Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Dec 15, 2019

Synesthesia Mikalojus Konstantinas Ciurilionis

The above painting, Winter VII, is by Mikalojus Konstantinas Ciurilionis.  In his short life of 35 years, he produced 400 pieces of music and 300 paintings.  This week I am just looking into paintings but you should check out his music (In the Forest is just one). Čiurilionis believed he was a synesthete – a person who perceives colors and music simultaneously. If you listen to his music while looking at his pieces you  can see how the two correspond.   Many of his paintings bear the names of musical pieces.  The paintings below are his Zodiac series.

Synesthesia in art historically is attributed to a wide variety of artists exploring the collaboration of the senses in the synthesis of their work. However, neurological synesthesia is a perceptual phenomenon in which one sense or cognitive pathway is stimulated and involuntarily stimulates another senses’ cognitive pathway.  There are 80 identified types of synesthesia and come in a wide variety of forms.

One common form is grapheme-color synesthesia where numbers and letters are seen in color.  Another is number-form Synesthesia where numbers, months or years are seen spatially farther apart.  Mikalojus possibly had chromesthesia. This is where one hears everyday sounds or musical notes that also trigger the visual pathways, where the person sees a corresponding color.  So when listening to his symphony of sound he would also see a symphony of color.

P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Sagittarius this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Gemini it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.


Two of Swords – This week making decisions can seem difficult.  Too many options or not enough.  You are wanting decision-making to be clear.  Heres’ the rub with this energy, it’s not the decision that is important but the journey you want to go on.  Either choice will get you to where you want to go, but each path brings a different mood.  Pick the path by how you want to feel.


King of Swords – The energy this week is best used in big picture planning.  In fact, the challenge is you loosing the big picture by homing in on the details.  It doesn’t mater how you get there if the why is intact.


Ace of Cups – All aces bring new beginnings into your life.  This week the energy will be focusing on your emotions.  The only challenge with this card is can you be open enough to the gifts that are around you and are wanting to propel you forward.


Synesthesia MK CiurilionisAce of Swords – Last week, the Wheel’s energy was about changing your fortune.  And getting you ready for the eclipse that happens on December 26th by figuring out where you are going to hook your cables to charge the next 12 years.  Lucky for you, you have another week to spend pondering.  This week’s energy will help you focus your thoughts; however, the challenge is thinking forward not into the past.


Eight of Swords – This week’s energy is a challenging one.  Your thoughts can bind you and your progress.  The best way to tame this energy is to just let go of a couple of negative thought patterns.  You don’t have to tackle all of them but try to let go of at least two to give you a threshold to walk out of your thoughts.


Synesthesia MK CiurilionisPage of Swords – Investigation is key this week. Information and conversations are not as clear as they could be, so your challenge is asking more questions.  Inquiry and listening are the skills you will need to gather important information this week.


Synesthesia MK CiurilionisTen of Wands – Last week, the Hermit advised you, space was needed to gain perspective and grounding.  This week’s energy is vastly different.  You will need to be involved in the World, but hopefully with last week’s energy you gain some perspective on what is crucial to do and what responsibilities at least for this week can be put off.  The problem is you taking on too much either out of wanting to get it all done or feelings of obligation.  Your challenge is focusing on one thing until it is complete or as close as you can get before moving to the next item. And no feeling guilty that even you in super-person mode can get it all done.


Synesthesia MK CiurilionisSix of Coins – This week’s energy is all about Karma.  Be very aware of doing no harm this week.  The more good vibes you send out the more you will get in return.  The challenge however is this works with negative energy too.  The tidbit to know is the payback will not always be quick nor will it always come from where it was given.


*Justice – LOL you wait until the last week to get the theme for next year – Justice.  Justice’s energy rules the balancing act of head and heart.  Next year will be great for anything analytical, planning, writing, communication, research.  They are all good if they have a practical application as well as a philosophical one.  Your lessons with this energy are around the forms of justice – right and wrong especially when judging others.  In ancient Egypt a dead person’s heart was weighed against the Feather of Truth.  This will be your challenge – will your thoughts and actions balance out with your heart’s truth? And the concept of what is the retribution of a wrongdoing or is there even one? (for more info and insight on the myth click here)


Synesthesia MK CiurilionisNine of Swords – The energy this week leads to overthinking and worrying.  Perhaps because you all are coming into your final week before your birthday month.  And/Or you are feeling the weight of Jupiter, planet of expansion, about to shift into your sign.  The challenge around this week’s energy is to work with the worries you can fix.  Worries are a byproduct of your analytical mind.   However, the concerns that are not solvable are not worth the mental energy so let them go.


Three of Coins – This week is about collaboration and cooperation.  Ask for help when you need it.  Listen to others’ opinions.  You will get more done and your work will be better for it.


Synesthesia MK CiurilionisSeven of Swords – This week’s energy is victorious; however, the test is that these victories cannot be lauded over or gotten in unscrupulous ways.  Therefore, your challenge is making sure that your actions align with your morals.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,
