Tarotcast for Week of April 8, 2018

Takashi Murakami

Takashi Murakami is a Japanese contemporary artist, who works in both fine and commercial arts.  He is known for blurring the lines between “high” and “low” arts.  I am drawn to him today because of his use of smiling flowers and inquisitive mushrooms.  However, as you dive  into his work, like every artist there is a deeper meaning.

Art shows us the emotions behind our history.  As Takashi said in a recent interview, As an artist, all I can do is paint when history-making moments unfold, like Francisco de Goya did during the Spanish Civil War. All I can do is look at the situation, understand it and put it into my work so that hopefully it will remain a permanent part of our history.

P.S. Please share.  For more on Takashi click here.

*Aries  – Strength

This week will be easier if you fortify your inner strength.  Now I’m not suggestion drinking for courage especially for anyone with an addictive personality.  You should work on having habits in place that ground you and give you courage in more positive ways.  But if a glass of wine, chocolate, or binge watching BadLands grounds you can do it without guilt, but only this week.

Taurus – Knight of Wands

Since mid-March you all have actually been in a good place. The Knight of Wands is confirming that even the hardships you have gone through are starting to make sense and you are seeing the purpose behind the movement.  Your challenge is to keep moving and know you are on the right path.

*Gemini – Sun

This is your week to shine.  Take time to enjoy the good things in life.  If you are finding this hard then get into the actual sunshine and absorb the cosmos’ energy or only watch stand-up comedy for a week. Take this week to focus on the Positive and give the Negative a rest.


Cancer – Two of Pentacles

Balance is your theme this week. Balance is nature’s naturally place.  Your challenge this week when feeling overwhelmed is to do the opposite thing to balance it out.  When you work/rest.  When you eat/drink, etc…



Leo – Queen of Wands

Get out your glue gun, glitter, crayons, paint, hammer and nails or gardening tools.  It is Create week.  The Queen of Wands loves to experiment, create and grow new things.  Your challenge is not to put a goal to the creation.  This exercise is more about connecting to your flow.


Virgo – Seven of Wands

The Seven of Wands tells you there is a flurry of activity playing in the background of your world right now that is taking you off your focus.  You have to decide where you want to put your energy?  And whichever way you turn, do it with your integrity as your guide


Libra – Page of Cups

Seems like last week is bleeding over to this week a bit.  The Page of Cups wants you to do a 180 from where you were the last week.  This week you need to look whatever was happening last week with fresh eyes and an open heart to get a better idea of the situation.


*Scorpio – Death

Death has returned to continue pushing slowly on the path of change.  This is another week for you to create the life you want.  Also, I want to delve into why Death is important to your sign.   Death is also one of your Karma cards.  For Scorpio change is the big thing you work with all your life.  You are meant to figure out and work with the concept of change to create change and how to work with it.  Think of life-like a river and you are the engineer to move that river closer to where you live, so you figure out what to do divert that flow, and this a a slow and organic process.  You learn that you need to work with the environment to make that change happen and stick.  These three weeks are pivotal to that part of your life’s work.

Sagittarius – Five of Cups

Last week, the Hanged Man told you it was a great time to stop to reflect. This week the Five of Cup continues this theme, but the lesson is by mid-week you be ready to move on.  The challenge is to only pick up the positive aspects of your contemplation and move on.

Capricorn – Queen of Wands

The Queen of Wands wants you out in nature and/or creating something new.  She challenges you this week to follow your intuition to freshen your inspiration




Aquarius – Five of Swords

This week will be a bit chaotic.  Your warning is to watch your temper and your ego.  Your challenge is to Keep Calm. This chaotic energy when used calmly can propel you forward in a direction you couldn’t have imagined for yourself.


Pisces – Page of Swords and Three of Cups

The last two weeks have been pretty big where the Fool challenged you to choose a new or fresh activity, and the Emperor told you to take a step further.  This week the cards advice you to slow down because now you have just two assignments.  The Page of Swords wants you to slow down and pay attention. There is information out there for you but it is coming in a subtle form  And then the Three of Cups wants you to slow down to build connecting and firming up relationships.  This week is more about the details than the big picture of the last two weeks.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,
