Tag Archives: Photography

Tarotcast for Week of November 11, 2018

Above and below are photographs by Christy Lee Rogers. Her style is reminiscent of Baroque paintings.  She, like the siren, lures her friends and family into a pool at night and submerges them with an array of sinuous fabrics.  Rogers has created a technique of using the refraction of light, water and movement to craft images that are lively with color and deep in complexity.

Her subjects show a sense of beauty and strength at the same time vulnerability and fragility that exemplifies the human condition.  She explains: What I want more than ever is to express and inspire hope and freedom, a sense of wonder and tranquility, to create a safe place to dream wildly, and most importantly to inspire the idea that there are still mysterious, impossibly beautiful things on Earth—not solely in our imaginations.

That is our challenge in life and especially in the arts is to bring forth and to light the beauty and mystery of our humanity.  This week be open to investigating the mystery and embodying the beauty that is uniquely human.

P.S. Remember signs with an * it’s a big week for you.  And please share.

Aries – Ace of Swords


The Ace of Swords foretells that your mind is your best asset.  You are going to need your logic and wits about you this week.  This card’s advice is to cut through the malarkey and make decisions.


Taurus – Ten of Pentacles

The Ten of Pentacles brings another week of focusing on building your net worth.  What you have going right now is a pretty good gig.  Keep at it and adding to it.
Continue reading Tarotcast for Week of November 11, 2018

Tarotscope Week of October 14, 2018

Daniel Shipp Botanical Inquiry Grimoire

Daniel Shipp shot a photography series, Botanical Inquiry, by creating a analogue machine and technique that reminds me of Viewmaster 3-D .  These photographs are like dioramas.  The colors and beauty of the flowers become richer when juxtaposed to the urban and darker backgrounds.  It looks like a visual representation of an urban witch’s grimoire. A Grimoire is a book of knowledge and spells that each “witch” creates or can be passed down and added to.  It is just another form of a recipe book.  My grandmother passed down her The White House Cook book, 1887, which she wrote her changes and additions not only to the food recipes but also to the last 60 pages of medicinal teas and tinctures.

Grimoire, the word, is believed to be born from the Frankish word grima, mask or sorcerer, or come from the Italian word rimario, book of rhymes.  Either way or both it ended up morphing into the Old French word grammaire, which originally meant any book written in Latin.  This word sprouted from ancient Greece grammatikos meaning knowing how to read and write.  So like any good word the people took it and made it into  Grimoire, French  slang for any book that was hard to understand.

By the 1700’s it became associated with only books of magic.  It didn’t come in to the English language until the early 1800’s with the increasing interest in occultism  and the publishing of Frances Barrett’s The Magus. This was a popular book that complied magical lore from a variety of ancient books of magic.  Art, words, recipes, and Grimoires are all things made richer as they are passed down through  history and morphed with experimentation.

P.S. Remember signs with an * it’s a big week for you.  Halloween ia a great time for a reading.  Please share.

Aries – Three of Pentacles

Daniel ShippThe Three of Pentacles foretells you will need help from others if you want to accomplish what you need to do.  This week cooperation and collaboration are key.


*Taurus – Lovers

Daniel ShippLast week, the World wanted you to finish up old projects to create room for new projects. And now here comes the Lovers card wanting you to start creating, though this creation period is about working with others to create something new.  In its simplest form this can look like making dinner with your love ones.  In its more complex form this can be you sharing the creation process on a new project.  Either way this week you will need to cooperate and collaborate if you really want to create something out of the ordinary.
Continue reading Tarotscope Week of October 14, 2018

Tarotcast Week of October 7, 2018

Playground Deb Young and Francisco Diaz

Happy Birthday Month, Libra.

This week’s artists are Deb Young and Francisco Diaz or The International Collaboration Project. They create photo montages from random images.  Diaz in the US and the Young in New Zealand working remotely in real time on projects while viewing through the lens of each other’s cameras.  Their collaboration is based on gender equality to both redress the imbalance of woman in the art world and to infuse their narrative work with a masculine/feminine sensibility. This series of photo montage is called The Playground.

The playground is one of the first places where we learn how to cooperate, create friendships and use our imagination, but it is also a place where we first felt isolated and bullied.  As a child, it was where I first encountered gender inequality. The playground was where I learned there were boys that stood up for me so I could dig to China with them. Then there were others that didn’t because I was a girl, and they called me a confusing name for a 5-year-old, tomboy (if you want to read a great article about the history and complexity of this name click here).

I would like to give a nod to those boys and men that just see another kid/human wanting to play.  Thanks for standing up and supporting humans to gain equality, to being heard, and admitting that there is work that still needs to be done even within their own framework.  Also I ask a favor to all of us, like this photography team we need to collaborate to redress the imbalance in society in our art, government, and all other places where equality well, just isn’t actual equal. The only way we can do this is to see through the lens of another and collaborate to create the reality for us all.

P.S. Remember signs with an * it’s a big week for you.  Add Halloween readings to your trick or treat bags.  Please share.

Aries – Five of Wands

The Playground Deb Young and Francisco Diaz The Five of Wands is calling you to arms.  You will need to be valiant and noble, so you can bring a sense of light and passion not only into your work place but also into your life.  This week fight for something you believe in.


*Taurus – World

The Playground Deb Young and Francisco Diaz The World is the card of completion and opportunities.   In its simplest form it can look like finishing up old projects or finally crossing off your oldest to-do list items.  In its more complex form, this can be closing old doors, and throwing away old ideas or ideologies opening you to new opportunities and ways of “doing.”
Continue reading Tarotcast Week of October 7, 2018

Tarotcast Week of September 9, 2018

Franco FontanaWorkers are fixing a pothole outside my house and they had to stop multiple times because it began to rain.  A paradox of mine is I hate the smell of an asphalt roads being laid, but I am also fond of the smell of rain hitting asphalt. During my urban sojourns, it was a sign of a respite from the summer heat.  Both these experiences are unique to the modern world and drew me to the photography of Franco Fontana’s asfalti.   He is famously known for his abstract landscapes, and is considered the inventor the photographic line referred to as the concept of line.

His motto is the purpose of art is to make visible the invisible. I find that his body of work really exemplifies this. He is not condoning the natural world being slowly paved over, but that the lesson is to look for the hidden geometry that pulls our eyes and possible defines what we consider beautiful or not.

P.S. Please share.

Aries – Three of Swords

Franco FontanaThe Three of Swords continues the theme from the Moon card last week.  This week this card advises to continue working with only three of the hidden thoughts you have discovered.  This card also advises that these beliefs be not only removed but destroyed.  They are based in negative triggers placed in your thought patterns by others.


Taurus – Eight of Wands

Franco FontanaMessages are the theme for this week.   Keep your eyes and mind open.  There is a lot of important information coming at you that you will need in the near future.  Be the sponge.
Continue reading Tarotcast Week of September 9, 2018

Tarot-cast for the Week of June 3, 2018

Ornitographies by Xavi Bou

Above is the art project Ornitographies by Xavi Bou.  It is a study of birds in motion within a single time frame, making visible the invisible.  This series investigates the unnoticed movements and questions the limits of human perception of time.  Unlike the movement and scientific studies of Eadweard Muybridge and Etienne-Jules Marey  Xavi’s pieces feel more organic, more flowing. His images show the flow of movements of past, present and future.

To me these are a visual representation of zazen.  The goal of zazen is just sitting, suspending judgmental thinking and letting the words, ideas, images and thoughts pass by without getting involved in them.   It is about experiencing the whole concept of life without judgment in each moment.  Sounds simple but I have found it super hard.  As I watch my kitten playing with his mouse, I realize he is one of my teachers of this practice.  May you have a lovely week my friends.

P.S. Please share.

Aries – Knight of Swords

Ornitographies by Xavi BouLast week you had the theme ‘beauty adorns virtue”  This week continues that theme with the Knight of Swords  This card suggest that you slow down and take time to smell the roses. Be in each moment.

Taurus – Four of Wands

Ornitographies by Xavi BouThe artist last week asked you to pay attention to the details. The Four of Wands wants you to focus on the details in your home.  Focus on the how to create more harmony in your home.  Whether that is adding a calming color or adding some pop, remember harmony does not equate to uniformity.

Gemini – Three of Swords

Ornitographies by Xavi BouThe painting last week was about standing up for you rights, even if it is seems hopeless.  And that beauty arises outside the realm of judgment.  The Three of Swords extends this theme by having you deal with three self-defeating thoughts.  Your challenge is  look at the reason of why you carry around these thoughts through a lens of self-compassion.

*Cancer – Emperor

Ornitographies by Xavi BouThe artist’s theme last week was about being aware that you do not have control over reality, but you can nudge it towards your favor. And so the Emperor extends this thought for another week by having you add to and build upon the reality you are in.  This can look as simple you have to go to work but can you manipulate the time or space that you do it in.

Leo – Eight of Wands

Ornitographies by Xavi BouLast week’s art theme was to see parody(humor) in your life.  The Eight of Wands continues that theme of bring in and accepting the positive even joyful energy in your life. Arms and minds open.

*Virgo – Hermit

Ornitographies by Xavi BouDulle Griet’s hinted about being a bit devilish or against the social norm last week.  The Hermit would like you to continue the exploration of the outer edges of societies’ norms, but in theory with meditation and reflection.  This is a favorite card of Virgo, for this is a lifelong challenge of balancing your social and solo sides. The challenge with this card is not to seek solitude out of a reaction of being over social but to be proactive about scheduling your need of space and time to decompress. And the bigger challenge is do it without guilt.

Libra – Four of Pentacles

Ornitographies by Xavi BouLast week your challenge was to met people outside of your normal wanderings.  This week the Four of Pentacles takes an about-face from the emotional realm to the physical one.  Your goal is to save time, money and space anywhere you can.  Your challenge is not to feel selfish about it.

Scorpio – Six of Pentacles

Ornitographies by Xavi BouLast week your challenge was two-fold, taking on a challenge and proving the “haters” wrong.  This week, the Six of Pentacles’ lesson is around the “give and take” in your life.  The goal is lowering your input to people or work that you are not getting something positive in return.  The challenge is to do it without them noticing.

*Sagittarius – Judgment

Ornitographies by Xavi BouLast week your painting was about finding and bonding with your inner horse.  The Judgment card challenges you to create a ritual or rite of passage that moves you on to the next act of your life.  This can be as simple as lighting a candle and blowing it out to release the old, or as complex as burning all your old journals.

*Capricorn – Tower

Ornitographies by Xavi BouThe art last week challenged you to see the boundaries you may be holding on to around your passions or your way of life.  The Tower comes this week to break down those walls if you haven’t already.  The Tower comes to shake things up because something you have not been dealing with and that doesn’t work, needs to change.  The best way to deal with this card is to stand back and enjoy the destruction.

Aquarius – Five of Swords

Ornitographies by Xavi BouThe painting last week advised you to see that your history or past experiences are useful in the present whether you see it or not.  The Five of Swords this week continues this theme by challenging you that you can learn more from your mistakes and failures then you can from your successes.

Pisces – Four of Cups

Ornitographies by Xavi BouLast week’s painting suggested to come at your life with softer edges.  This theme continues with the Four of Cups this week.  This card is the card of self-compassion and empathy.  To see the world, its people and yourself without sharp edges.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,



Tarotcast for The Week of Feb. 4, 2018

Riitta Ikonen, Karoline Hjorth

This portrait is part of the ongoing series Eyes as Big as Plates a collaborative project between Riitta Ikonen, Karoline Hjorth and their models.   It started off as an exploration of Nordic folktales and ended up becoming a collaboration with farmers, fisherman, zoologists, plumbers, opera singers, housewives, academics to name a few from all over the world.  The models and artistic duo co-create the sculptures they wear.  The elements of the sculptures are collected from the landscapes of the photographs.

It is interesting that these artists collecting their models by just thinking of the most interesting people they knew.  And of course, they were led to picked people who have lived for a while on this Earth.  Who have a story to tell.  Who by just looking into their eyes or their stance you can see that they have the wisdom of living.

PS.  Happy birthday Aquarius.  Don’t forget it is a great time for you to get my  Astro Reading.

*Aries – Empress

Last week, the Emperor told you to build, create, and conquer.   Now the feminine version of that creative energy, the Empress, appears this week.  The Empress’s energy  is less of the hustle and bustle of Emperor last week energy and more about tending, grooming, and coaxing along your work.  The challenge with the Empress is being open to a more organic approach then sticking to plans.

Taurus – Ten of Pentacles

Riitta Ikonen, Karoline Hjorth The Ten of Pentacles brings prosperity to those that finish their work.  This card is about finishing up projects.  Your challenge is to work on the projects that are close to finish first, before starting anything new. You will find the more you can check off your list the more new prosperity will begin to grow.
Continue reading Tarotcast for The Week of Feb. 4, 2018

Tarotcast for the Week of November 26, 2017

Above is the art work Starburst by Barbara Morgan. She is widely known for her photographs of Martha Graham’s Dance Troup: Martha Graham: Sixteen Dances in Photographs. However, her worked is varied from Summer’s Children: A Photographic Cycle of Life at Camp to her abstract photographs of dancers and light. The thread that runs through her work is ability to capture the power of transient gestures of movement.

Her work transcends the subject – it stirs the soul. When we watch a dance performance or live through a summer at camp we take with us a holistic feeling of what we have experienced. But when we see that movement in mid-form, it transcends the concept of the whole dance. In that suspension of time, we see our spirit

P.S. Remember, signs with * it’s a big week for you. I have a new reading the Planetary Spread for you all to check out.

Aries – The Emperor – The Emperor paves the way for manifestation to come with ease. At work this can look like getting a project finally started or make a big headway with one already begun. This week opportunities will arise that will help you lay the foundations for a successful future. Your challenge is to take advantage of them when they come up.


Artist : Barbara Morgan (United States of America, b.1900, d.1992)

Taurus – Eight of Wands – Last week, the Chariot wanted you to bring more balance and control into your life. The Eight of Wands continues that theme. This card wants you to take action. Aim for your goals around balance and control and take the steps to setting them in motion. Your challenge is to divide the path or journey into manageable and obtainable mini-goals.
Continue reading Tarotcast for the Week of November 26, 2017