Tag Archives: birds

Tarot and Art Horoscope for Week of Sept.1, 2019

Biodiversity Reclamation Suits Lauren Hope RothTo all of you in the Bahamas and on the East Coast, may you find refuge and be safe.

The above piece is a clay pigeon hidden behind the crocheted plumage of the extinct bird, Cararcus of Guadalupe. Laurel Roth Hope is a former park ranger now turned artist.  She creates a variety of sculpture and fiber art that highlight our fellow earthlings that she calls Biodiversity Reclamation Suits.  With this series of scupltures, she started with the concept of how we ascribe value to things that are rare and denigrate things that are common and that effects how we see wildlife.  So, she chose the common pigeon, an icon of the successful adaptation though also known as the “flying rat” and disguised it in the rare and therefore perceived exotic plumage of extinct birds.   Try this week to see the exotic in the common and see how this changes your perspective.


P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Virgo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Pisces it is your half way mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

Biodiversity Reclamation Suits Laurel Roth Hope
Bachman’s warbler Laurel Roth Hope

Eight of Wands – The Eight of Wands forecasts that what you aim with a true heart hits the mark.  This is a week to ask for what you want, send out messages, PR yourself…  Your question:  Are your goals truly fulfilling your hearts desires?


Biodiversity Reclamation Suits Laurel Roth Hope
Carolina parakeet Laurel Roth Hope

*Judgement – this is your third big card in a row.  So, time to take the bull by the horns Taurus.  The past 2 weeks Chariot, card of change that is totally in your control, pulled up to give you another chance to make transformations happen.  Then the High Priestess advised to do some deep reference work on the how and why of those alterations.  Helping you with signs from the heavens, dreams, synchronicities or in deep contemplation.  Now Judgment the card of evolution arrives.  This card heralds that you are prime for an ascension.  This week find ways to up your game.  This should be easier now that you have mapped out where to go with the Chariot and how and why you are doing it with the High Priestess.  This task is not a simple change with these three cards.  But it can look like, asking for promotion, expanding your business, quitting your job to work for yourself, retiring, etc..  By the end of the year you should be well on your way with a new ride into new lands.


Seychelles parakeet Laurel Roth Hope

Queen of Swords – The last two weeks the Devil card came to test you on who you are and what you stand for.  Then the Hanged Man kept you in a purgatory like state to let you contemplate how you were triggered.  Now, the Queen of Swords continues the focus on contemplation, but emphasizes focusing on the details to create movement.


Paradise parrot Laurel Roth Hope

Nine of Swords – The Nine of Swords is the card of worry. This week your worries will be highlighted.  The best way to deal with them is to first clearly seeing if you can do solve them.  If you can do something, then prioritize it with the other things in your life.  And for the things you can’t do anything about – write them down and literally throw them in the trash.


Heath hens Laurel Roth Hope

Ten of Swords – Last week, your thoughts got in the way of your success.  This week others are trying to pull you down into the morass.  This week is full of people cutting you off the literally and metaphorical road.  If you did last week’s work and casted away your demons, then others unintentional malice or thoughtless actions will not faze you.  If you didn’t do the work, then be well armored going outside.


Great Auk Laurel Roth Hope

Eight of Swords – The Eight of Swords has you examining how your thought process are stopping you this week.  The challenge is being compassionate with yourself for these thoughts.  They were put there by others.  Once you can see the chains clearly, you can let go and walk away.


Guadalupe caracara Laurel Roth Hope

Nine of Wands – The Nine of Wands forecast this is perfect time to stop and do some preparation before doing.  This looks like making sure you have a menu for the week, then creating a list and only getting what is on the list.  The more prep you do, the cheaper, healthier and faster the results.


Mauritius Blue pigeon Laurel Roth Hope

*Empress – This is a great week to plant seeds, start new projects and nurture what is already in the works.  The Empress energizes growing anything you want to this week.  The only challenge with this card is anything you start will take at least 9-10 months to full mature.  Oh, and another thing prioritize yourself care.  Be as kind to yourself as you would your own child.  Remember as they say on airplanes Oxygen masks on yourself before your children.


Ivory Billed woodpecker Laurel Roth Hope

Seven of Coins – Last week was a great time to create with the Magician card. The only challenge was that your creation must have meaning behind.  This week the Seven of Coins gives you another week to work on your project with gusto.  There is a stable and constant energy with this card’s energy.  You can tap into easily, so use it well.


Dodo Laurel Roth Hope

*Wheel of Fortune – The Wheel of Fortune is the card of chance and changing of fortunes. So, this is a great week to take a chance on something.  This can look like sending your resume to your dream job, asking out that special someone, and/or playing lotto.  The challenge is not in the success of wining but believing in yourself and giving your dreams a chance to manifest.


Biodiversity Reclamation Suits Laurel Roth Hope
Passenger Pigeon Laurel Roth Hope

Six of Cups – The Six of Cups foretells that something in your past will help you this week.  This can be an old friend, looking at old journals, or recalling an previous conversation.  This card is the card of deja vu.  They tell you that you are in the right place at the right time.


Biodiversity Reclamation Suits Laurel Roth Hope
Cuban Red Macaw Laurel Roth Hope

The Three of Wands – This is a great week to expand your horizons.  This can mean going to a place you have never been before but always wanted to, or just daydreaming about where you want to go next.  It is important that you refuel your passion and drive by seeing or imagining the path to where you are heading.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,



Tarot-cast for the Week of June 3, 2018

Ornitographies by Xavi Bou

Above is the art project Ornitographies by Xavi Bou.  It is a study of birds in motion within a single time frame, making visible the invisible.  This series investigates the unnoticed movements and questions the limits of human perception of time.  Unlike the movement and scientific studies of Eadweard Muybridge and Etienne-Jules Marey  Xavi’s pieces feel more organic, more flowing. His images show the flow of movements of past, present and future.

To me these are a visual representation of zazen.  The goal of zazen is just sitting, suspending judgmental thinking and letting the words, ideas, images and thoughts pass by without getting involved in them.   It is about experiencing the whole concept of life without judgment in each moment.  Sounds simple but I have found it super hard.  As I watch my kitten playing with his mouse, I realize he is one of my teachers of this practice.  May you have a lovely week my friends.

P.S. Please share.

Aries – Knight of Swords

Ornitographies by Xavi BouLast week you had the theme ‘beauty adorns virtue”  This week continues that theme with the Knight of Swords  This card suggest that you slow down and take time to smell the roses. Be in each moment.

Taurus – Four of Wands

Ornitographies by Xavi BouThe artist last week asked you to pay attention to the details. The Four of Wands wants you to focus on the details in your home.  Focus on the how to create more harmony in your home.  Whether that is adding a calming color or adding some pop, remember harmony does not equate to uniformity.

Gemini – Three of Swords

Ornitographies by Xavi BouThe painting last week was about standing up for you rights, even if it is seems hopeless.  And that beauty arises outside the realm of judgment.  The Three of Swords extends this theme by having you deal with three self-defeating thoughts.  Your challenge is  look at the reason of why you carry around these thoughts through a lens of self-compassion.

*Cancer – Emperor

Ornitographies by Xavi BouThe artist’s theme last week was about being aware that you do not have control over reality, but you can nudge it towards your favor. And so the Emperor extends this thought for another week by having you add to and build upon the reality you are in.  This can look as simple you have to go to work but can you manipulate the time or space that you do it in.

Leo – Eight of Wands

Ornitographies by Xavi BouLast week’s art theme was to see parody(humor) in your life.  The Eight of Wands continues that theme of bring in and accepting the positive even joyful energy in your life. Arms and minds open.

*Virgo – Hermit

Ornitographies by Xavi BouDulle Griet’s hinted about being a bit devilish or against the social norm last week.  The Hermit would like you to continue the exploration of the outer edges of societies’ norms, but in theory with meditation and reflection.  This is a favorite card of Virgo, for this is a lifelong challenge of balancing your social and solo sides. The challenge with this card is not to seek solitude out of a reaction of being over social but to be proactive about scheduling your need of space and time to decompress. And the bigger challenge is do it without guilt.

Libra – Four of Pentacles

Ornitographies by Xavi BouLast week your challenge was to met people outside of your normal wanderings.  This week the Four of Pentacles takes an about-face from the emotional realm to the physical one.  Your goal is to save time, money and space anywhere you can.  Your challenge is not to feel selfish about it.

Scorpio – Six of Pentacles

Ornitographies by Xavi BouLast week your challenge was two-fold, taking on a challenge and proving the “haters” wrong.  This week, the Six of Pentacles’ lesson is around the “give and take” in your life.  The goal is lowering your input to people or work that you are not getting something positive in return.  The challenge is to do it without them noticing.

*Sagittarius – Judgment

Ornitographies by Xavi BouLast week your painting was about finding and bonding with your inner horse.  The Judgment card challenges you to create a ritual or rite of passage that moves you on to the next act of your life.  This can be as simple as lighting a candle and blowing it out to release the old, or as complex as burning all your old journals.

*Capricorn – Tower

Ornitographies by Xavi BouThe art last week challenged you to see the boundaries you may be holding on to around your passions or your way of life.  The Tower comes this week to break down those walls if you haven’t already.  The Tower comes to shake things up because something you have not been dealing with and that doesn’t work, needs to change.  The best way to deal with this card is to stand back and enjoy the destruction.

Aquarius – Five of Swords

Ornitographies by Xavi BouThe painting last week advised you to see that your history or past experiences are useful in the present whether you see it or not.  The Five of Swords this week continues this theme by challenging you that you can learn more from your mistakes and failures then you can from your successes.

Pisces – Four of Cups

Ornitographies by Xavi BouLast week’s painting suggested to come at your life with softer edges.  This theme continues with the Four of Cups this week.  This card is the card of self-compassion and empathy.  To see the world, its people and yourself without sharp edges.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,
