Tarotcast for Week of Nov. 6, 2016


I was going to write about democracy, but I decided what we all really needed is something to make us smile. (I do take this whole political thing seriously but damn I needed a break.) So here are some pictures of PUPPIES!!!!

Crazy fact – it only takes about three months to gestate these bundles of joy, and for cats it takes about a week longer.

P.S. Remember, when signs have * it’s a big week for you.

38f566e406947a686b92bc924ffdb223Aries – Four of Pentacles – The Four of Pentacles’ lesson is letting go of trying to control everything in your life.   It is time to manage and be aware of your available energy and resources, but not hold them too stringently. It is possible this week that you could squeeze the life out of your projects. Your challenge is to figure if you need to ask for help or just let go a little and see how things work out naturally.

17-puppies-who-are-so-cute-they-will-make-you-mad-2-30501-1424359138-6_dblbigTaurus – Ten of Cups – Last week, The Star challenged you to walk forward into your Future with more energy and a new sense of hope. The Ten of Cups continues the theme this week. This card’s challenge is making sure you are creating a happy environment for yourself. For example, if your home is feeling uncomfortable, do you need to do some house cleaning, or do you need to lower your expectations of cleanliness just a tad? “Happily ever after” is not obtainable, but contentment, 75% of the time, is within your reach.

80d364e09d31fcba8af274926d4332ff*Gemini – The Magician – The Magician is here to help you review the tools in your tool box and start to experiment. Ask yourself – do I have all that I need to smoothly do the work I need to do? This is the week to get the right tools to make your work week more at ease. This can be as simple as finally getting a flathead screwdriver instead of using a kitchen knife, or as complex as experimenting with the give and take of constructive criticism.

the-newfoundland-puppy-in-black-looking-at-the-camera-with-a-cute-and-sad-look*Cancer – Strength – With Strength this week you should continue the Queen of Swords determination to do what is right for you. Strength is challenging you to stand up for yourself against your biggest adversary – yourself. Here is the lovely twist with Strength’s lesson – you don’t have to be hard on yourself . The Strength card is actually asking you to interact with yourself with love and compassion. You know that love makes you stronger, so self love will make you stronger still.

tiny_puppy_is_tinyLeo – Ace of Wands – With your information in hand from last week you are ready to start anew. The big lesson with Ace of Wands, with this new resolve and understanding of the cycle of energy, is staying focus on your goal. There will be a lot of energy this week in general.  Your challenge is to channel your energy into your goals while keeping the greater good in mind.

miss-you-my-love*Virgo – The Chariot – The Fool reminded you last week to go with the flow and have a little fun. This week it is all hands on deck. The Chariot’s lesson is about holding on to the reins, pacing yourself, and balancing in motion. Energy is going to be all over the place and your challenge is to stay on the road. You have to play this week like a ride on Mister Toad’s Wild Ride. So your challenge, literally and metaphorically, is to enjoy the drive without hitting anyone or obstacles, keeping road rage to a minimum, staying on the course, and avoiding any potholes.

impossibly-cute-puppy-2Libra – Five of Wands – The Five of Wands’ lesson is around keeping calm in the midst of chaos. This week is going to have a lot of energy spinning around. The challenge for you is to figure out if any of this drama is yours. I think you will find it is not. Be careful when choosing where you want to put your energy this week.  You don’t want to get swept up in other people’s tiny tornados or storm clouds.

a242d5a7fca86aeda26676c8627e82c0*Scorpio – The Hierophant – I was wondering when your big birthday card was going to come out. These big cards set the tone for your next year. The Hierophant’s lessons are around creating structure, schedules, your big purpose in life, and how you give back to the world. This coming year will be the year of reformation for you all. Your challenge is to spend this week figuring out what in your life do you need to renew, realign, reorganize, or transform, so you can give more of your amazing self and ideas to the world.

3aa8969f3c87fe2bc4a9b39a7c620a26Sagittarius – Ace of Pentacles – As the wind down of your birth year starts, you are already thinking what to do next. Ace of Pentacles is giving you the go ahead to start early; however, this Ace also challenges you to pace yourself, because this coming year “slow and steady” wins the race. The other adage that comes to mind for this week is “measure twice, cut once.”

uber-puppiesCapricorn – Temperance & Five of Wands – This is a two card week for you all. First, the Five of Wands is warning you that there is going to be a lot of energy out there this week.  When you really look at it, it is not yours. So you need to put your practical Capricorn pants on and take Temperance’s advise. Secondly, Temperance is advising you to chose the moderate course or position that avoids the extremes. Your mantra this week is “I am the Golden Mean.” I’ll throw in an exercise if you can’t get there. This week wear only practical low key clothing or wear black all week with only one piece of ornamentation. The simplicity of your outer wear will help you key into the simplicity you want to achieve on the inside.

cute-basset-hound-puppies-wallpaper-3Aquarius – Seven of Swords – The Seven of Swords’ challenge is to stand back and see all that you have accomplished in the past 3 months. This card represents a lull in the journey where you pat yourself on the back for how far you have come and take time to stock up for what is ahead.

4901cd308b49bc6d0e5cbcd5df91bcc3*Pisces – The Five of Swords & The Hermit – The Chariot challenged you last week to figure out which aspect, control, balance, or pace, you need to work on. So you will still need to work on that choice this week; however, you got Five of Swords and the Hermit to help you figure how to do it. Which means, you have a choice on how you can play out this highly charged week. If you have to be out in the world, choose Five of Swords which advices you to put on your armor and mask to hide behind, and keep your ego in check. Or, you can choose The Hermit and work from home.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,
