Tarotcast for the Week of November 26, 2017

Above is the art work Starburst by Barbara Morgan. She is widely known for her photographs of Martha Graham’s Dance Troup: Martha Graham: Sixteen Dances in Photographs. However, her worked is varied from Summer’s Children: A Photographic Cycle of Life at Camp to her abstract photographs of dancers and light. The thread that runs through her work is ability to capture the power of transient gestures of movement.

Her work transcends the subject – it stirs the soul. When we watch a dance performance or live through a summer at camp we take with us a holistic feeling of what we have experienced. But when we see that movement in mid-form, it transcends the concept of the whole dance. In that suspension of time, we see our spirit

P.S. Remember, signs with * it’s a big week for you. I have a new reading the Planetary Spread for you all to check out.

Aries – The Emperor – The Emperor paves the way for manifestation to come with ease. At work this can look like getting a project finally started or make a big headway with one already begun. This week opportunities will arise that will help you lay the foundations for a successful future. Your challenge is to take advantage of them when they come up.


Artist : Barbara Morgan (United States of America, b.1900, d.1992)

Taurus – Eight of Wands – Last week, the Chariot wanted you to bring more balance and control into your life. The Eight of Wands continues that theme. This card wants you to take action. Aim for your goals around balance and control and take the steps to setting them in motion. Your challenge is to divide the path or journey into manageable and obtainable mini-goals.


Gemini – Queen of Swords – The Wheel, last week, arrived to change the fortune in any aspect of your life. Now, the Queen of Swords shows up to help you gather the knowledge you will need on your new path. Your challenge is to be open to any source of knowledge, especially new ones.


Cancer – Six of Swords – The Six of Swords tell you that it is time to move on, but you need to do some contemplation before leaving the past behind. Take this week to look into the past and future with clarity and logic. Your challenge is to find that you only need to carry the lessons of the past that were useful.


*Leo – High Priestess – You got the two big feminine energy cards in a row. Last week, the Empress had you examine the way you and others nurture or not nurture each other, and emulate the better parts. This week the High Priestess wants you to pull back so you can contemplate and integrate what you learned. The big idea is reasonable growth.


Virgo – Queen of Cups – The Queen of Cups represents love and play. Therefore, your challenge is to learn how to play and love more this week. This really isn’t that hard Virgo’s. You just need to expand the definition of both actions, and realize they don’t have be big productions.


*Libra – Sun – The Sun comes into your life to promote growth. The challenge is where to focus the light? The best way to work with the Sun is pick one area of growth this week and put all your energy into that. With that focused energy, things will move quickly and easily.


Scorpio – Page of Swords – The Page of Swords advises you to do some investigative work before moving forward in a project or decision. You are missing a vital piece of information, so pull out your magnifying glass and sleuth hat.


*Sagittarius – Fool – The Fool is your first card for your new birth year. This is a great card to get for the coming year, for he is the Blank Rune. His challenge for this coming year is to grow and experience life. Do things you have never done before. Travel to places you have never seen. Ask questions without expectations about the answers.   This year start out with a clean slate and do – start new projects, learn something new, move, travel the World. The challenge is to keep your mind, eyes, and opinions open.

*Capricorn – Judgment – The two 7 cards this past month have led you to the Judgment card. This week, if you haven’t already, you will have an awakening – an epiphany. You are coming to realization that you need a new way to live your life and/or to do your work. Your challenge is to start the process of change to fulfill this higher calling in your life /work. In its simplest form this can look like you change your work schedule to fit the night owl that you really are. In its complex form this can look like leaving your corporate job to work for a non-profit or live in a monastery for a month. This process is about moving you closer to the You that you really are.

Aquarius – King of Swords – The Magician challenged you last week to go back to the drawing board or the laboratory that is your life and have fun experimenting. The King of Swords takes a more hands off and mind on approach to your experimentation. He challenges you to take this week to strategize the next steps on your path before you begin again on your journey.


Pisces – Knight of Wands – The Knight of Wands advises you to take time out to do art or be in nature this week. When this Knight shows up it means you get more done if you take creative breaks from your usual schedule. This exercise of taking time out to indulge in moments of awe will make you move more easily through this week’s work.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,

