Tarotcast for week of March 5, 2017

I don’t know about you but I needed a little clever humor in my life when I stumbled upon Michael Pederson. He is a street artist who makes mundane spots into places for reflection and for smiles. (I do recommend going to his site to truly see the context of his art.)

I have a fondness for street art in general. It in its purest form it is made for the public. Art for the masses. I love it because it always surprises me when I see it. It becomes a gift from an unknown person. I feel special by seeing it – for paying attention – for looking up and around at my world – for finding a treasure left by a stranger.

P.S. Remember, signs with * it’s a big week for you.

Aries – Four of Pentacles – This week, you will need to navigate how to use your resources wisely. Try not to spend all your energy in the beginning of the week or on the first project you encounter. This week pace yourself, so that you don’t hurt someone’s feelings when you get frustrated about not having enough time or energy to spread around.

Taurus – Seven of Pentacles – Put on your gloves and get to work. If you keep a steady pace this week, you will get loads done. The challenge with the Seven of Pentacles is in dealing with feeling overwhelmed with all you have to do. The best way to tackle projects is to divide them up into small chunks. Instead of seeing the whole garden that needs to be tended to, just do the tomato row, then the lettuce row, then the carrots…

Gemini – Knight of Cups – Two weeks in a row of knights, so let’s take a closer look at them. Knights mean movement and growth in your life. Last week you needed to slow down your thoughts. This week the Knight of Cups wants you to learn some new moves in the love department. If you are single that means going out and trying a new place to meet people. If you are attached, then bring some new moves to your relationship that will bring your lover to the dance floor.

Cancer – Two of Pentacles – Last week, The Devil and Justice wanted you to stop obsessing, and to use humor as a diversion while letting things play out. This week life is less intense with the Two of Pentacles. The lesson with this card is that you can juggle all the plates you want, and the challenge is in learning how to gracefully juggle two plates before you add another.

*Leo – Sun – Awesome, you got the Sun, which is ruled by your sign. The Sun card’s lessons for most people are about shining brightly and spreading positive energy around. However, this is the hardest challenge for Leos in general. You have to work through your guilt and self doubt for shining and then find the right people to shine on. A great exercise is to actually bask in the sun for 20 minutes. (No worries, just 20 mins of sunlight won’t hurt your skin but will give you the boost of Vitamin D you are lacking.) Feel the warmth of the light and ponder how you and the sun bestow energy onto the world.

Virgo – Ace of Pentacles – Two Aces in a row. Aces are presents of newness. Last week, Ace of Wands challenged you to exercise your creativity and let your spirit take flight. And now Ace of Pentacles suggests you materialize one of those experiments into a project. This week your hands want to work.

Libra – Eight of Wands – Last week, the Hierophant challenged you to look at your boundaries, at how you limit yourself and how you protect yourself. The Eight of Wands continues this theme this week, but instead of looking inward for answers and clues, your environment will be sending you vital information. So keep your ears and eyes open this week.

*Scorpio – Temperance – Wow, your third big card in a row. First, The Fool challenged you to laugh, then The Empress wanted you to explore what you makes you happy, and now Temperance wants you to bring balance into your life. Temperance is challenging you to figure out how to maintain a consistent yet moderate level of laughter and happiness in your life. This is a big challenge for Scorpios in general with their all or nothing approach to life and love. I support this passion of yours but at times it can burn those around you. So the question is, how will you temper your passion without putting out the fire?

Sagittarius – Knight of Wands – The Knight of Wands continues last week’s Queen of Cups mission of creating more joy in your life. This week the Knight of Wands is moving your focus from funny faces and laughter to images, people, speeches, nature or things that inspire awe in your life. For example listen to some TED talks, watch BBC nature shows, listen to the I Have a Dream speech, or listen to some poetry out loud.

*Capricorn – Justice – OK, from The Wheel – karma, last week to Justice – fairness, this week. Last week was a test of your integrity in your intentions, and this week is a test of the integrity of your actions. The challenge with the Justice card is timing. The best advice with this combo is to see if your short term actions fit within your soul’s goals.  If they are aligned, then your fortune will roll out naturally. This can look like big complex life stuff or be as simple as paying your parking tickets on time.

Aquarius – Five of Swords – The Five of Sword’s lesson is around ego. This week be careful of how you say things. Conversations and ideas may be misunderstood. These misunderstanding might be your ego at play but it can also be the other person’s ego. The best advice with this card is to stand back and gain perspective before and during conversations.

Pisces – Ten of Swords – This week listen to your intuition. The Ten of Swords warns that people around you are having issues and the best way to deal with them is to follow your gut. If it says hide, politely excuse yourself from the table and go read a book, and if your gut says stay and talk, then do so but do more listening then giving advice.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,
