Tarotcast week of August 14 2016

Watching the Olympics is one of my high points every two years. I watch it not because I am “Go USA” but because it is a place and time the whole world is doing something collectively. I love that vibe. Also, the scientist in me is fascinated by what makes an Olympian and when will we see the limit to what is the fastest.  What are the physical limitations of the human body and mind?

The above is a picture from the photo book The Athlete –  more of Howard Schatz photos  I love the photo because it shows that there are many body types that make an Olympiad. But what it doesn’t show is that “the most perfect body type” for the sport does not guarantee the gold. The person’s drive, resilience, mind-set add to the athletic package. As we look at the picture above we natural try to type the body with the sport.

But here is where we all need to be really aware in our Olympic discussions – that body type does not bleed into color of skin, where one comes from or becomes a stereotyped fact. It is great that Simone Manuel won the gold. But we need to realize why we haven’t seen a lot of African American swimmers is for societal reason around the sport. One reason being – it is easier to finance a track then it is to finance a pool. I do think these discussions need to happen! The more we talk about “what makes an good Olympiad” the more we unearth our bias and open up the competition to all the people of the world.

P.S. Remember, when signs have * it’s a big week for you.

*Aries – Seven of Pentacles and Justice – Last week you all got The Tower which represented a change from an outside source. This shift resulted because things were too complex and unbalanced. This week born from rubble comes the time and resilience to rebuild – Seven of Pentacles. Also, the Justice card challenges you to build simpler and more balanced solutions to the problems of last week.

Taurus – Four of Pentacles – The Four of Pentacles heralds another busy week for you, except that your energy level will not be as high as last week. Again like last week you will get more done with the help of others.   If you put the effort in last week – seeing that not everyone is at the same energy level as you – you will have an easier time asking and getting help this week. If you didn’t, then the best strategy for you is to do less of the work and do it alone. You will be less frustrated.

*Gemini – Hermit – The Hermit heralds a time for withdrawal. This week spending some time by yourself will bring you more inspiration then being out in the world. Now that doesn’t mean you have stay at home all week. The Hermit’s challenge is to make conscious “time outs” for yourself.   Also, that Zen like approach you worked on two weeks ago with the Fool will come in handy this week.

*Cancer – The Magician – The Magician’s lesson is about directing your energy and making something beneficial in the world. The challenge with The Magician is if your energy is not directed towards a goal then that energy will either come out in an unbeneficial way or stay inside of you making you restless. Therefore, your challenge is when you feel antsy this week – go do something. It can be as simple as cleaning your kitchen or as complex as inventing something to make the human life safer, happier and/or easier.

Leo – Six of Wands – Another great card for your birthday month. The Six of Wands simple means good news and information. So your challenge is to soak in all the lovely things people are saying and giving to you around your birthday. I recommend writing them down or saving the memory somehow.  So in  the dead of winter, you can pull them out and bask in their warmth.

Virgo – Page of Pentacles – This week the Page of Pentacles challenges you to learn something new.  Pick up a new book, start a class ( there are free ones on ITunesU or edX), or have a deep conversation with a friend. Things you learn outside yourself will lead you to great rewards in the future.

Libra – Six of Pentacles – Six of Pentacles’ lesson is all about karma on a small scale. The Six of Pentacles’ lesson is everything you give out in to the world you get three-fold back. So for all the good you do this week you will get it three fold back.   But that also means for all the bad you put out there you get that three-fold back too.

Scorpio – Four of Pentacles – Last week you were challenged to let go of your ego and accept that two heads are better than one. Here is the twist. If you achieved in asking for help the last two weeks, this week will be easier getting the help you need. If you didn’t, then this is a week to start mending some relationship fences, because you are going to need the help in the future.

*Sagittarius – Death – This is a week to clean out the old so the new can grow. This can be as simple as weeding your garden, cleaning out your closet, or as complex as getting rid of a nasty habit.   The challenge is getting over the inertia of being too busy to change.

*Capricorn – Death – Okay you and Sagittarius have same card, so read their tarotcast too. However, yours has a bit of a different flavor because you have a little fledging. Your lesson from the Death card is around the metaphor of planting carrots. For carrots – one plants a lot of seeds.  Then as they grow you thin them out until there is only one plant every two inches. This is your challenge with your fledgling’s development. First investigate what projects, people, and thoughts are crowding your fledgling’s growth then set about weeding them out.

Aquarius – Ace of Swords – Aces mean new beginnings, and swords mean the mind, strategies and thoughts. This week you will be using your brain in new ways. The challenge with the Ace of Swords is to keep your ideas and thoughts flexible. This is a great week to look outside the box for new ways to solve old problems, strategize with new people, work with people in a new way or learn something new that expands your mind to the “Land of Awe”.

Pisces – Three of Cups – Spend this week enjoying friends and loved ones.  Your challenge is to expand and deepen the understanding and love between you and your closest people.

May light be on you, light around you, and light within you,
