Tarotcast for week of January 29, 2017

Some of my favorite ocean creatures are the nudibranchs. Nudibranchs are a group of soft bodied, marine, gastropod mollusks. The word “nudibranch” means “naked gills.” Those are the little appendages you see on their backs. The nudibranch is about 2-3 inches long snail like creature. Because they shed their shell during their larval stage, these animals have developed toxins to make themselves unpalatable to predators.

This is why they can be so colorful. You would think they were colorful to attract a mate, but their simple eyes can only see light and dark.  Scientist have found that at least two species make a noise that is audible to the human ear. Scientist believe this is a way that these hermaphroditic creatures can attract mates.  We have currently discovered over 2,300 species of these colorful creatures in all parts of the oceans.

Some of my favorite ocean photography is done by David Doubilet.   I first noticed his work when I saw a series of photographs he did for National Geographic about nudibranchs. He designed an underwater white light box so they could be photographed in their element and created some of the amazing photographs below.

P.S.  Remember, signs with * it’s a big week for you.

Aries – Page of Wands – “Oh Passion, wherefore art thou?” This week you need to find ways to reignite your passion. I mean come on, Mars is in Aries, your planet is in your own house until March 4th. The universe has given you the whole month of February with no obstacles, so make no excuses – get out there. Like Auntie Mama says: “Live, that’s the message.”

*Taurus – The Star – The Star means healing and enlightenment. It is also Aquarius’s card, so it is a great way to start off the month of February. The challenge for Taurinians with both this card and with Aquarius sign is to learn how to step back and enjoy. You feel guilty/angry/depressed if you aren’t “doing something.” This week work on being passively (definition- in an accepting manner, without active response or resistance) active (definition – engaging or ready to engage in physically energetic pursuits). A great metaphorical exercise is to sit in a train station/bus stop/airport/mall/street corner, any really busy place and just watch for 20 minutes. You will start to see and feel the rhythm then you can dance rather than rush back into life.

Gemini – Knight of Cups – People often miss out on Gemini’s loving nature, including Geminis. Many astrologers say that your sign is sociable and intellectual but emotionally aloof. I disagree. I find that you all have the most romantic hearts out of all the signs. This week the Knight of Cups challenges you to tap into those generous, loving hearts and spread some of that love around.

*Cancer – The Hierophant – Three big cards in a row. Two weeks ago The High Priestess wanted you to turn inward to gain self knowledge. Next, Judgment wanted you to realize what you needed in order to live a life that is more aligned with who you are and what your calling is. And now, The Hierophant is asking you what kind of support you need to make this new life/project/idea happen. This week is not so much about putting structures into place but more about making a laundry list of what will be needed to make that life/project/idea happen.

*Leo – Wheel of Fortune – Wow Leo, what’s up? This is already your third big card this year. You started with The Fool cleaning the slate and having you ask yourself, Who am I? Then the Chariot told you to grab the reins and say, Yes. And now you got the Wheel of Fortune, which is the big karma card of the tarot. The Universe is giving you a turn at the wheel of fortune to change your life. This can look as simple as buying a lotto ticket or as complex as sending out your resume to your dream job. The challenge here is to learning to play the game without being focused on winning or losing.

Virgo – Queen of Pentacles – Last week Justice reminded you that “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.” With that long view, the Queen of Pentacles is here to work. This week it is best if you keep your hands busy. If you must think about something, ponder this quote from Florence Nightingale: I am of certain convinced that the greatest heroes are those who do their duty in the daily grind of domestic affairs whilst the world whirls as a maddening dreidel.”

Libra – Six of Wands – Things will move along smoothly this week, so take advantage of these greased wheels. Remember that the reason it is going smoothly is you. Take a breath and a bow this week, because I am not sure how long this recognition and respite will last.

Scorpio – Four of Wands – Two weeks ago The Tower’s energy came to shake things up and break down old structures. Then The Empress strolled in, asking you to create more garden and pour less concrete. This idea, of re-growth and flexibility, continues with Four of Wands. This card challenges you to work on making your environment more supportive, yet flexible to your wants and needs.

*Sagittarius – The Star – The Universe has brought the Star into your life to challenge you to give yourself a gold star. This week, stand back from your life and look at what you have accomplished. An exercise I recommend around this card is to make a list of all the things you are grateful for in your life. Then – here is the real challenge – think about how you got them. For example, I am grateful for my children. I had a relationship with and then divorced a crazy person to get them. The lesson from the Star is in acknowledging that you are resilient and that some of the good things in your life were born in poop.

*Capricorn – Fool – LOL. From one trickster to the next. Last week, The Devil had you look at the three concepts of illusion, temptation, and materialism. The Fool now shows up at your doorstep and challenges you to walk the talk. You now have to make into reality whatever conclusion you came to. For example, you have now realized that your wardrobe covering your three sizes is actually entwined with the illusion that you want to live the lifestyle that you kept at that lower and/or higher weight. So The Fool walks in and says let’s get rid of the most destructive life-style choice clothing – and, let’s take a walk after dinner. Or, you come home and are tempted to drink a six pack of beer to unwind when you really just hate your job or, more simply, the drive home. So The Fool is walks in and says, let’s look at Indeed or Google Maps for alternatives.

Aquarius – Seven of Wands – Well, the pace is still at a gallop this week. There is going to be a lot going on in your environment to distract you. The best way to get through the chaos is to set your goals and then be flexible enough to duck, jump, and sidestep the obstacles while keep your eyes on the prize.

*Pisces – Death – This week Death is challenging you to shed that old skin. Spend this week seeing things, ideas, people, and places that you have outgrown. It is time to get rid of dead weight and useless items and ideas. Clean closets, buy a new address book, clean out your email contacts, go through your kitchen and get rid of plastic tops that no longer have matching bottoms or vice versa, or let go of hearing your Mother say “I told you so.” Release, Release, Release, because you have some new growth coming that needs the space.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,
