Tartocast week of August 28, 2016


“… if it is true that there are as many minds as there are heads, then there are as many kinds of love as there are hearts.” Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy

Happy birthday month Virgos.

I just finished watching Anna Karenina the 2012 version back to back with War and Peace the BBC mini-series. Of course you all know the Virgonian Leo Tolstoy wrote these works. I have watched Anna Karenina in six different versions. The Vivien Leigh version and this new one in some way are the most striking to me. The Vivian Leigh adaptation is the Russian version of Gone with the Wind- all dressing and drama. However with the 2012 version I found myself stopping to rewind for gems of phrases. I am not sure if these are from the book since I have never read either of these works.

They are now on my reading list. Not to actually read the story but as a new friend of mine said “reading to read.” I plan to read for little gifts of words or phrases that sing to me. Many of the books I borrow are from the online library and the peculiar thing is my kindle app keeps the highlighted text that other people have done in their reading. I find it fascinating. I ponder on why did they highlight this?- what resonated with them so much in these words? I look at phrase with a different layer. It’s like Russian dolls – reading a book within a book.

P.S. I have attached some Tolstoy’s gems for each sign that may or may not coincide with you reading. Remember, when signs have * it’s a big week for you.

Aries – The Wheel – Hopefully last week you tied up loose ends because this week the universe has dealt you The Wheel card which is all about the New. The Wheel’s lesson is to try out new things without a goal in mind. This can be as simple as go play lotto, try a new route home, go investigate a new place, or go out and meet up with some friends. The challenge with The Wheel is doing new stuff without judgments or expectations. This week try to keep your eyes and mind open the New.   “Boredom: the desire for desires.”

Taurus – Seven of Cups – Whew, you are allowed to take a break from your busy last few weeks. The Seven of Cups’ lessons is about using your imagination and exploring your dreams. The challenge is around how you deal with your hopes, dreams and imagination. Try to do what they recommend with brain storming. Put everything, even the most outlandish and illogical thoughts, out on the table. This week all ideas have a hidden surprise just for you.  “If you look for perfection, you’ll never be content.”

*Gemini – Chariot – The Chariot’s lessons are about balance while moving. Something in your life isn’t balanced, and it needs to be fixed before you can move forward. The Chariot ask you – what are the things in your life that are your foundations (your four wheels)? And then what part of your life creates movement in your life(your horses)? One of these things isn’t balanced and you need to do some adjusting. So this week literally and figuratively check your tires and engine.   “Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.”

Cancer – Four of Pentacles – So that is two fours in a row, so let’s look at four a bit closer. Four cards are all about stability in one’s life. The Four of Wands from last week was about adjusting your home life so it can bring you peace and enjoyment. Four of Pentacles is about work and money. So the Four of Pentacles is challenging you to look at what makes you feel “less than” at work or about money. For example at work – do you have enough time to do all that is ask of you? Solutions/Stability could look like asking for help or schedule yourself better, but you have to be realistic with how much actual resources you have. Or if it is around money, it could be about realigning your budget so you can have some savings. The challenge with the Four of Pentacle is to make sure you do not “borrow from Peter to pay Paul.”  “True life is lived when tiny changes occur.”

Leo – Ace of Wands – Last week The Hangman challenged your perceptions by asking:   Is your view of life “hanging you up.” How can you look at things differently? And then challenged you to get your Zen on to help change your perceptions. This study continues with Ace of Wands by giving you the beginning of an action plan. First and foremost find what gets you in that Zen space and practice it this week. Practice makes purpose. (yes, I did mean purpose). “In the name of God, stop a moment, cease your work, look around you.”

*Virgo – The Moon – Last week your challenge from Temperance was around harmony and balance in life. This week The Moon takes you to the underbelly of emotions. First let me preface this is watery card can be a bit hard with Earth signs because they want to make mud when playing with their emotions. The Moon challenges you to deal with your emotions in a different way. Either you think that dealing with emotions will muddy the situation or that you need to be so solid against your emotions to create a barrier like the cliffs of Dover. But here is the twist.   Earth with time is slowly smoothed by water to transform jagged rocks into smooth beautiful pebbles, or some pretty awe-inspiring things like the Grand Canyon. So your challenge with The Moon is to see the tides of your emotions are less of a threat and more of a way to let somebody see your inner beauty. “Truth, like gold, is to be obtained not by its growth, but by washing away from it all that is not gold.”

*Libra – Strength – After the fun of last week, this week the Strength card advises you to shore up the levees. This can look as simple as getting back to the routines that make you strong like vitamins and exercises. Or can be as complex as cresting habits that get your energy back to normal. This is a really great card to start your wind down to your birthday. “All, everything that I understand, I understand only because I love.”

Scorpio – Seven of Wands – Last week I hope you took the time to look at your accomplishments because you are on to the next wand card – the seven. You will need that self-assurance from last week to stand your ground this week. The Seven of Wands’ lesson is about stand up for what you know is right. The challenge with this card is to make sure your grounds are justified and if they are, even if it’s against the crowd, stick to them. This challenge is around integrity. “The sole meaning of life is to serve humanity.”

Sagittarius – Two of swords – This week you will be confronted with indecision. For some of you, you are still battling the inertia of the past two weeks. For others that have accepted change into your life when confronted with indecision will have a clear feel for what decision is right for you. Really for both of you, it is just a manner of following your gut. You have already made the decision, you just need to trust yourself and go. “There is no greatness where there is no simplicity, goodness and truth.”

Capricorn – Three of Cups – This is a an easy card for me to read but it might be hard to fit into your life. The Three of Cups means hang out with friends and loved ones (that includes animals in my book) with no big agendas. Your cups need to be filled from the camaraderie. “If you want to be happy, be.”

Aquarius – Ten of Swords – The Ten of Swords’ lesson is about following your instinct. Remember some of those gnats from last week, well this week a few might bite. Here is your challenge – If bitten, step back from the situation and use your instinct to see if you are the problem. Most likely you will find that you aren’t, you were just the first juice morsel they could bite. As the week progresses and you practice using your instinct, you will see “the gnats with stingers” and sidestep the situation. ?The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.”

*Pisces – High Priestess – Ok last week’s tides of intuition and emotions(both good and bad) continue to break onto the shores of your conscious existence.   You still need to acknowledge them and learn from them. However, last week they were more likely to take you out to sea.   Luckily, this week the High Priestess shows up to have you continue to work with your subconscious and emotions but from higher ground. The High Priestess’s challenge is to be truthful with yourself and learn the lessons around your emotions, so when the your emotions well up again your intuition can guide you to a safer shore. “Without knowing what I am and why I am here, life is impossible.”

May light be on you, light around you, and light within you,
