Tarotcast week of December 20, 2015

tarotcast winter solstice
Happy Solstice week everyone! For me, spiritually, this is my favorite time of the year. I love the Solstices because it is the time of the year where everyone around the world is celebrating something. For the northern half of Earth it is our shortest day/longest night (Winter Solstice), and then in the Southern hemisphere it is longest day/shortest night (Summer Solstice). An then in 6 months we switch roles. I love the yin yang of it. I feel like celestially this is a time when the Earth as a whole is at the foci of balance between light and dark. Twice a year we get a celestial reset button for our planet and it’s inhabitants.

PS. For fun I have recommended some Xmas movies that relate to your card. Remember signs that have * it’s a big week for you.

Aries – Four of Pentacles- The holidays can have a feeling that you don’t have enough time, energy or money. Well in some case this is very true. So your challenge is to ask: The reality of “not enough” is it your expectation that is driving that feeling, do you actually have control over that change or should you even change it? Xmas movie recommendation: It’s a Wonderful Life

Taurus – Page of Cups – I hope last week with the Star you found some enlightenment. This week the page of cups challenges you to have fun by finding or re-lighting the joy of your inner child. And this is such a great week to do it with all the childhood wonder that abounds this time of year. Xmas movie recommendation: Miracle on 34th Street

Gemini – Ten of Pentacles – This is a great card for the Holidays. The tens represent the endings of cycles. And Pentacles represent the physical world. So this week Gemini your challenge is to work on tying up loose ends and think about all that you have accomplished this year. If you aren’t 85% happy about your physical circumstances then it is time for a change. And if you are that happy- count your blessings. Xmas movie recommendation: Trading Places

Cancer – Five of Cups- Last week you got the World card with opportunities for endings and beginnings. This week that thought continues on a more focused note. The 5 of cups is about letting go of things that aren’t working and moving forward with the things that are. The challenge for Cancers is finding the things that are actually working for you. Xmas movie recommendation: While You were Sleeping

Leo – Eight of Wands- The eight of wands this week tells you to look out for messages from people around you and your environment. You will learn a lot to help you if you keep your eyes and ears open. Your challenge is that some of it will come in the form of a compliment. I know the myth with you Leos is that with your brashness people think you think highly of yourself. However, the truth is you all are actually quite shy and self effacing when faced with a compliment. So your challenge is to take the compliment to heart. If you can’t take it now at least put it in your pocket, so you can look at it later and blush. Xmas movie recommendation: Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer – the stop motion version

Virgo – Ten of Swords- This is weirdly a good card for you especially due to the Solstice. Which is a time to release old cycles and ask for new things to come in. The tens represent the endings of cycles. And Swords represent the mind and thought. This week it is your challenge to end the cycles of worries and thoughts especially ones around people who do not have your back. Really ask yourself why do you care what the haters say? And then follow your intuition going forward without getting them involved. Xmas movie recommendation: Arthur Christmas

Libra – Ten of Cups- This is a great card for the Holidays. The tens represent the endings of cycles. And Cups represent the heart and emotions. The ten of cups is telling you Libras to raise your cup, enjoy the season and all the love that surrounds you. The challenge for you is that you feel more at ease giving than taking. So can you actually end this year enjoying yourself without feeling the need to take care of everyone else? If not, at least try to take a moment or two to step back and soak in all the love that surrounds you this season. Xmas movie recommendation: The Shop Around the Corner.

Scorpio – Ace of Swords – Ace and Tens are great cards for this last days of the year. For Aces represent new beginnings and Swords represents thoughts and the mind. So the challenge for you Scorpio is to figure out what will be your mental mantra for the new year? What one sentence or saying will help you focus your mind to create the best year yet? Xmas movie recommendation: How the Grinch Stole Christmas – the animated one with Boris Karloff.

Sagittarius – The Three of Pentacles – I hope you all had fun with the Fool card last week. The card this week recommends you all to keep your feet on the ground and your eye on the prize. Your challenge is to find the three things you need in your life that make you feel grounded. If you are grounded my dear fire sign you will feel more focused and less likely to burn out. Xmas movie recommendation: Elf

*Capricorn – The Emperor- This makes sense that you all would be the first High Arcane card of this week’s tarotcast since we are heading into your birthday month. The Emperor task is to create structure, stability and support in your life so you can easily do the things that you were meant to do in this life. So the challenge this week for you all is to look at the structure and support in your life and ask: Is it helping and encouraging you to become a better you? Xmas movie recommendation: A Christmas Carol

Aquarius – Eight of Cups – Did you pondering your future last week? Well you get another week to do that while moving on and getting rid of things, emotions, ideas that aren’t working for you anymore. Time to lighten the load. If you are celebrating Winter Solstice put those things on paper and burn them on Solstice. Xmas movie recommendation: A Christmas Story

*Pisces – Justice – So my oceanic brothers and sister this card recommends that it is a great time to make lists of pros and cons around the questions in your life. If you do this exercise with the areas in your life that do not feel balanced you will find the means in which to balance them. And the challenge is to remember that all things end up fair in the end. Xmas movie recommendation: A Charlie Brown Christmas