Tarotcast for the Week of September 16, 2018

Fruit Dennis Wojtkiewicz

Categorizing fruits or vegetables can be a contentious debate among chefs, botanists and gardeners.  Botanically a fruit “is a seed-bearing structure that develops from the ovary of a flowering plant, whereas vegetables are all other plant parts, such as roots, leaves and stems.”  With this definition, squash and tomatoes hang with peaches in the fruit realm and beets, kale, and cauliflower grow with the vegetables.

However, this debate was taken to the U.S. Supreme Court in 1893, Nix. v. Hedden.   The court ruled unanimously that an imported tomato should be taxed as a vegetable, rather than as a (less taxed) fruit. The court recognized that a tomato is a botanical fruit, but sided with the “ordinary” definitions of fruit and vegetable which was defined by when we eat them.  So the savory tomato is considered a vegetable by are palate and by the court.

This week’s artist, Dennis Wojtkiewicz, takes painting fruit/vegetables (depending on who you side with above) to a new level. His distinctive large-scale fruit, vegetables and flowers are painted with a combination of realism and being heavenly lit to create a sense of religious ardor for yummy plant parts.

P.S. Please share.

Aries – Four of Cups

Dennis WojtkiewiczThe Four of Cups asks you not to spend too much time gazing at your belly button.   You do need to check in with your emotions all this week, but in doing so, don’t stay too long in your internal emotional landscape.  Look up and out or you will miss some good loving from the outside.


*Taurus – Emperor

The Emperor is the card of manifestation, so this is a pivotal week in your material plane.  This week work on projects that are already in play.  By working with what is instead of what could be will carry you farther in the following weeks.



Gemini – Five of Pentacles

The Five of Pentacles is the card of loss.  During our darkest hours the best thing we can do is accept the kindness of others.  You do not have to do this on your own.




Cancer – Ace of Pentacles

Dennis WojtkiewiczThe Ace of Pentacles foretells this is a great week to start new projects. This week is not about the finishing but allowing you to create and experiment.




Leo – Three of Wands

Dennis WojtkiewiczThe Three of Wands foretells good things are coming your way.  Your challenge is preparing for good times that are on the horizon.  So keep our mind and heart open, as well as, make time and space for new things.



*Virgo – Tower and Knight of Wands

Dennis WojtkiewiczThis is a two card week.  First let’s look at the Tower. This is your birth year higher arcane card and you will feel this into 2019.  This card is about change or making a major shift your life.  The old paradigm is just not working and it is time to do a makeover.  Now because you also got the Knight of Wands this is not a whole metaphorical facelift more like adding face yoga to your health regime.  You just need to change the way you go about getting awe into your life.  That means more nature, more art, and more spirit in the coming year.


Libra – Six of Cups

Dennis WojtkiewiczLast week, the Fool card challenge you to be adventurous and travel the path least taken.  The fun continues with the Six of Cups, but the path changes.  This is the card of the past and childhood.  This week the travel should be either visiting old haunts or pulling out childhood games or coloring books.  Make playtime more familiar and simpler.


Scorpio – Knight of Cups

Dennis WojtkiewiczThe Knight of Cups challenges you to create some movement and good juju in your emotional zone.  This week do more things that make your heart and possibly your sex spot(s) flutter.




*Sagittarius – Three of Swords

Dennis WojtkiewiczLast week Judgment asked you to be flexible in your thinking or evolve and shift your paradigm.  The theme continues but three things will block your path.  This week’s challenge is to remove those blocks.  These hindrances are not to be stepped around. This is about confronting what has been holding your evolution back.


Capricorn – Four of Pentacles

Dennis WojtkiewiczWhew, things slow down this week and you gain some distance from the fulcrum point in your timeline.  The past three weeks, Empress challenged you to turn on your sensual mojo, Strength wanted you to see that your ooey-gooey center is just as important in making you strong and the Devil tested your commitment to the “new” you.  This week the Four of Pentacles wants you to focus on conservation. You need to conserve your strength, money and time. Take advantage of down-time.


*Aquarius – Hanged Man

Dennis WojtkiewiczThe Hanged Man asks you to spend some time in contemplation.  Your inner self needs some space to reflect on what is going on in your life.  This can look as simple as meditate at least 20 minutes each day or a two day sabbatical away from electronics.  This week is about pulling away from your life to get in back in touch with you.


*Pisces – World

Dennis WojtkiewThe World card means opportunity is waiting for you to knock on door(s).  Your challenge is to walk in as many doors as possible this week, but remember that just because a door opens it doesn’t mean you can’t walk right back out.  This card and week is about expanding your world, and possibly not so much about to committing to one path.  Motto:  The more oysters I open, the more pearls I find.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,
