Tarotcast week of July 17, 2016

crab monkey Ashmolean Museum

Above is a picture of a netsuke from 19th century Japan. This is one of my favorite art forms because it is usefulness and art coming together. Also, I am always amazed when art is done on a small scale.

Netsuke are miniature sculptures that served as a toggle to hold containers (sagemono) from kimono’s sashes(obi). They are carved from a wide variety of materials, from mammoth ivory to walnuts. They take on a variety of forms. The most common is katabori which are round and usually one to three inches high. The most complex are ryusa which is carved like lace and karakuri, which have moving parts or hidden surprises.   During the Edo period in Japan, everyday citizens had limited avenues of self expression due to custom and law, so the netsuke was one subtle way to show your individualism. I think the keychain is the netsuke of today.

P.S. I’ve added some pictures of netsuke that you all may like. Remember, when signs have * it’s a big week for you.

89189f43166a83fd05911eac524bf794Aries – Ten of Swords and Queen of Swords – This week will be loaded with chaos and disruptions from social situations. The Ten of Swords challenges you to listen to your spidey senses. The Queen of Swords is here to say that if you strategize and prioritize before starting each day, you will be able to focus and dodge the debris of this hurricane of a week.

snail*Taurus – The Chariot – Last week did you make it through the roller coaster of emotions and find those feelings that have clues to what you need and what you don’t want in your life? You will need to use that emotional insight this week to keep the balance and momentum of The Chariot. As much as you all might want a rest from last week, The Chariot challenges you to keep going. The Chariot guarantees that things will move more smoothly in the future if you deal with stuff now instead of postponing it.

mask netsuke*Gemini – Hangman – Okay, so last week you all got the Magician to start creating. Well, I hate to say it but the Hangman has shown up to put a halt to the action. Now, The Hangman only shows up when we need to see a new perspective or when we need to rework our plan. So this week take the Hangman’s advice – stand back from what you are doing and reassess your strategy, your tools, the people around you, and/or the plan itself. Something is blocking your progress.

kappa netsukeCancer – Ace of Wands – Last week did you get to reconnect with your guardians(s)? Great, because you can ask them to help you out with this week’s challenge. The Ace of Wands is a great card to finish off the Cancerian birthday month. Aces mean new beginnings and wands govern the soul’s path. So I leave you with the challenge to answer this question: are you being authentic and true to who you are? If you are, great, continue on. If not this is the year to make some changes to reignite that quest.

basket netsukeLeo – Nine of Cups – What a powerful wind down to your birthday month you all have had with the issues around control. This last week of wind down, the Nine of Cups is switching the focus. The Nine of Cups’ lesson is for you to appreciate all that you have. And yes, you are right you don’t have everything you need right now.   But if you don’t take the time to appreciate where you are at this moment, when the last piece falls into place you will already be moving on to the next phase or project, so you will have no time to reflect. Your challenge this week is to stay present to all the presents (yes I mean all the definitions of present) you have around you and smile.

kuan yin netsuke*Virgo – High Priestess – The High Priestess means you need to get intimate with your intuition. You need to spend some time working your spidey senses. Here are some exercises to do to help get in touch with your intuition. 1) Make a list of five friends, close your eyes and pick one, and then call them up and have a talk. They will have some information for you. 2) Go down a street you never have been down before and look for messages from the universe. 3) Channel surf or go down the internet rabbit hole with a question and see where it takes you. 4) Do dictionary divination: ask a simple question, randomly open up the dictionary, and throw a paperclip up to land on a word and see if tells you something. Ultimately, you need to spend as much time as possible this week practicing your gut muscles so you can get back on course.

catphotoLibra – Nine of Swords – Nine of Swords lesson is to take it easy this week. Take your vitamins, get enough sleep, and wash your hands. If you all were going to catch the summer cold, this is the week you would do it. You have had a busy four weeks, and now is the time to balance all that activity with some couch/porch time. Relax read a book, lay by the ocean/lake/river, work in your garden/ lawn. It is summer, after all.

netsuke fishScorpio – Knight of Wands – Another court card this week, so other people still predominate your life. Unlike the Queen who was all about getting things done, the Knight of Wands is way more relaxed. This week spend time working with people or things that interest you or spark your creativity. His challenge: go with the flow.

netsuke fish 2Sagittarius – Five of Swords – Be careful of overconfidence this week. The Five of Swords lessons are all around ego. Whether it be your ego or someone else’s, feathers will get ruffled if you are not clear with your intent. If you are unsure, this is not the week to try to push it through without your ducks in a row.

hidden netsuke*Capricorn – Magician – This is the week to gather your tools, collect information, and experiment. The Magician’s goal is for you to get empowered by experience. His challenge is to answer this questions: what do you create outside of yourself that is real and has value? This can be as simple as the dinner you make to nourish your family, or as complex as your “work” in the world. The challenge is seeing yourself as the creator of your reality.

pumpkin_potAquarius – Eight of Cups – This week it is time to clean out your emotional closets and set up some boundaries. The Eight of Cup’s lesson is to notice the little things that bother you. The challenge with this card is figuring out if these “gnats” are attracted to you because you don’t have boundaries in place to ward them off or if you need to get rid of some “emotional garbage” that is attracting them? Or a bit of both.

d_eldkirin1*Pisces – Strength –The last two weeks it has been all about Love. What it means to you, how can you create more, how you can partake in it more.   This week the Strength card arrives to deepen the probe. Ru Paul says on his show “If you don’t love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?” Now I believe what he is saying . Self hatred can get in the way of a loving relationship.   But I also believe you can get to loving yourself by loving others first. Seeing yourself through your loved one’s eyes as worthy of being loved is a pretty big step. Heck, my pet can look at me with lovey eyes and I feel good. Your challenge this week is to see that loving, no matter what way you get there, is the stuff that gives you strength.

May light be on you, light around you, and light within you,
