Tarotcast for The Week of Feb. 4, 2018

Riitta Ikonen, Karoline Hjorth

This portrait is part of the ongoing series Eyes as Big as Plates a collaborative project between Riitta Ikonen, Karoline Hjorth and their models.   It started off as an exploration of Nordic folktales and ended up becoming a collaboration with farmers, fisherman, zoologists, plumbers, opera singers, housewives, academics to name a few from all over the world.  The models and artistic duo co-create the sculptures they wear.  The elements of the sculptures are collected from the landscapes of the photographs.

It is interesting that these artists collecting their models by just thinking of the most interesting people they knew.  And of course, they were led to picked people who have lived for a while on this Earth.  Who have a story to tell.  Who by just looking into their eyes or their stance you can see that they have the wisdom of living.

PS.  Happy birthday Aquarius.  Don’t forget it is a great time for you to get my  Astro Reading.

*Aries – Empress

Last week, the Emperor told you to build, create, and conquer.   Now the feminine version of that creative energy, the Empress, appears this week.  The Empress’s energy  is less of the hustle and bustle of Emperor last week energy and more about tending, grooming, and coaxing along your work.  The challenge with the Empress is being open to a more organic approach then sticking to plans.

Taurus – Ten of Pentacles

Riitta Ikonen, Karoline Hjorth The Ten of Pentacles brings prosperity to those that finish their work.  This card is about finishing up projects.  Your challenge is to work on the projects that are close to finish first, before starting anything new. You will find the more you can check off your list the more new prosperity will begin to grow.

Gemini – Ten of Cups

Riitta Ikonen, Karoline Hjorth It seems you all need another week of imbibing in good vibes. Ten of Cups represents enjoying the bounty of what you have.  Your challenge is to make time to do just that .  The interesting things with this card is that the good things often come in smaller packages or  moments, so pet your pet, enjoy that phone call from a friend, and enjoy the sunset or sunrise. These are the gifts of the life you have created.

*Cancer – The Magician

Riitta Ikonen, Karoline Hjorth The Magician wants you to bring the divine into being.  It asks you what do you want to bring into creation that aligns with your purpose in life. In a simple example, this could be seeing if your grocery list is consistent with your diet or moral ideas.   At its most complex is seeing if your job aligns with your life’s goals.  The Magician asks, are you  creating the life that you want? And if not you can start making that happen, for you already have all the tools you need.

Leo – King of Wands

Riitta Ikonen, Karoline Hjorth The King of Wands’ advises is to look at the bigger picture to solve problems this week.  Your challenge however is if you are working with others you will have to take the lead.  You are more able to see the bigger picture better than others right now.

Virgo – Three of Cups

Riitta Ikonen, Karoline Hjorth Last week, the Fool challenged you to try out the New to become wiser from the experience.  The Three of Cups continues this theme of enjoying the world.  Though this week you can do it in the familiar surroundings of friends and loved ones.


*Libra – Emperor

Riitta Ikonen, Karoline Hjorth Now is the time to build upon what you have started.  The Emperor is about expanding and making what you have better.  You need to expand the scope of your work this week.  Your challenge is not to be too bossy, your time table is not everyone else’s.

*Scorpio – Queen of Cups and Death

Riitta Ikonen, Karoline Hjorth The Queen of Cups says it is time to get clear with your emotions, because Death is forewarning a change is coming.   This change will be  partially in your hands and partial in the world’s, so the clearer you are with how you feel the better you can deal with this growth.

*Sagittarius – Chariot

Riitta Ikonen, Karoline Hjorth This is your card Sagittarius.  This card means you control and can manipulate your destiny this week. Take the reins, pick your pace and go forward.  Your only challenge is to remember to stop and smell the roses or gaze at a sunset or two.  It is all about balancing work and play.

*Capricorn – Judgement

Riitta Ikonen, Karoline Hjorth Last week, Death wanted you to let something metaphorically die, so from its ashes something new could grow.  This theme continues with the Judgment card.  Where last week the you invited Death in the door, this week is you will invite your Evolution.  Your challenge is not to judge yourself to harshly for your phoenix is still a hatchling, and is just learning how to work this new paradigm.  Treat yourself as you would a child trying to learn to walk.  You would not admonish their first steps, so don’t reprimand yours.

Aquarius – Four of Cups

Riitta Ikonen, Karoline Hjorth Last week, The Hangman and Ace of Pentacles foretold that your new birth year is one of healing and creation on the physical plane.  The Four of Cups starts this theme off with a week to contemplate the good things in your life.   Your only challenge is to see that many of the things you have been wishing for are already in place.

Pisces – Page of Swords

Riitta Ikonen, Karoline Hjorth Last week, The Empress challenged you to start planting the seeds that you want to sprout in your coming birth year. This week the Page of Swords gives you your first task.  This card tells you that you need to do some under-cover probing to gain information that you will need to make this pregnancy a fertile one.  Your only challenge is to be subtle in your inquiries.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,

