Tag Archives: digital illustration

Tarot and Art Horoscope for Week of Oct 27, 2019

Happy Halloween.  This is also my fourth anniversary for this blog.  And, I just wanted to thank you all for doing this journey with me. Now onto the tarotcast.

I could have gone for Bosch or Edward Gorey as my last spooky artist.  But I wanted to shine some light on another “newbie”, in comparison, artist.  She is digital artist Alex (#squidub_art on Instagram).  First, I love that her bio says just a chick looking to make a living on art.  I saw the piece above and it’s the shadow work behind many of these pieces that give them that darker eerie element.  This series is inspired from the Hollow Knight video game by Team Cherry.  Her portraits that people have commissioned her are amazing.  There is such a warmth and sense of who these people are.  That’s not easy to do in any medium, but especially in digital.  She has a small following on Instagram but should have a bigger audience.  So, you all will have to go to her Instagram page, follow her and ask her to do a piece for you. Support the arts!


P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Scorpio this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Taurus it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.



*Wheel of Fortune – The Wheel of Fortune is the card of luck.  Events, people and things will come to you this week that have the potential to change your fortune.  However, there is only one challenge or aspect you can control when this card shows up and that is stepping up to the wheel to spin. The more often and wider variety of places the better your odds.  This looks as simple as buy some lotto tickets, getting your self out there in the dating scene, or sending out resumes to a wide variety of jobs or places you are interested in moving to.  You never know when lady luck wants to show up, but you need to step out of your comfort zone to meet her.



*Sun – When the Sun card comes, it shines an intentional light on you – wanting you to grow.  The Sun gives you the energy to use, but you will need to focus it.  So, the question it asks is: What do you want to cultivate in your life?  Once you have decided where to aim your beam, the challenge becomes being aware of what intensity of energy each project needs.  i.e.  Lasers cut, ambient light comforts.  This is an important test for you bulls, because when you fixate on what you want your touch can be heavy handed.



https://www.instagram.com/squidub_art/Page of Swords – This card advises you that the truth needs to be ferreted out this week.  The Page of Swords shows up when you need to put on your detective hat and do some inquiry.  Nothing is as it seems on the surface, but with some questioning and reading between the lines problems and their solutions can be found.



digital art by Squidub AlexTen of Cups – When the Ten of Cups shows up it is time to see your accomplishments especially on the how you have been dealing on the emotional and relationship fronts.  This moment in time is the cumulation of hard-earned heart work.  Take this week to revel in how far you have come and enjoy the bit of sanctuary that you have accomplished.



digital art by Squidub AlexKnight of Swords – Last week, you were back on the karmic roller coaster. The Wheel of Fortune card advising you to take chances leading to lessons and profitability in the long game.  This week is a 180 degree turn of energy.  Last week was about taking chances.  This week’s card, though your environment might egg you on to be daring, advises you to slow your roll, think before acting and look both ways while crossing the street.  Be physical careful of your appendages. Watch where you walk and watch your knife when prepping food.



https://www.instagram.com/squidub_art/  *World – Wow another karma card that’s three in a row.  The last two weeks the Moon had you taking a deep dive into your subconscious finding pearls of wisdom. Then Justice continued the theme of behind the scenes with ideas, communications and decisions.  Having you look for the reasons behind the facts to help you with decision making.  And now the World card has arrived.  It is the supreme card of new opportunities.  This is a great week to try out new places, prospects, and people.  This week represents a turning point from the past to a brighter future.  The challenge with this card is discovering these new terrains.  The lesson is, though you can walk through a new door, you do not have to commit until you try as many doors as you want.  This can look as simple as continuing dating even though you found a nice person to hang with or continuing to the job hunt even though you have found a good job.  You never know what is out there unless you open as many doors as possible.



Six of Cups– This is your second Six, so sixes are about readjusting.  Last week the Six of Swords advised you to re-balance by taking a little respite from your daily life.  This week the Six of Cups is about balancing the past with your present.   There is some unsettled history that will re-surge. However, now is time to resolve these issues so you can move on.  The challenge is seeing the growth that you have gained despite the past.



Seven of Wands – This birth year will be kinda of a Rosa Parks year for you.  The Seven of Wands forecast your lessons will be around standing up for yourself and/or some worthwhile cause.  The challenge is you feeling not confident and vulnerable. This year will test your resolve to be the change you want to see in the world, however, you are ready for this task.



digital art by Squidub AlexEight of Coins – The last couple of weeks have had some high energy fluxes.  First the High Priestess having you looking to synchronicities for guidance, texts for knowledge, and your soul for cyclic behavior.  And then the Lovers continuing the theme of cooperation with the Universe and with other living beings.  This week, which is also the beginning of your summation month for your birth year, the card of mastery shows up.  So, with all that you have learned the past couple of weeks it is time to apply it to your “work.”  To become a master at any skill, it takes the total effort of your: heart, mind, and soul working together in tandem. ― Maurice Young



digital art by Squidub AlexFive of Wands – Hmm your second five.  Fives are the cards of chaos.  Last week, the Five of Coins foretold the physical plane could cause disarray to your plans.  And this week the Five of Wands foretells that people’s chaos can spin into your world.  The only plans of action, when seeing the whirling dervish coming towards you, is decide whether to sidestep it or dance with it.  Hint:  They say the best way to do the whirling dervish is keep your arms open.  Your right arm directed to the sky, ready to receive the universes beneficence, focus your gaze on your left hand turned toward the earth to ground you and spin.



digital art by Squidub AlexKnight of Swords – Last week the Strength card showed you that one of your true strengths comes from your resilience.  And then it advised you to contemplate on your superpowers and their corresponding kryptonite. If you did this exercise, then this week will barely phase you.  However, if you didn’t, your kryptonite will show up with you unawares.  The best way to work with this energy is slow down, watch where you are going and think before you act.



digital art by Squidub AlexFour of Cups – This week has a melancholy feel to it.   This can send you inward to your safe space, and that is a fine place to stay for part of the time.  This reflection will show you “the why” of your quagmire.  The challenge however is you will only find the solutions if you look outside of yourself.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,



Tarot-cast for Week of April 28, 2019

*Warning these pictures will disturb your inner child/unicorn.

This is the last artist of this month’s tribute to Mother Earth.  Jeff Hong is animation story board artist and he has created a powerful series on tumbler called Unhappily Ever After.  He created digital collages from his photographs, online images and Disney characters.  The premise is what would these childhood characters experience in the real world.

As the artist explains: The hope of these works is to make people think about how their small decisions in everyday life can have a profound effect on our planet and what we can do to help reverse these problems. Using Disney characters puts a new perspective on problems we may not normally feel connected to because it’s happening elsewhere. But once I put these cartoon characters that we all grew up with and love, these issues become a little bit more personal to us.

His work makes us question not only our own buy into to happily ever after, but also reminds the reality that exist and our responsibility in creating our own Happily or Unhappily here on Earth.

P.S.  Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Taurus peeps, don’t forget to book your Astrological Reading for your birthday.



Jeff Hong*Temperance – Wow three big cards for you in a row.  The last couple of weeks the Ace of Cups and the Sun united their power helping you expand any area of your life you focus on.  Then the Chariot rolled in saying this change is all under your control.  And now Temperance the card of balance and moderation is chiming in.  So, this coming year while you are growing and change it is important that you do this with an equilibrium that does not come naturally to you.  You would rather attack life with a series of big pushes, then slow and steady, or you get so focused on one area of life you forget to pay attention to the rest.  So, Temperance advises with your growth – moderation.  This can look as simple as scheduling in play with your work, or as complex as growing the yang/male side of your personality while equally balancing the growth of your yin/feminine.



Jeff HongSun – Well like Aries above this year is a Sun Year for you all, a time of growth and illumination.   The great part of getting this card is what you focus your light on will grow and with that growth so do you.  The challenges this year are twofold.  When you are shining, you will illuminate the good, the bad and the ugly and how you focus your beam of light can either grow with a lite ambient focus or destroy/cut away like a laser.  So, this year, while you shine, experiment with what kind of “watts” you need for maximum growth potential.



Jeff HongEight and Four of Cups – Ok Twins this is a double week for you.  The Eight of Cups is the Spring-cleaning card.  Not only of your literal house but also of your emotional one.  And with the Four of Cups telling you how and where to do this cleaning – three-quarters of introspection and the left over fourth you will find outside of yourself. The big lesson with this combo is get rid of what works and be grateful for what is left over.



Jeff HongNine of Cups – The Nine of Cups challenges you to find the places of contentment in your life, feed them and not only enjoy them but also the process.  As with all cups card and the combination of water signs, water helps if you are stuck.



Jeff HongTen of Wands – The Ten of Wands means this week you will have to watch your people pleasing nature.  If you continue to say yes, you will feel the burden of your obligations by the end of the week. You can fix this problem by either taking somethings off your present list, or just tell people you are swapped and not take on anything more.  Either way this is about decreasing your load this week before you collapse from exhaustion.



Jeff HongThe Ten of Swords – Last week the Universe offered you a time-out with the Hanged Man to practice the art of perception.  Hopeful with the Hanged Man you practice the art of reverse-thinking, for you will need it this week with The Ten of Swords.   The Ten of Swords is the card of troubles whether that is from your own negative thoughts or prompted by the outside world.  Your challenge is to use the Hanged Man’s lesson of seeing the dark clouds as opportunities to “water your plants” or at the very least preparing you with an umbrella.



Jeff HongQueen of Wands – The Queen of Wands is the closest thing you get to the Mother Earth Energy in the lower cards.  She advises you it is time to take a break and get into nature or doing something creative.  She comes to remind you that your flame needs to be stoked, and that you are not attending to your inner cycles of growth, death and rebirth.



Jeff HongNine of Pentacles – Last week the Wheel of Fortune had you looking for karmic intervention in your life or the sign posts of places that need changing.  The trend continues this week but having you focus only on the areas of how you make your money.  There are some places you need to tweak, and this is the week to do it.  The only challenge is this is best done in private at first before you can invite people in on it.



Jeff HongSix of Pentacles – The Six of Pentacles is the mini-karma card.  This week all the positive energy that you put into anything will come back three-fold, but this also includes the negative.  The challenge with this card is that the return of good or bad does not typically take a straight path back to you.



Jeff HongAce of Swords – The Empress’ growth period continues with the Ace of Swords.  Last week the Empress wanted you to cultivate your life in a way that is more comforting and relaxing but knowing this will take some time.  Now the Ace of Swords has you making your first step.  Take this week to decide on the details of how, when and where this is going to happen.  This is a week of planning and as they say the devil is in the details.



Jeff Hong*High Priestess – The High Priestess you would think would be an easy card for you all, for she is the card of the philosopher and can easily fold into lotus position for hours.  And you Aquarians are the astrological marathon thinkers and meditators.  It just hard for you to get in that state because you all are easily distracted.  This week this card wants you to try spending some quality time in the ethereal realm.  Whether that is conversing with nature, mediating, or doing yoga every day at sunset.  This week you need to tap into your intuited/woo self. The challenge this week will be honing and listening to your inner voice for long enough to get its message.



Jeff Hong*Judgement – Judgement comes when it is time to shed your skin or evolve some aspect of your life.  This can look as simple as trying on new styles of clothes, make-up, or changing your hair.  It’s not that the outer layer matters it’s just practice for you to do some inner work.    Here is the challenge – can you see and love the new parts of you that you are growing and leave self-judgment behind?


May light be on you, around you, and within you,



Tarotcast for the Week Of August 19, 2018

Unknown Unknown, by Zhang Chenxi

I haven’t featured a lot of computer generated art, but this collection of digital illustrations caught my eye.  If you know me well, you know I love nudibranchs, small slug like sea creatures. This series, Unknown Unknown, by Zhang Chenxi is a tiny alien world comprised of hybridized animal/plant creatures, and where the very real and Earth-bound nudibranchs would fit right in.  I don’t know much about this artist other than he is on Instagram and Behance.  But I do know I love his imagination.

P.S. Please share.  Also, I have put up another quote to download for your vision board.  Enjoy.

Aries – Page of Cups

Unknown Unknown, by Zhang Chenxi Take this last week of summer and enjoy yourself with the Page of Cups.  This card wants you to get a fresh outlook on what is going on in your life right now.  Try to have the perspective of a child who is discovering something for the first time, where everything is new and amazing.


Taurus – Knight of Swords

Unknown Unknown, by Zhang Chenxi The Knight of Swords warns you not to rush into anything this week.  Take things slow; consider all aspects before moving ahead.  Usually when this card shows up you are moving too fast and are missing some important pieces to the puzzle. Or you are literally just not watching where you are going and can bruise your extremities or mess up projects.
Continue reading Tarotcast for the Week Of August 19, 2018