vulnerability.  Use this alertness to enlighten and enhance your skills at how you are managing between instinctive actions based on fear and rational actions based on love and hope.

Let love and hope win.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Virgo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Pisces it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

Marina Vargas
Marina Vargas

*Hermit – Time to gain some perspective on your life and environment.    Something is off and you need to step back from your everyday life to do some contemplation on what it is and how to fix it.  The challenge will be finding time for yourself while also equally find time for others.  This week is about finding the balance of quiet contemplation and socialization.

Marina Vargas
Marina Vargas

*High Priestess – The energy is asking you to tap into your intuition this week.  Look for cycles that need to be readjusted, and synchronicities to help move you forward and enlighten situations of inertia or chaos.  Your instincts are powerful guides this week.  The challenge is keeping your ears and logical mind open to your inner voice.  And have a broad enough perspective to see that fear is an emotion not reality.

Marina Vargas

*Star – This energy comes when you need to do some healing.   You need to reignite optimism and hope in your being.  This week find time to relax in moonbeams, feel the wind on your face, watch the sunlight flicker from your windows, and acknowledge the kindness of a smile.  Finding these moments will give you the curative perspective that after each period of chaos comes a time for healing.  That everything has its season and overall, the arc is towards wholeness, healing, and love.

Marina Vargas
Marina Vargas

Four of Cups –Well either extroverted or introverted crustaceans this week is meant for quiet contemplation.  Which for you introverted crabs is celebratory; however, this pulling in must be productive for both types of crabs.  If you find yourself getting lethargic, melancholy, or bored you will be required to step out and reconnect with society until that feeling subsides.  Then you can crawl back into your shell until the end of the week.

Marina Vargas

*World – This energy comes pushing you to complete something.  To energize your leonic procrastination that has lulled you to laze on your sunny rock this summer.  That was fine for the summer, but summer is moving into fall.  This can be as simple as crossing off the oldest thing on your to-do list.  You might even find it does not need to be done anymore. This energy wants you to do that final push, so your muse can open new doors for you.

Marina Vargas

King of Swords – This week’s energy lends itself to long term planning. Time to pull out a blank page and write all your wishes and intentions of what you would like to accomplish in your coming birth year.  A great week to make an inspiration board, a bucket list, a brain dump page of all that you can imagine.  Then take the rest of your birth month planning on how to reach these goals.  The challenge this week is not to do but to think.

Marina Vargas
Marina Vargas

Ten of Wands – The energy this week warns that you are taking on too much responsibility.  Time to lighten your load by one or two duties, jobs, chores etc.… The challenge is not to worry or pick them back up.  The goal is to see, by next week, if someone else picks it up or you find it really did not need to be done.

Marina Vargas

*Moon – More internalizing with this week’s energy.   This muse asks you to dive into your subconscious, listen to your intuition, emotions, and dreams.   The challenge is that your emotions can run high this week.  Many times, this might be due to your emotional pores being open and susceptible to absorbing others’ emotions.   Therefore, your task is clarifying what are your emotions and what are others.

Marina Vargas

*Devil – Last week your emotional waters were tested by aspects being hidden from you.   And you were given the option to dive deep into your shadow side to find your vulnerabilities and strengths or skip it.  This week brings with it all sorts of diversions and tests of your character and drive.  If you did last week’s work, then this week will go by with ease.  You are brushing off the devil’s diversions and strengthening your resolve.  If you did not do the work, this week might be tough.  Either way think of this week as a test of your character and will.

Marina Vargas

*Emperor – The energy this week is about building upon your empire.  This is a great week to do construction around how you make your money, your physical environment, and/or any hands-on work.  The challenge with this energy is to be bolder, build bigger however, be careful of hubris.   If you build for the good of many, then your work will prosper in the long run.

Marina Vargas

*Temperance – Balance is key this week.  An alchemy of your material and spirit goals are the subjects to adjust.  This is a good week to blend the need to survive with the need to enjoy life.  So, this muse asks are you enjoying your life?  Does the way you make money give you time and resources to enjoy your life?  Or does your work bring you joy but does not provide for you?  Your challenge is making fine-tuned adjustments to equal out your material plan with your spiritual one.

Marina Vargas
Marina Vargas

Ace of Swords – Last week the energy was about deconstructing your environment or systems and then creating new paradigms.  The strategy being pulling everything apart to see its working and non-working components, fix, and then reassemble.  Luck for you all, you have another week to do this with this week’s energy of new beginnings and ways of thinking.  This muse hones your intellect to a sharp blade.  Allowing you to see, decipher, and reorganize with clarity.  However, your challenge is allowing your intellect to do the work and keep your heart in the passenger’s seat.