Tarotcast for week of January 15, 2017

The New Year’s calendar is a bit of a family tradition in our house. Each December my Mom gets a bunch of calendars for free, usually from places that she has donated to or advertisements from companies that want her business. By Christmas she has a pile of them that that we can pick from. I usually pick out a scenic calendar, because I put crazy stickers on the pictures to create weird scenes. (Like the one above, a trail of ant stickers on rock formation in honor of the movie Them.)

The first calendar to feature an image with an advertisement was in the late 1880s. It had an  image of George Washington, but wall calendars didn’t really kick off until the early 1900s with the popularity of the calendar girl. The world of wall calendars has now expanded WAY beyond Presidents or the Pin up girls of the past. Interestingly, while researching this, I found more 2017 calendars with dudes then with the ladies.

P.S. I have added some calendars that loosely fit your tarotcast. Remember, signs with * it’s a big week for you.

*Aries – Hierophant – Your first big card for 2017. If you all haven’t made resolutions to better your life, this is the week to do it. The Hierophant suggests that your resolutions be around your things that add structure to your life and belief systems. An everyday approach looks like (lol) getting a calendar and using it. Or in a bigger esoteric way, if you aren’t believing in yourself or a project, this is a week to look at why and start implement strategies that will fix it. Otherwise, you’ll have to throw it out and start anew.

*Taurus – The Fool – Welcome to your first big card for the year – The Fool – mindfulness with humor. This week gets this calendar’s message and find play in your spirit. Take advantage of working outside of the box this week. You and your work will benefit way more playing on the grass then staying on the well trodden path.

Gemini – Ace of Wands – Nice, you all get to continue on in the land of philosophy, creativity, and spirit. The Ace of Wands is firing you up to start something new that expands your will. The “will” I speak of is defined by desire but also inclination. It is advantageous to start putting your energy in new projects, work, or ideas that you are naturally drawn to and make you say AH or AHA.

*Cancer – High Priestess – The High Priestess motto is “I know.” The energies this week are guiding you to an internal journey to gain self-knowledge. The Full Moon in Cancer last week was great for charging up your intuition. The High Priestess is challenging you this week to believe in that intuition and the knowledge of who you are. Rely on your amazing emotional intelligence. It will guide you through your “mind” fields.

Leo – Nine of Pentacles – Last week, I hope you at least rolled down your car window and screamed, “Yes!” This week is more laid back with the Nine of Pentacles – tending to your secret garden. The “secret garden” for Leos is the activity you do just for you. It can actually be working in your garden, watching scary movies by yourself, taking a bath, or any activity that you do in solitude that feels a bit indulgent. Even though Leo is considered one of the more gregarious signs, Leos need down time, so take it while you can.

Virgo – Ace of Wands – The Universe’s next word for you is passion. The Universe will impart messages to you around this issue. Watch for things that make you “sigh with a smile.” These are portals to your past and heart. Watch for things that make you go, “Oh.” These are portals to the unknown and your mind. And watch for things that make you say, “Wow.” These are portals to passion and your spirit.

Libra – Five of Pentacles – The Five of Pentacles asks you to remember that you are not alone. Libras are usually the “go to” people when someone needs help. Your challenge is to get over the idea that asking for help yourself somehow diminishes you. So when you are trying to reach that light bulb that is just few inches past your reach, ask someone to lend a hand. Many of your friends are just dying to pay you back for all your help in the past.

*Scorpio – The Tower – Okay, hopefully you put things on hold last week, because this week you got The Tower – breaking down. The Tower energy is here to shake things up. Anything that does not have a good foundations will break apart. The Tower’s lesson is that whatever is left standing is well built, and what fell apart was meant to be rebuilt with a stronger base.

Sagittarius – Five of Swords – The Five of Swords’ big word of the week for you is Ego. Watch your ego this week, it might get you into trouble. With this card how your ego gets you into trouble when dealing with someone else’s ego. The best way to deal with this card is to think before you speak.


Capricorn – King of Wands – The King of Wands is challenging you to start ruling your own life. The energy surrounding you this week is empowering. He is advising you to stop letting other people and their agendas butt into your existence. This is a week to imagine an emotional moat around your heart and a draw bridge to your mind. These images will help you protect and fortify your “castle.” You can still have people in your life but they need to live under your house rules when visiting.

Aquarius – Five of Swords – The temptation continues this week with ego and thoughts diverting you from your TRUE goals. Fives in tarot mean chaos and swords rule the mind and thoughts. This week be careful around getting into discussions that can get heated. Definitely stay away from discussions around the two biggies, religion and politics, and then use your good sense. If your ego is inflamed by a topic so might be theirs, hold off on having the discussion until next week. You have too much to do to get diverted by arguing.

Pisces – Nine of Swords – The word for this card is worry. The Nine of Swords asks you two questions. First, what are you worried about? And second, what can you do about that worry? Answering the first question will slow down your thoughts enough to decrease your stress. You will then find that most of your worries hone down to make one or two main worries. And then you will see that you can do nothing about one worry and/or the other worry you are already working on.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,
