Tag Archives: Takashi Murakami

Tarotcast for Week of April 8, 2018

Takashi Murakami

Takashi Murakami is a Japanese contemporary artist, who works in both fine and commercial arts.  He is known for blurring the lines between “high” and “low” arts.  I am drawn to him today because of his use of smiling flowers and inquisitive mushrooms.  However, as you dive  into his work, like every artist there is a deeper meaning.

Art shows us the emotions behind our history.  As Takashi said in a recent interview, As an artist, all I can do is paint when history-making moments unfold, like Francisco de Goya did during the Spanish Civil War. All I can do is look at the situation, understand it and put it into my work so that hopefully it will remain a permanent part of our history.

P.S. Please share.  For more on Takashi click here.

*Aries  – Strength

This week will be easier if you fortify your inner strength.  Now I’m not suggestion drinking for courage especially for anyone with an addictive personality.  You should work on having habits in place that ground you and give you courage in more positive ways.  But if a glass of wine, chocolate, or binge watching BadLands grounds you can do it without guilt, but only this week.

Taurus – Knight of Wands

Since mid-March you all have actually been in a good place. The Knight of Wands is confirming that even the hardships you have gone through are starting to make sense and you are seeing the purpose behind the movement.  Your challenge is to keep moving and know you are on the right path. Continue reading Tarotcast for Week of April 8, 2018