Tarotcast for week of Nov. 13, 2016

Safety-pin Drawing by Josee Fonseca

A movement started in the UK when Brexit happened. People started to wear safety-pins to show their solidarity with refuges and immigrants.   The safety-pin is joining us here across the big pond.  People in the United States are starting to wear them to show their solidarity with minorities and to stand up for human rights.  Wearing a safety-pin is a pledge that we, as humans and no matter what our political affiliation, will not allow people to be verbally or physically abused.  That we will not allow bigotry, sexism, genderism, or racism rise up in our country. We will literally stand next to anyone to make sure they are not harmed.

And I want to add.  There is a lot of hate and anger right now in America. We have been dealing with racism and xenophobia since the birth of this nation.   This is not something new but we are at another tipping point. I know there are Republicans who do not want to see people hurt. This is not a political statement it’s a humanitarian statement.

No matter your sex, gender identification, skin color, or where you were born, we will not let you stand alone!

Things you can do:

  • Wear a safety-pin and carry extras so you can give one out to people who ask you about it.
  • Literally stand by any person being violated. How to help someone being verbally insulted
  • Change your avatar to a safety-pin.
  • Take selfies of yourself and your pin and post on social media.
  • Document injustice when you see it – use your camera and social media to get the word out.
  • Some of my artist friends have created images you can download from my website for free to spread the word. You can download a stencil to create t-shirts or be creative. You can download the smaller safety-pin to make stickers.  resources/safety-pin/
  • Spread the word.  There is safety in numbers.

Articles about this movement:

huffingtonpost safety-pin article

good.is article safety-pin-America

P.S. Remember, when signs have * it’s a big week for you.

Aries – Knight of Wands – The Knight of Wands’ lessons are around how you use your energy to create. Spend the first half of the week being aware of where and what your energy is spent on. If all is well, keep it up, and if not realign, adjust, and refocus. You have 7 more weeks this year to get on track and ready for what is ahead.

Taurus – Seven of Pentacles – The Seven of Pentacles is telling you to get on your mucking boots and get to work. You have some things to do before this year ends. Stay focus on the tasks at hand. The future arrives everyday without your energy worrying if it will.

*Gemini – The Emperor – Last week, The Magician asked you, do you have all that you need to smoothly do the work you need to do? Hopefully you did that work, because this week is “nose to the grindstone.” If you made sure you had all your tools and did some trial runs, this week will run smoothly. If you didn’t, to get through this week’s work you will need to rely on your sheer will and determination. Either way, you will need to “ink in” the weekend for some rest and relaxation.

Cancer – Three of Wands – Strength last week asked you to interact with yourself with love and compassion. This week you can continue that practice while lifting your head up and thinking about the future.   We have 7 more weeks till the end of this year. The Three of Wands recommends that you plan out what you need to finish up this year and what you need to put in the “parking lot” for next year. This is a week to plan and prioritize.

*Leo – Justice – Justice’s lessons are all around balance, fairness, and logical thinking. For Justice to work you need to not let your emotions overwhelm your decisions. The challenge from Justice is to let truth take its course. Justice balances the pros and cons of each situation and then takes action. This is a week of logic – not emotion. PS. For any of you who have legal work this week, make sure you read the fine print.

*Virgo – The Devil – Dang, third Higher Arcane card in a row. These three weeks have been like Mister Toad’s Wild Ride. The Fool reminded you to go with the flow and have a little fun, then last week was all hands on deck, and this week it is all about The Devil – what chains you. This week, The Devil challenges you to look at what misery chains you. What guilt or obligation do you hang on to that takes you off your path?   Why is it when things are going well for you, you decide to do something else? Spend this week answering those questions. You do not have to be the martyr, you could just be a good example – you can be a moral person and still live the good life.

Libra – Page of Cups – This is such a great card for Libras. The Page of Cups’ lessons are around love and healing. This week the Page of Cups challenges you to do what Libras do best- healing and balancing the world around them. Most of your cards during the past three months have been telling you to create more boundaries and take care of yourself first. This is a mini test. Can you give while not giving everyone your last drop of blood? This week the world needs love and you are one of the people who can be there for the rest of us, just be true with your limits.

Scorpio – Queen of Swords – Last week you all set the tone of reformation for your new birth year. The Queen of Swords continues this theme. The Queen of Swords’ challenge is for you to spend this week figuring out what you need to renew, realign, reorganize, or transform, so you can give more of your amazing self and ideas to the world. Keep your emotions at bay this week and use thought and logic.

Sagittarius – Four of Wands – The Four of Wands advises you to spend this week with your family and/or close friends. Find time to create moments that make life worth living. This is a week to watch a movie, have a picnic, play a board game, take a walk in nature, or go to the flea market with your family and/or friends. This is a week for creating family moments and memories, because ultimately, these experiences are why you get up in the morning.

Capricorn – Nine of Wands – I hope that using the mantra last week – “I am the Golden Mean” – and the suggestion to create simplicity helped.   This week the Nine of Wands’ lesson is around preparation. This is the card that signals you to prepare for change. In a very practical way this card challenges you to get ready for winter. Do you have all that you need for the coming season? If not this is the week to metaphorically or literally go and chop some wood.

Aquarius – Seven of Wands – This is your second seven in a row, so let’s step back and talk about sevens. The number seven rules acquiring wisdom.   Last week, the Seven of Swords challenged you to look to your past accomplishments and use that wisdom to prepare for what’s ahead. This week the Seven of Wands’ challenge is for you to spend time looking at the present. What wisdom can you gather in the present? What ideas sing to your soul? I suggest writing these ponderings down. I have a strong feeling you will need them in the not too distant future.

Pisces – Page of Pentacles – The Page of Pentacles is the card of the student. This week is for learning. Spend time with books, podcasts, documentaries, or actually going to school. The intake of knowledge will embed you with energy this week. Remember, knowledge is power!

May light be on you, around you, and within you,
