Tarotcast week of December 13, 2015


Get out your wishes because tonight and tomorrow is the Geminid meteor shower. It peaks tomorrow at 1-2 am. This starry display promises a slow (78,000mph) and steady light show-no telescope necessary. This meteor shower gets its name from where the streaks seem to originate in the Gemini Twins constellation. However, they are suspected to come from the debris of asteroid- 3200 Phaethon. Hope you have a great night of wishing on “falling stars” even though they are bits and pieces of orbiting comets or asteroids- Still cool!
I have added some wish ponderings/ideas for wish making that are relevant to your card at the end of each sign. Also be specific with your wishes. Remember signs that have * , it’s a big week for you.

Aries – Eight of Swords- Did you follow your intuition(star) last week instead of trying to make things happen? The Star card from last week is a big lesson card so I can see how the challenge to control everything is lingering in your tarotcast. This week your challenge is to not let your thoughts bind and limit you. The best way to learn from the eight of swords is to hone your intuition skills and follow those hints instead of logic and your head. Wish ponderings/ideas: What bad habitats do you want to get rid of?

*Taurus – The Star- The Hangman last week hopefully worked on your skills in patience and to appreciate being in the moment. The Star will start things moving again this week and definitely take advantage of the meteor shower wishing! The Star is all about the enlightenment that lights the way to a better future. Spend this week partaking in the things that inspire you and others. I will leave you to ponder one of my favorite quotes: There are two ways to spread the light. Be the light or be the mirror that reflects it. Wish ponderings/ideas: Ask for things/hints that will (en)light(en) your best path.

Gemini – Three of Swords- Ok my Gemini friends this card is a hard card but an easy one to figure out. The Three of Swords means there are three thoughts that are piercing your heart. Usually these are three things you need to learn about sorrow and lost in the world and/or circumstances. The sadness comes from not being able to see a way to change it. Wish ponderings/ideas: Show me how I can I be the change that I want to see in the world?

*Cancer – The World- Last week did you let your mind go wandering? This week you got the World card. This card says that this week is full of opportunities for endings and beginnings. This is a appropriate card for this time of year. The world will provide many of these hints so watch closely. Wish ponderings/ideas: What doors do you want to close this year and what windows of opportunity do you want to open up for you? And remember you can ask for the world.

Leo – Five of Wands- Now on to something completely different. It seems you all are done with the heavy lifting from the past five readings. This week you have the Five of Wands which means to beware of things and people competing for you time and energy. Your challenge is to keep focus on what is important and don’t let the small stuff distract you from what needs to get done. Wish ponderings/ideas: What things or habitats do you need to streamline your life?

*Virgo – Strength- This week is more of a reminder then a lesson with the Strength card. I want you to think about all the things and people that made you a strong person. Not only looking at the good things/people but also looking at those hardships that motivated you to where you are today. The Strength card ruler is Leo so Virgo’s this is a lesson you have already learned in past lives. You all are strong people. When Virgos get this card it is a time for you to appreciate and give a nod to your core strength and the people/circumstances that gave it to you. Wish ponderings/ideas: So if inner strength isn’t something you need what other core values do you need help with?

Libra – Nine of Wands- So you got the Nine of Wands back in mid November and it’s back with a slight twist because of your two of pentacles balancing act last week. This week you have a lot to do and there is no getting around it- you need to do it. The challenges being: prioritize and know how much you can safely handle at one time. Wish ponderings/ideas: Wish for some help. wink emoticon

Scorpio – Eight of Wands – Good news and things are coming to you this week. The challenge is noticing it when it comes because it is disguised in some chaotic energy. Wish ponderings/ideas: Give me sight to see all the positive things coming my way.

*Sagittarius – The Fool – Another great card for Sagis on their birthday month. So I hope last week you integrated both aspects of yourself the philosopher and your inner freedom loving animal. Because the Fool is urging you to jump off the cliff. Try something new. Engage in drawing the blank Rune of Fate. And I have all the faith in the world that you will do this with the agility and grace you all were born with. The big challenge for you is you all have responsibilities that you cannot ignore. Before you go on to this new year make sure all your looses ends are tied up. Wish idea: Ask for help in tying up the old so the new can come in.

Capricorn – Three of Wands – What a great card right before the holidays and your birthday month. This is a week to plan ahead. The rest of the year will be smoothing sailing if you spend this week preparing for it. I know this sounds like just logical sense. But this week with the Three of Wands the world will be helping you do it instead of working against you. Wish ponderings/ideas: Ask for things to help you organize your life.

Aquarius – Two of Wands – So last week I asked you: Can you imagine a brighter future for yourself without letting the worries erode the dream? You have another week to tweak out some of the kinks with this new future and your old worries. The Two of Wands is a card that recommends to look at your past for help so you can move forward into your future. Though with last week’s Judgment card, I think you should look to the past for your mistakes and trust yourself that you will not make them again. And then I think you can finally leave your worries behind. Wish ponderings/ideas: Where do you see yourself in 1 year, 3 years then 5 years?

Pisces – Knight of Swords- The Knight of Swords tells us to stop rushing around. Slow down. This is not a week to make any big decisions. Wish ponderings/ideas: Why are you running around and what do you need to help you slow down?