Tarotcast for Week of March 18, 2018

Amanda Parer

Happy Spring Equinox

The art installation Intrude Bunnies by Amanda Parer is traveling all over the word inspiring spaces, thoughts and people. Amanda’s aspiration is “to raise questions about the nature of the world and our role in it.”  I find it so interesting when we play with scale how that enlightens us in such a unique way.  What is the sense in our evolutionary make-up when we feel physically smaller that the two emotions that come up are awe and/or fright?

This month Intrude Bunnies were part of the healing process of Parkland, Florida’s school shooting where they team up with STEM bunnies.  STEM bunnies is a non-for-profit started by Calb, a 13-year-old who takes real rabbits to negatively affected children to provide comfort and play.  Yes to bunnies, art and inspiring teens!

PS.  Below are more of Amanda’s creations. Remember you can now reach me for quick questions on the Instantgo app.

Aries – Four of Cups

Amanda ParerThe Four of Cups wants you to center your emotions without diving too deep.  The challenge is gaining enough space from your emotions to contemplate your high and lows.  If you find yourself uselessly ruminating, then look up, get outside and experience the positive in your life.

Taurus – King of Wands

Amanda Parer

The King of Wands shows up when you need to make life more Zen.  Your challenge week is to create without force but with The Force.  Tune into the flow.

*Gemini – Hierophant

Amanda ParerLOL.  Of course the sign of the twins would go from last week’s Fool, working with the freedom of a blank canvass, to needing the Hierophant card of structure.  Normally, I would say that the Hierophant comes to reign in the freedom of the Fool, but this week I think your challenge is to continue not adding more structure in your life, but to go with the flow without guilt.  You do better this week trying not to fit into societies norms.   How can you live a more carefree life style?

Cancer – Two of Pentacles

Amanda ParerThe Two of Pentacle is about balance in life.  This is not a week to add more on your plate but to balance what you have right now.


*Leo – Moon

Amanda ParerThe Moon challenges you to shine light on things that are hidden.  For Leos it means you are not dealing with your emotions.  If you don’t release some of your feelings they will boil over like an old pressure cooker, so cry at that soppy commercial or tell someone how you feel.  Therefore, for some of you this week can look as simple as you losing your keys for a day or as complex as you accidentally losing your temper at someone who triggers your untapped emotions.  The challenge is to look before you leap

Virgo – Page of Swords

Amanda ParerLast week, the Tower wanted you to change the bothersome thing that you are ignoring.  However, the Page of Swords showed up saying you need more information to make that happen.  This week’s challenge is to look for clues, though they may be subtle.

Libra – Three of Swords

Amanda Parer

This is your second 3 card so there is a focus on grounding yourselves.  Last week the Cups wanted you to ground your heart with your friends, and this week the swords want you to ground your mind.  The challenge with the Three of Swords is letting go of three thoughts that no longer serve you in grounding yourself.


Scorpio – Page of Cups

Amanda ParerThe Empress growth vibe continues with the Page of Cups.  Last week, she provided you with avenues to succeed, and this week the Page of Cups challenges you to do so with a bit more optimism.  At times we see the same path opening up and are afraid to try again. The Page of Cups is saying you are smarter this time around so have hope and believe in yourself.

Sagittarius – Four of Swords

Amanda ParerThe Four of Swords is a card of rest and recuperation.  Take your vitamins and get good sleep this week.  Flu season is still on, or at the very least, you need to take a break when you can get it.

Capricorn – Five of Swords

Amanda ParerLast week, the Sun wanted you to celebrate your successes.  The Five of Swords takes that sunlight and puts it in a many faceted prism.  This week’s chaos may blind you like a deer in headlights.  I recommend metaphorically to continue wearing your sunglasses at night, so you will not be blinded by the lights but differentiate where each beam is going..

Aquarius – Knight of Swords

Amanda ParerThe Knight of Swords warns you to not rush or you will miss something.  Take your time with paperwork/emails and check it twice for errors.  Drive slower.  Don’t make decisions without thinking first.  Look both ways when crossing the street.  In essence, slow your roll and pay attention.


Pisces – Queen of Cups and King of Swords

Interesting, you all didn’t get any Big cards in your birth month; however you had the Empress in January.  I recommend re-reading it.  So with that new creation and your hormones in mind, you will have to deal with the duality of your nature.  One fish, Queen of Cups your emotional and giving nature who surfaces when things are going good, and the other fish the King of Swords over-thinking and shutting down or being biting and sarcastic who surfaces when things are going bad.   This week you will be confronting that duality in you, see if you can find a more balanced middle path because you need both just not exclusively.  Think more on figuring out how can you be the best Mom and Dad to yourself and your new project?


May light be on you, around you, and within you,

