Tarotcast for the Week Of August 19, 2018

Unknown Unknown, by Zhang Chenxi

I haven’t featured a lot of computer generated art, but this collection of digital illustrations caught my eye.  If you know me well, you know I love nudibranchs, small slug like sea creatures. This series, Unknown Unknown, by Zhang Chenxi is a tiny alien world comprised of hybridized animal/plant creatures, and where the very real and Earth-bound nudibranchs would fit right in.  I don’t know much about this artist other than he is on Instagram and Behance.  But I do know I love his imagination.

P.S. Please share.  Also, I have put up another quote to download for your vision board.  Enjoy.

Aries – Page of Cups

Unknown Unknown, by Zhang Chenxi Take this last week of summer and enjoy yourself with the Page of Cups.  This card wants you to get a fresh outlook on what is going on in your life right now.  Try to have the perspective of a child who is discovering something for the first time, where everything is new and amazing.


Taurus – Knight of Swords

Unknown Unknown, by Zhang Chenxi The Knight of Swords warns you not to rush into anything this week.  Take things slow; consider all aspects before moving ahead.  Usually when this card shows up you are moving too fast and are missing some important pieces to the puzzle. Or you are literally just not watching where you are going and can bruise your extremities or mess up projects.


*Gemini – Star

Unknown Unknown, by Zhang Chenxi The Star card is the card of healing and inspiration. In its simplest expression this card could mean for you to add a little self-compassion and care into your life-like take a soothing Epsom salt bath, get a massage or spend a day in a museum.  In a more complex way the card may be challenging you to do some deep soul-searching on how to heal karmic wounds so you can carry on with your life a lot lighter.


Cancer – Ten of Swords

Unknown Unknown, by Zhang Chenxi The Ten of Swords warns that this week can be pretty rough. The best way to navigate this terrain is first to admit parts of life suck.  They just do – no matter how nice or kind you are – sometimes life will kick you in the shins.  So don’t try to make the sucky parts all about enlightenment, they suck and that is that.  Now that you are aware of the sucky parts use your intuition to navigate the carnage.


Leo – Two of Wands

Unknown Unknown, by Zhang Chenxi The Two of Wands is a great card to end your birthday month.  This card reminds you that this coming year all things will come in time.  If you let your intuition guide you your timing will be perfect.  Note:  you all didn’t get any higher arcane cards for your birth-month. So this coming year will still have its ups and down, but they won’t have an effect on you like they did the last couple of years.


Virgo – Queen of Swords

Unknown Unknown, by Zhang Chenxi This week brings the beginning of your birth-month, and the card to start you off is the Queen of Swords.  She is the strategist of the deck.  Take this week to think about where you have been and where do you want to go.  I told you all 2020 is going to be a big year, so what do you need to do to get ready for that?


Libra – Nine of Cups

Unknown Unknown, by Zhang Chenxi The Nine of Cups is the card of joy and comfort.  This week take in the good things in your life.  You need to enjoy what you have Libra, cause’ you got a lot.



Scorpio – Seven of Pentacles

Unknown Unknown, by Zhang Chenxi Last week the Queen of Swords continued the theme of prep and strategy and Justice warned you that things were more black and white then what they seem.  Now the Seven of Pentacles shows up and declares it is time to put that strategy and knowledge of the past two weeks into action.  The challenge is being patient and diligent in the work, for the gains of what you do this week will take a while to show up.


Sagittarius – Six of Pentacles

Unknown Unknown, by Zhang Chenxi Hmmm, two sixes in a row, lets dive a bit into the meaning of sixes.  Sixes have to do with cause and effect. The Six of Cups deals with the past and childhood and how it effects the now, and Six of Pentacles has to do with the cause and effect of your actions in the present.  So, your karma is very connected to your dealings these two weeks.  This week, the positive you give out will come back threefold but this is also the case for the negative.  Your challenge is to think and do while considering seven generations ahead.


Capricorn – Knight of Pentacles

Unknown Unknown, by Zhang Chenxi The Knight of Pentacles says you are on the right path.  Your challenge is to stop thinking this week, just trust and keep on doing.



Aquarius – Six of Rods

Unknown Unknown, by Zhang Chenxi The Six of Rods is the victory card.  Part of this week is about enjoying the spoils of victory.  The challenge is that you have won the skirmish but now you have to earn the respect of others, and remember that every battle is not won alone.


Pisces – King of Wands

Unknown Unknown, by Zhang Chenxi The King of Wands is the ruler of Kings. This card is associated with Alexander the Great.  He shows up when you need reminding that you are imaginative, creative and driven. This King is  challenging you by saying Pisces you got this.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,
