Tarotcast week of August 21, 2016

Pulse room Rafael Lozano Hemmer

I wanted to bring you all some energy in the form of light to celebrate the last day of Leo. One thing that has always fascinated me about light was color. When I was very young my first science fair experiment was the effect of different colored lights on plant growth.  Ever since then I have been fascinated with – do we actually see color in the same way and the effect of color and light on our moods.

The art above is Pulse Room by Rafael Lozano-Hemmer. It is an array of incandescent light bulbs that flash at the exact rate of the participant’s heart when he or she holds the interface. How cool that something that is so personal is brought to light. In your tartocasts are more artists that use light and color in cool ways. I find this art form an interesting twist since all art is dependent upon light and the mixture of color and these artists bring to light how those simple components of art can still move us.

P.S. Remember, when signs have * it’s a big week for you.

Olafur Eliasson Your rainbow panoramaAries – Nine of Cups – Now that last week’s challenge to build a simpler and more balanced solution is over. You have a week to tie up looses ends and contemplate your next move. The challenge with the Nine of Cups is to balance your “work life” with your “play life.” Even if you love your work, you have got to give your mind a break to reset. Olafur Eliasson Your Rainbow Panorama

Night-Sky-Saturn-North-from-Earth Angela BullochTaurus – Eight of Pentacles – The Eight of Pentacles heralds another busy week for you, the last couple of weeks were about asking for help. This week you have a choice to collaborate or not. But I recommend trying to find some time alone to improve your skills. The Eight of Pentacles’ challenge is to improve a technique you need at work. For artists it can look like working on your sketching skills, for others it will be learning something new on computer or for teachers it can be learning a new way to teach fractions. Angela Bulloch-Night Sky Saturn North from Earth   

Gemini – Eight of Wands – Last week The Hermit challenged you to take conscious “time outs” for yourself.   I hoped you did because this week you will need to be available. The Eight of Wands’ lesson is being accessible for communications and messages you will receive. The challenge with the Eight of Wands is there will be a lot of information for you to process, so it will be important to prioritize your communications. Not every email needs to be dealt with but they should all be acknowledged. Gunda Foerster- Tunnel

kusama_the_souls_of_millions_1Cancer – Four of Rods – I hope you redirected some of your antsy energy last week. This week the Four of Rods lesson is around balancing your work/home life. The Four of Wands’ challenge is to do some tweaking on what makes a happy home or how you can enjoy it more. This is one of the cards in the deck where even its lower aspect is positive. So you really only need to “hang a few pictures” and enjoy.   Kusama – The Soul of Millions

Leo Vill -cylinder*Leo – Hangman – So far your big cards for your birthday month were the Empress and Ace of Pentacles with their challenge of what are you going to create this year in your life focusing on your home/work life balance. And then the Hangman squeezes in on the last day. The Hangman’s lesson is enlightenment especially around the sacred though at times unorthodox path. The Hangman challenges your perceptions by asking:   Is your view of life “hanging you up.” How can you look at things differently? Overall, this coming year is a year for you to break through old perceptions, create a new world view and generate the abundance you want to live and work in. Oh and another challenge for you as a fire sign – that kind of work takes time. So get your Zen on – you have a year to do it. Leo Villareal- Cylinder

KarlFlavin_MedRes*Virgo – Temperance – What a great card to begin your birthday month. Temperance’s lessons are all around harmony and balance in life. This week I suggest you try this exercise: 1)Make a list of all the things/people that strengthen you, balance you, and/or you feel in harmony with. 2) Make another list of all the things/people that make you unbalanced, anxious, mad and/or unhealthy. 3) Connect the ones that possible cancel each other out or strength each other. 4) Cross out any you have no control over. 5) This year strength the ones that help you the most. (Here’s an example of this pondering: Trump being a presidential candidate makes me crazy. First, I thought I balance it by not watching the news, then I realized it still makes me crazy. So, I have no control over Trump’s mouth and I crossed it off. However, I decided to strengthen my empathy for people who support him.) Temperance doesn’t ignore or negate the hardships in life but challenges us to become more resilient to the swing of the pendulum and learn when we can control the amplitude. Dan Flavin

BILL-CULBERT--Strait_jpg_940x2000_q85Libra – Queen of Cups – This week the Queen of Cups challenges you to have a good time in the little moments. Also, if you can find a way to be around some water this weekend even if it is running through water sprinklers. Creating these little moments of joy are one of the lesson of the Queen of Fun.  Bill Culbert– Strait

Felix Gonzales TorresScorpio – Six of Wands – The week the Six of Wands suggest it is an ideal time to review your accomplishments from this summer. The challenge is that your accomplishments will tell you more about how to finish out your birthday year than examining your failures. Felix Gonzales Torres


shadow-art-woman Kumi YamashitaSagittarius – Queen of Cups – Last week your challenge was getting over the inertia of being too busy to change. And now the Queen of Cups is here to continue the challenge except with her more Sagittarian charm. You all hate to be told what to do. You know that the cleansing from the Death card needs to happen but you are having a hard time doing it. Then the Queen of Cup shows up to give you a hint on how to jump start the inertia. You have got make it fun. For example, if you need to clean out the closet invite over a friend to try on clothes with you, or clean out the garage with a buddy to watch sports while you do it, or if it is that bad habitat challenge then find ways to reward yourself by make it social and do it with a friend. Kumi Yamashita– shadow art woman

Jim CampbellCapricorn – Ace of Swords – Did you do your weeding challenge from last week? Hmm, looks like you need another week to work on it. You did think about some of the things and people that were crowding out your fledgling. So now it is time to figure out a strategy how to pull the “weeds” out without disrupting the soil around you. With all Aces the challenge is this is just a beginning, so don’t get frustrated if nothing gets totally wrapped up this week. This week is about process. Jim Campbell

James TurrellAquarius – Five of Wands – Five of Wands’ lesson is around the minutia of chaos. Here is the thing – it is going to be a busy week, but all the chaos that is happening is not all yours. Your challenge this week is figuring out what you can control and letting go of the rest. This is a mini exercise in being Zen while there are a lot on gnats flying around your head. James Turrell

021-jenny-holzer-theredlist*Pisces – The Moon – The lessons around The Moon are about dreams, subconscious and emotions. The full moon from last weekend has opened up your subconscious and if you are not careful it can sweep you away. There are important messages showing up in your dreams, intuition and emotions this week.   You need to acknowledge them and learn from them. However, the challenge for all water signs with the Moon card is we do well here, maybe too well. Just be a bit wary that the tides of emotion and dreams don’t take you out to sea and you wake up feeling swept away or worse – lost. Jenny Holzer