Tarot and Art Horoscope for Week of Sept. 15, 2019


Marcel Broodthaers  is an artist who danced with variety of muses.  He started off as a poet, and at age 40 he switched his focus to visual art.  His art like his poetry has a wry sense of humor, for he loved the turn of a phrase which he used in both. For example, his first piece, he took all his unsold copies of his poetry and created a sculpture calling it Memory Aid.  Or his cultural commentary on Belgium’s obsession with eggs, mussels and fries by using them in a variety of installations and sculptures.

Four years after his switch to visual arts, he declared he was no longer an artist and started the creation of a moveable museum, Musée d’Art Moderne, Département des Aigles (Museum of Modern Art, Department of Eagles).  Where he curated his work and added to it with vacuum-formed plastic signs that heavily reference what was going on around him. This is where he made his mark in Art.  For he created exhibitions of his old art, new work and borrowed objects.  This radically subverted the traditional chronology of museum retrospectives and how art was displayed.  His unconventional concept that a piece or pieces can evolve with each showing, and that the pieces can change context with the objects it is shown with has influenced artists and the process of exhibition ever since then.


P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Virgo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Pisces it is your half way mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.



Marcel Broodthaers visual artThree of Coins – Collaboration and cooperation are key this week.  The Three of Coins advises you to ask for help even if you don’t feel you need it.  This might be challenging for you head strong fire signs, but multiple hands, eyes and minds ease the path.  Motto:  Many hands make light work-John Heywood



The Hanged Man – You all have arrived back in the land of karmic movement or actual non-movement this week.  The Hanged Man is the card of inactivity on the material plane.  That means you will have times of idleness whether that is a traffic jams or things just not working out.  Take advantage of these time outs.  This inertia comes not to be fought against but gives you the space to do a much-needed internal inspection.  To work with this card try taking this week off or at the very least scheduling in moments of piddling, as Maya Angelou calls itShe describes it as the art of just sitting or puttering around for no other reason than just because. And lies the challenge with this card, introspection without a goal.  Think of it as pulling over to the rest stop of life.  You just came from a whirlwind of summer and now are heading into a productive fall.  Don’t you think, just for this week, you can and deserve practicing the art form of piddling?



Marcel Broodthaers visual artAce of Swords – So a message from the past last week can help you to see new avenues of thought this week.  Aces are always new beginnings, and swords are the realm of thought and intellect.  The Ace of Swords foretells it is a great week to solve problems, expand your brain with new information, do anything with legal issues or PR or forms of communication and decision making.  Your challenge taking in a account of the past to guide future choices.   Your motto: The mind is everything. What you think you become.Buddha



Marcel Broodthaers visual artEight of Wands – The Eight of Wands forecasts it is a great week to send out messages into the Universe.  Whatever you aim/focus on this week will gain momentum.  The challenge is picking the targets you truly want in your life.



Five of Swords – Last week the World card advised you to say yes to opportunities setting you up for exploration of your self and your surroundings.  This week the Five of Swords, the card of an overactive ego, has you questioning all that is around you.  Instead of seeing all the opportunities, you are seeing all the blocks.  But many of these blocks are just your ego getting in the way.  Whether that ego is low self-esteem or that you are overestimating your influence, you need to take a step back to really see what is really going on.



Marcel Broodthaers visual artTen of Coins – So just a reminder Virgo the Strength card is your birth year card and it will bring you situations that will ground you and help you acknowledge your resilience, self-compassion, and mental acuity.  So, by your 2020 birthday you will feel more comfortable in your skin.  This week’s card rounds out your birthyear readings with the Ten of Pentacles.  This card foretells this will also be a year to focus on finishing up projects, enjoying the planet and your place in it.  So not only will you feel more comfortable in your skin but also in your environment.



Marcel Broodthaers visual artTen of Wands – Your second ten so just a quick focus on the numerology – ten is the number of completion.  So last week and this week is a great time to finish up old projects.  But where last week things flowed a bit easier, this week can feel burdensome.  With this card responsibilities can feel overwhelming.  However, the goal of this card is to see that you are partly responsible for the feeling of being overwhelmed.  You have control over how many wands/projects you take on.  The challenge with this card is realizing you can put some of your obligations on hold to finish up what you consider the most pressing.  Don’t worry, the ones you let go of will either still be there next week or will magically go away.



Marcel Broodthaers visual art*Justice – The Justice card comes to help you balance right from wrong. The challenge is that things are not as black and white as one would like. As the Egyptians thought when weighing out a person’s heart for sins.  The sin of killing would weigh differently for a military person than for a baker.    The challenge is looking at the situations or circumstances around the decision or judgment.  This could be a simple as figuring out which child broke the remote or as complicated as figure out why your date hasn’t called in a week.  So, the work around this week is find out more before you make any decision.  There is more behind the scenes.



*Strength – The Strength card comes to help you with your fears and show you your superpowers.  This can play out by flinging you into situations that you feel you cannot handle.  However, that is not the case, you can handle everything that is thrown at you.  A fun exercise you can do is name your 3 superpowers, your kryptonite and your superhero name. This exercise of identifying your strengths and weakness will help you navigate not only this week with more ease but the rest of the year.   Your Motto this week:  I’ve got this.



Marcel Broodthaers visual artQueen of Wands – The Queen of Wands is the muse of arts and nature.  She stokes the fire of creation and inspirations.  She advises either that you create in these arenas or that you immerse yourself in them.  So, if you have the time take off to the forest/park, museum, studio, and/or concert hall.  And if your time is limited watch your favorite indie movie, listen to music, play in your garden or read a good book.  Your motto:  Inspiration.



*The Fool – The Fool is the card of new beginnings. This is a great week to start new projects and/or travel.  However, the challenge with this card is thinking through before starting on your new path. You must be very careful of naiveté when making decisions this week even small ones.   This can look as simple as rushing off to work and forgetting your lunch or paperwork for the day.  Or it can be as complicated as changing career paths like accountant to fisherman but forgetting you get seasick.  If you take in consideration your past lessons with situations this will help from mis-stepping on to an unwise path or worse off a cliff. Your challenge this week is eyes on the ground, be practical, and have foresight by using your hindsight.



Eight of Coins – The Eight of Coins is the card of mastery.  This week is about tweaking situations not starting over.  When this card shows up you got the skills to master all that comes your way.  The challenge is believing it.  Motto:  No one else is you and that is your power.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,
