Tag Archives: tarotcast

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of August 8, 2021

Joan Fullerton
Joan Fullerton

The artist this week is Joan Fullerton @joanfullerton.  Fullerton is a working artist.  What I mean by that is she is not world-renowned artist hanging in the Louvre, but she does art.  She teaches, shows, and paints.  Fullerton does what she loves.  I highlight working artists because it shows that you can do what you love and make a living doing it.  Not everyone is going to be a Frieda Carlo, Maya Angelou, or Brad Pitt, but there is plenty of room for people to honor their passion.  They all started off make a living and doing the work. During this Leonine week where we investigate how we shine ponder this:  Do we sometimes by aiming for the goal, miss the point of the work?  The work should bring you contentment not the goal.  Goals are fleeting;  where the everyday, the work, is steady and satisfying.

Solar System highlights:  Moon starts in Leo – your time to shine and find joy.  It moves to Virgo on the 9th – time to clean house and organize.  Then Libra on the 11th – highlighting relationships.  Ending in Scorpio – focus on your passion but watch the drama.    Mercury goes into Virgo on the 11th.  Great time to clean out your email and when conversing be clear, simple, and precise.  Venus is in Virgo this can be a hard configuration around your relationships, so watch frustrations and critical talk – patience is key.  On the positive side a great time to weed and fertilize anything you want to grow or create space for.  Mars is in Virgo – time to clean and tidy up anything.  Jupiter is back in Aquarius so back to the drawing board innovating and upping your game for the rest of this year.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Leo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Aquarius it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,




Joan Fullerton
Joan Fullerton

King of Cups – Last week the Muse of Empire Creation supported you in building onto anything you have already started.  The challenge with this energy is being aware of your surroundings and the consequences of your actions.  Now the Muse of Emotionality is here to continue the theme of what is good for all is good for the one.  You maybe asked to be vulnerable this week to build better community and a better you.


Joan Fullerton
Joan Fullerton

*Strength – This week has its challenges, but it is just testing your ability to be flexible and open to other ways of doing things. Your Muse of Resilience and Inner Strength suggest you be less like an oak tree and more like bamboo.  Oak trees are solo.  Bamboo relies on each other for strength.  Oaks grow slowly.   Bamboo grows fast.  The task is to be less stoic and set and more passionate and supple.  Sometimes taming oneself weakens your passion. Your motto:  I’m not in control of everything and that is okay.


Joan Fullerton
Joan Fullerton

*Empress – The Muse of Creation has come to help you birth something.  She asks what would you like to develop and grow in the next 10 months?  This energy will help you in this endeavor if you show up.  This Muse reminds that to cultivate something you specifically need to tend to it.  However, she also advises if you do not have the time to be present then cast your seeds to the wind and see what shows up a in the spring of 2022.  Either a desire or a surprise wants to be born, so create and planet some seeds this week.


Joan Fullerton
Joan Fullerton

Two of Wands – The Muse of Future is here to get you dreaming of far away places and new adventures.  Spend this week thinking of what 2022 could hold for you.  What would you like to accomplish two birthdays from now?  Markers, scissors, paint, and vision boards up.



Joan Fullerton
Joan Fullerton

Six of Cups – Last week the Muse of Resilience and Inner Strength is having you quest for subconscious release by the direction of cognizant realization.  So simple that means how do you let your inner self comfortably show in the outer world?  Your work this year is to create or work on healthy outlets so your inner “beast” can roar.  To help you on this hunt is the Muse of the Past.  Some of the answers lie in your childhood.  This energy wants you to explore how the child you, 2-10, found outlets to express yourself.



Joan Fullerton
Joan Fullerton

*Magician – This Muse is here to help you finalize the last month of your birth year and prep the table for the coming year.  The Muse of Divine Manifestation is asking you to connect with your celestial source to download information and action plans.  She reminds you that you already possess all the tools you will need for this coming year, but asks what will you do with them?  Spend this week experimenting with your tools and innovating your plans.


Joan Fullerton

Three of Swords – The energy around you this week is heartache but within it is also healing.  You may find you are easily triggered.  Use these upsets to guide you to places that need healing.  Be kind to yourself as you would for anyone else recovering from wounds or trauma.


Joan Fullerton

*Devil – The Muse of Exams is here with a number two pencil and bubble sheets.  This energy will test your resolve and boundaries.  So, with every exam prep work is needed.  Start off this week with a few goals and boundaries set.  Then once you roll into Monday you will be less likely to be taken off track.  Remember this energy is not to reteach you any lessons. This is about did you fully understand the knowledge gained from your life experiences.


Joan Fullerton

Queen of Cups – The Muse of Fun is here to help you have some, well, fun.  You all as a sign are fun-loving but when you get down in the dumps it can be like trying to drive on flat tires.  This energy is here to remind you that one of your purposes for being here on Earth is to find the fun and bring others along for the ride.  So, your homework is to do as many joyful things as possible for yourself this week and if you can include another – double the fun 😉


Joan Fullerton

Queen of Swords – Last week the Muse of Long-term Planning came to calibrate your present plans to your future goals.  Something has gotten out of kilter, and you need foresight to realign it back to the right path. And now her partner The Muse of Details has come to join the party.  This energy helps you navigate the details needed to obtain your goals.  Their motto:  Work smarter not harder and Measure twice and cut once.


Joan Fullerton

Ten of Coins – Last week the Wandering Muse was pushing you to start a new adventure, plan a vacation, start a new project, or wander without any set goals.   Reminding you that your joy comes from discovering the new.  Now the Muse of Success has joined to prompt you before you start on your new adventure take this week to relax and enjoy your success.  This month signifies a new beginning but also an ending.  Don’t rush the process to move on without patting yourself on the back and basking in your achievements.


Joan Fullerton

King of Swords and Six of Cups – The Muse of Planning has partnered with the Muse of Memories this week.  To create memories sometimes planning is involved.  These energies not only want you to go down memory lane and pull up past joyful memories but also wants you to plan events in the future that can create new joyful memories.  Your past has knowledge on the who, what, where, and how to future joy.   They remind you now is the time to start new and fresh and be more positive energetically for your future.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of June 20, 2021

Father’s Day
Cardinal Fish

Happy Summer Solstice, Happy Birthday to all you fellow Crabs out there and Happy Father’s Day.  There is a lot happening today.  Let’s take the celestial portion first.   Summer Solstice happens every year and marks the beginning of the summer, or winter depending on which hemisphere you live on.   It is the one of two times the Earth is farthest away from the Sun within a year.  During this season, the Northern Hemisphere is tilted towards the sun to get the most rays and the Southern to get the least.

On this day, the Sun is directly overhead the Tropic of Cancer hence its name; however, it has been over 2,000 years since the Sun enter the constellation for Cancer on solstice.   This is because of a motion of Earth called precession, the sun is always moving along the zodiac.  The cycle of this movement is 26,000 years long.  The sun moves toward the west.  Thus, relative to the zodiac’s backdrop of stars, the sun on every solstice appears a bit westward of the previous year’s solstice sun.  So, this solstice the sun is actually entering Taurus.

And lastly today is Father’s Day.  A shout out to all those men out there that co-parent or single parent the next generation.  Above pic is a male  Cardinal fish that holds the eggs in his mouth until they hatch.  He doesn’t eat for about a month while they mature.  And below are other father’s in the animal kingdom that take a larger part of the hatching/rearing of their young.

Planet highlights:  Moon starts in Scorpio this week, so be in touch with your sensuality.  It then goes into Sagittarius on 22nd – great for discovering new things, and then ends in Capricorn – focusing on structures.  Mercury is out of retrograde but still in Gemini until July 16th.  So, time to make those revisions of the last two weeks live.  Jupiter goes retro today, June 20.  It does this cycle every 399 days and lasts 4 months.  It is a great time to slow your roll but not to stop forward motion.  Remember while it is in Pisces, until the end of July, this gives you a window into the energies that will be around you in 2022.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Cancer this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Capricorn it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,



Father’s Day
African Dogs

*Sun – This week it is time for you to shine.  Take a step into the light.  Feed energy only in the things you want to grow.  But be aware, your fiery, all-action temperament does not give “shade” to those that are around you.  Helping others shine adds to your shimmer.


Father’s Day

Six of Coins – The Muse of Charity has come to your door.  This week the more positive energy you put into the world the more optimistic your surroundings become.  However, this energy works with negative energy also.  The lesson is what you feed is what grows.


Father’s Day
Midwife Toad

Six of Cups – The Muse of the Past is knocking around in your attic.  This energy advises you to investigate your past for answers this week.  You are playing out old patterns and you need to find where it all began to releasee or innovate out of them.


Father’s Day

Ace of Cups – Of course at the beginning of your birth month you get the Muse of Emotional Beginnings.  This is a great week to make wishes on how you want this new year to feel.  And then riff off that feeling and innovated on how to make it happen.  This muse recommends finding a word to encompass that mood and write it somewhere that you can see it throughout this month.


Father’s Day
Golden Tamarin

Nine of Wands – The Muse of Commitment is asking you to spend this last month of your birth year tiding up looses ends, so you have a clean slate to start off on your birthday.  All the tasks will not be completed within this months’ time.  Boundaries are essential to create space and time to do this work.  The more you deal with now the more energy and focus you will have to innovate the future.


Father’s Day

Knight of Swords – Last week the Muse of Taking Charge challenged you to create momentum in your life.  She left you in charge of everything: the what, where and how to get to you closer to your destination.  Well, you have another week to keep that momentum going; however, you need to slow down and think things through at each step.  This is not a week to make rush decisions or fly by night moves.  Thoughtfulness and patience are the skills you are utilizing this week to create ease.


Bat Eared Fox

Seven of Cups – The Muse of Dreams has arrived to boost you to imagine bigger.  You have limited your desires in someway and this had left you feeling hollow.  This feeling of scarcity has created a hungry ghost that uses anything to fill that space.   However, if you follow your dreams that hunger will be abated.


Microhylid Frog

King of Wands – The Muse of Inspiration has come to play with you this week.  This is a great week to plan and start a modernization to drive you into your future.  The challenge is thinking outside of the box and for the long term.  It will take time for this to mature, but this week has the momentum to start the ball rolling.


Water Bug

Eight of Swords – You are stuck in some part of your life/work and are clinging to a thought construct that does not work for you.  The Muse of Theories is here to help you meditate revise or release what no longer serves you.   



*Devil – The Devil card is one of your life cards, so that means this week has some karmic components to it.  The sun is going into Cancer which is opposing your natal Sun.  This happens every summer in June and July.  It is a time to stand back, re-group and begin again.  You are halfway through your birth year.  Take this week to assess how far you come and readjust how you want to continue.  This muse also challenges you to relax and slow down to do this evaluation correctly.  As they say the Devil is in the details, but you need to modulate your speed to pay attention to the small.


Darwin Frog

Five of Swords – The energy this week brings with it a feeling of chaos and distraction, like a nest of bees outside your window.  However, the Muse of Best Interests is here to keep you focus and on the right path.  Your challenge is to stay true to your integrity and humanity.  Go into any situation with the question:  What is best for me and for the other person I am interacting with? And if those conflict enact compassion and compromise for the both of you.


Emperor Penguin

Nine of Swords – The Muse of Processing Difficulties has come to have a beverage with you.  This week has a feeling of melancholy to it.  Melancholy comes when one is having difficulties processing new situations by using old models of coping.  Take this week to innovate ways in which you handle the troubles in your life.


Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of April 18, 2021

My Dad died this week so this tarotcast will be a little different.

Above is my favorite picture of my Dad and I; however, it is also the summer we had two of our worst fights, one about a cat and the other about my schooling.  I did not really talk to him for a full year after that, only answering in monosyllabic sentences when he called.   Memories like these have been cascading into my conscious- some good many difficult.  A friend said to me this week that complex relationships have complicated completions.

However, one subject where my Dad and I did have deep discussions, and also harbor my fondest memories, were around spirituality.  These discussions started a year after this picture, the same year I started reading tarot cards.

Many people are drawn to tarot because of its visual presentation often its beauty.  However, the real work is complex as this picture of me and my Dad, where there are both ease and challenges to learn from each card.   The aim with tarot, discussions, life in general is being open to their lessons and learning the skill of exchange.   These experiences define who we are and strengthen our spiritual core.   So, I am not going to do my regular tarotcast this week, which is a bit of a monologue in this format.  The pictures are from some of my favorite tarot decks, and each sign will get two words that references that card.  And you choose which energy you want to exchange with this week.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Taurus this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Scorpio it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


Children of Litha tarot

*High Priestess – Perceptivity/Secrets

Dali tarot

*Justice – Equity/Prejudice


Two of Wands – Objective/Exasperation

Shadowscape tarot

Ace of Wands – Inspiration/Apathy


Six of Swords – Pilgrimage/Cornered

Housewives Tarot

Five of Wands – Competition/Reconciliation



Four of Swords – Recovery/Sickness

Muse Tarot

*Tower – Disaster/Rebuild

Tarot of The Divine

Queen of Cups – Nurturing/Manipulation

Tazama African

*Fool – Possibilities/Recklessness

Wombat Tarot

Page of Swords – Inquiry/Self-conscious

Light Seers Tarot

Ten of Wands – Burden/Reassessment

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of April 4, 2021


It feels like spring this week, so it felt right for a sonnet. What is the difference between a poem and a sonnet.  A sonnet is a poem that is fourteen lines long that uses formal rhyme schemes.  A poem is a piece of writing that expresses feelings and ideas which are given power by using rhyme, rhythm and/or imaginary.   Below and in each sign’s tarotcast is a line from Sonnet 98: From you have I been absent in spring by The Bard, William Shakespeare.

From you have I been absent in the spring,

When proud-pied April, dressed in all his trim,


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Aries this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Libra it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,



*Fool– Another birth year Muses, so you all will have a lot of energies and muses to with from now until next April.  The last two weeks Muse energies were about balancing excess, blending binaries, cultivate and assessing at what intensity and focus to beam this energy at.  And now the Muse of Leaps of Faith is asking you to make that jump into the unknown.    This coming year you spirit animal is the Bighorn sheep of the western mountain of North America.  Who traverse ledges sometimes two inches in width. They are not as agile as mountains goats, but their vision, focus and feet are more specialized.  Enabling them to traverse areas that seem untraversable.  So, if you enhance your balancing, blending and vison you too can jump and take advantage of places that others can not reach.

Hath put a spirit of youth in everything,


*Moon – More time to dive into the subconscious either through dreams, meditation, or aimless ponderings to connect to information about your higher purpose.  This Muse of Reflection is the light for last week’s higher purpose information gathering.  Again, look for clues in synchronicities and cycles. Take this Muse’s advise to be soft with your reflections and expectations.  She reminds you of the cycle where your higher purpose connects to your emotions which in turn supports your energy flow to do your purpose.

That heavy Saturn laughed and leaped with him.


Three of Wands – This is a great week to create plans, goals, and schedules for the next three months.  The more preparation you do this week the more ready for action you will be for the coming weeks’ momentum.

Yet nor the lays of birds, nor the sweet smell



Nine of Cups – The Muse of Contentment has shown up this week.  She asks you to ponder what is enough?  Where are you pushing yourself to give 100% or strive for the unobtainable goal of perfection?  This week pull back at least 10% and you will find that almost brings more realistic and obtainable gratifications.

Of different flowers in odour and in hue,


Four of Cups – The Muse of Introspection arrives this week.  She advises you that deep pondering and philosophizing is needed before going forward.  However, she also challenges you to turn outward when you find yourself either to deep in the rabbit hole or feeling stuck.  The outside world has information to help you readjust so you can go back musing with a fresh perspective.

Could make me any summer’s story tell,


*Chariot – The Muse of Self-Propelled Momentum is honking outside in her convertible to take you for a ride.  This energy challenges you to create momentum in your life.  Take the next steps towards your dreams and destiny.  If you find yourself unable, then get outside and move, walk, ride your bike, skate, or drive with the windows down.   Focus on the wind on your face and imagine moving forward.  Go.

Or from their proud lap pluck them where they grew:


Two of Coins – The Muse of Balance is having you practice multi-tasking but with only two components at a time.  If you find yourself unsteady this week, stop put everything down and then pick one thing to work on until you regain your equilibrium.  Only then can you add another item to your list.

Nor did I wonder at the lily’s white,



Three of Wands – Last week the Muse of Tying up Loose Ends came to help you complete something, so you could create space and time for the new to take root. Well, this week’s Muse is the little sister to that.  This energy is that space between breathes or the task that needs to be set up before making a move.  So, if you could not finish things up last week, you got another week.  And if you have completed your tasks, then tidy your space and mind in preparation for your next move.

Nor praise the deep vermilion in the rose;


Evolution/Judgment – It is time to up your ante and start anew.  This muse asks you what are you not achieving?    What metamorphosis would you like in your work, purpose, life, and/or relationships?  Now is the time to work on making that transformation happen.  No more same old- same old.  This is a perfect energy for these seasons of Spring/Fall.  You choose, are you ready to spring forward or do you need another season to simmer and wind down before moving on?  Either way this energy is about re-invention.

They were but sweet, but figures of delight


Two of Swords – Your Muse this week is the Muse of Choice.  In some places in your life, you may not have the privilege of choice, and in these places, you need to let go and go with the flow.  In other places though you do, and this is where your energy needs to be spent.  Though she reminds you when making your choices, the path you decide to travel is more important than the goal.

Drawn after you, – you pattern of all those.


Knight of Cups – The Muse this week prompts you that having emotions and being vulnerable leads to understanding and intimacy.  This week you may find yourself in a miasma of emotions.  Invite them in.  Have a cup of Tea with each, for they give you information that is useful in the weeks to come.

Yet seem’d it winter still, and, you away,


Three of Coins – The Muse of the Collaboration is visiting this week.  That means your teamworking skills need to well oiled.  She reminds you three heads are better than one. So not only is your opinion needed but also your listening skills.      

As with your shadow I with these did play.


Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Jan 31, 2021

Shelley Muzylowski
See Swan Shelley Muzylowski

The planets:  Just a heads-up Mercury is retrograde until February 18th.  People are often fearful of this planet’s retrograde period.  Though it is not the best time to sign contracts, buy things that have electronic components or start something new.  And we need to be careful how we communicate and timing in general.  This is a great time to Review, Reflect and Revise.

Now to this week’s artist, Shelley Muzylowski.   Muzylowski is a glass artist. You would not know it from her pieces for they look like they are sculpted in clay instead of molten glass and fire.  The movement of her work, the emotions they convey, and the depth of color is extraordinary.  Muzylowski subjects are animals.  The viewer can see she pulls inspiration from a wide variety of cultures, history, and art mediums.   Though realistic in form her work seems to connect to the spiritual realm.  They are creations of myth, magic, and storytelling.

To genuinely appreciate this art form.  There is a show on Netflix called Blown Away.  It will show you how much physical work in combination with artistry that this art form requires.  Most glassblowers have to do their work with assistants.  To obtain this level of art the artists and assistants must be in sync.  Dependent on precise communication while also aware of each other’s nuances, it is like a dance.  This art form reminds us that we do not do our work alone.  We rely on others to help us create, live, and express our stories.

Light and Love


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Aquarius this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Leo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.


Shelley Muzylowski
Brio Shelley Muzylowski

Justice – Justice is defined as just behavior or treatment. Someone is not aligned with their integrity.  The challenge is this could also include you.  Use Mercury’s retro-energy to review how you are treating people as well as how you are being treated.  Take this week to make sure you are aligned with your truth and is it holistically fair before you sentence or censor others… or yourself.


Shelley Muzylowski
After Europa Shelley Muzylowski

Two of Coins – Last week, The Muse of Integrity asked you to look for imbalance picking only two issues to rebalance.  You get another week to work on this.  However, if you now can confidently balance those two issues, you can add more.  This energy advises to add one at a time.  And if something feels off or you drop the ball, you have taken on one too many.  Subtract and try again.


Looking Glass Shelley Muzylowski

Ace of Swords – Of course you Gemini’s can navigate this Mercury retrograde and start something new.  The challenge is to make sure this new idea is an innovation and not a repeat of old thought patterns dressed in new clothes.  The key is this aligns with a new emerging truth. So supple thinking is required.



Shelley Muzylowski
Run Rabbit Shelley Muzylowski

Queen of Wands – Last week the muses had you tying up loose ends.  Now, The Muse of Inspiration is here to help you imagine and innovate what is next.  This week commune with the ethers and nature to clear your mind and connect with the conduit of the divine.  Look for synchronicities and serendipitous to help you find the “easter eggs.”


Shelley Muzylowski
Scent Stag Shelley Muzylowski

Knight of Swords – This week you will need to slow your roll.  The energy around you is ginchy.  This is that feeling when you are tired but also feel as if you should run or you are easily agitated.  So, the best course is to slow down, take deep breathes and be aware of your surroundings before leaping.  And as always with this energy on a practical level, watch your appendages and wear comfortable shoes.  This energy tends to have you absent mindedly cut your fingers, twist your ankles, and stub your toes.


Cloud Bear Shelley Muzylowski

Seven of Coins– This week is all about getting things done.  It is a great week to check things off your to-do list, tackle that pile of paperwork, get your taxes done early, clean your inbox, etc.…  Yes, this is the week to get up early and work.  If you do this, the fruits of your labor will be bountiful.  Not to mention raise your energy level and mental state.


Shelley Muzylowski
Muse Shelley Muzylowski

Knight of Coins – The Muse of Pace is here.  She comes when you are not in sync with how you like to work.  There is something off kilter that is interfering with your flow.  Are you getting enough sleep?  Eating well?  Moving enough or too much?  Is your desk unorganized?  Is your chair making your back hurt?  This is the week to fix your material plane to help you mental and emotional one.


Shelley Muzylowski
Between Darkness Shelley Muzylowski

Six of Swords – The Muse of Transitions is knocking.  She is inviting you on a cerebral trip, a step up and out in thinking.  Certain thought patterns need to transmute, and in doing so you will find that some thought patterns are now obsolete.  This is a time to simplify and begin again.


Otter Shelley Muzylowski

Six of Wands – This is a good week.  Small jewels of luck and synchronicities line up for you.  Pay attention to these gems of inspiration, they are pats on the backs from the universe.  Telling you that you are doing good in the areas where you find these small treasures.


In the Morning Light Shelley Muzylowski

Two of Swords – The energy this week is about making decisions; however, there is a twist.  The decision is not as important as the path this decision has you taking.  This muse asks you to tune into your heart and your truths.  Making sure the route you take to your goals aligns with how you want to feel and your integrity.


Outfox Shelley Muzylowski

King of Coins – I hope you rested last week because its back to work.  Time to put energy into your material plane ie: work, home, garden.  This muse is here to help you build whatever you want short or long term, and aids those projects to increase your future abundance.    However, if you find a block, then it is not the time to force a project forward.  This energy paves paths of ease for some work and puts up walls for things that are not timed correctly.



Chariot Shelley Muzylowski

Four of Wands – The Muse of the Hearth and Home has come to hang.  This is a great week to put time into your home and family (adopted or born with).  Make your abode more comfortable and then bring out the board games and hot chocolate.  Connect anyway you can to your inner community and solidify the foundation of your relationships with care and comfort.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Nov. 15 2020

Irving Penn
Penn – Truman Capote

This week’s artist is Irving Penn.  He was a photographer, painter, and inventor of the platinum printing process.  His style whether portraits or still life often leans towards minimalism and emotes a feeling of rawness.  At this unique point in time, our collective experience and personal emotions seem to directly resonate with his series Portraits in a Corner.  Where we all are having this vague feeling that something has changed but still finding ourselves isolated in our small section of life possibly feeling restricted. Our reptilian amygdala stressed and fearful.  Is it possible that we can switch our mindset to finding the space comforting, a place of intimacy, and a place to engage with ourselves?

Penn started this series in 1948.  He pushed two studio flats together to create a sharper than 90-degree angle.  The floor covering an old piece of carpet with the detritus of the photography process still on it.  As Penn says “a very rich series of pictures resulted. This confinement, surprisingly seemed to comfort people, soothing them.  The walls were a surface to lean on or push against.  For me, the picture possibilities were interesting: limiting the subjects’ movement seemed to relieve me of part of the problem of holding on to them.” The amazing thing the viewer can see in these portraits is the “character” of the portrayed becomes more defined.

Can we use this this time to lean into our severely defined space?  To find more intimacy and realness with our-selves?  Imagine if we were more aware and secure with who we are.  When it is time to turn the corner into the world again, we would be more prepared with our actions and interactions.  More grounded to who we are, more determined with what needs to be done, a better I to contribute to a better We.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Scorpio this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Taurus it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.


Irving Penn
Irving Penn

Four of Cups – The energy this week can make it hard to see the beauty that surrounds you.  The fire signs more than others are feeling the miasma of the future.  The challenge for you is to see the beauty in the minor things in life, the here and now.  Appreciating and highlighting these smaller moments you will start to see the patterns and puzzle pieces of the bigger picture.


Irving Penn

Seven of Cups – The energy this week might be challenge for you all if you want to get things check off your list. Forward movement will feel like you are swimming up stream.   But if you can play and daydream this is the week for you.  Play or doing things for the joy of doing them without goals helps your mind and imagination create outside the lines.  While at the same time breaks down walls around intimacy with others and tunes you into your soul’s purpose.   Taurus has the kindest hearts if they can put aside their practicality and “I’m the only one that can keep things going” motto.  Find that fun persona you have hidden lately.  The world might get a bit messy while you are playing but you can tidy it up next week.


Irving Penn
Irving Penn

Six of Swords – Last week the muse of change was at your door.  Coaxing you to let go off the old to make room for the new.  Luckily, you have another week to get rid of what no longer works.  While you are unloading your “boat” be open to transitions or transactions that come from unexpected places.  Maybe its an invite to join an online class, going to a zoom dance party, talking to a friend you haven’t talked to in ages, or a new work project pops-up in your inbox.  These occurrences are the universe sending out flares of hope.   Though this transition can be hard, your too tired to do more or you cannot see into the future because of the mist, there are still new adventures to be had.


Irving Penn

Three of Wands and Three of Swords– The last couple of weeks have been big energy weeks.  The energy was best used tapping into your inner strength and cocooning as you metamorph into a new you.  This week will be a bit of a roller coaster ride of emotions and inspirations.  You got a set of threes.  These energies test the duality of stabilization and flexibility.  You will need to flow with your emotions to heal some heart wounds while at the same time be patient with prosperous possibilities that are on the horizon.  Your challenge is to stay with the down time to heal and strengthen your core and not jump into anything until it feels right.


Irving Penn
Irving Penn

*High Priestess – This is last week’s energy of intuitive creation on “11.”  We have multiple reasons to be on Earth at this time and place.  This muse asks you to investigate purpose as you are in the act of creation.  Whether it is your reason for existence, others or more likely both, go behind the veil and find the connective tissue of your history and the history at large.  Answer the question Why are you here and re-ignite the work you still need to do.


Irving Penn

Ace of Wands – Mark this period in the sands of time.  This week is a place to start a wiser new beginning.  The challenge to light this fire is to imagine if you only had a year left to live and only could pick one thing to do.  What would you do? This is the universe trying to get you to take your laser pointer and focus on one thing fully.  Maybe it is focusing on your child, starting a business, or writing a novel.  Now is the time to focus on your legacy.  No more thinking this is inspirational doing.


Irving Penn
Irving Penn

Page of Swords – Things are not what they seem on the surface this week.  If you need information you are going to have to dig for it.  The challenge is asking the right questions the right way and then listening.  Listen to the nuances for the truth.  People are not trying to hide things from you.  It is more of a cause of ignorance than malice.



Irving Penn*Death– Your final birth month card and it is another big energy card.   So, you will have three muses to work with in the coming year.   First, the muse of dreams and synchronicities helping you intuit how 2021 and your purpose will unfold.  Then, the Muse of releasing old ideas, creating new story lines (remember new map – new ship) And finally, the Muse of Death or organic change. This is also your sign’s life card, which means this is your super-power, but you must do the work to make it so.   This muse helps you see that the old is fodder for new growth and helps you work with the cycles and seasons.  This is change that happens with some help from you and some from the universe.  Your challenge is to tune yourself to the ebbs and flow of your environment, find new ways to traverse it and slowly guiding change.  This coming year is a new chapter – What are you going to write?


Irving Penn

Eight of Wands – This is the last week of your birth year and it is full of information. The challenge is trying to sort it.  A better way to deal with all the incoming messages is to think of it as a brainstorming session with the universe.  Write it all down and do not judge it.  This week is about inspiration and possibilities.



King of Cups – The muse advises you to come at the days ahead quietly and calmly.  However, you may run through an array of emotions this week, but you will find you are also in control.  As a friend use to say You can let your emotions play with the radio, but they cannot drive the car.


Irving Penn
Irving Penn

Four of Wands – The energy this week is about the happy home.  Usually this comes up when you need to ground yourself and do some nesting behavior.  Take time to enjoy your home.  So, make your favorite meals, curl up on the couch with loved ones and watch movies, eat by candle light, tidy up areas of your house that you hang in the most, hang your Christmas lights early etc…  This week is about cozy and comfort.


Irving Penn
Irving Penn

Ace of Cups – The last couple of weeks have been high energy.  The muses had you looking at outdated systems that are no longer working.  In essence looking at your map for 2021 and assessing and adjusting structures, morals, rules, and regulations to get “your boat” to the next harbor.  This week the energy is around love and happiness.  They are what drives your mortal coil.  So, make sure love has a place in your intentions.  Now is time to focus on how your heart gets a say in the planning.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Sept. 27, 2020


Happy Birthday Libras!

Libra is the sign that governs balance, partnership, and harmony.  Libra’s motto is I relate.  Whatever house Libra resides in your natal chart is where these concepts become the place of learning for you.  With a nod to Libras this week’s artists are the couple, bonpon511 on Instagram, otherwise known as Tsuyoshi and Tomi Seki.  (when you go to their Insta account flip through the photos – they see some cool art shows.)

In May they celebrated their 40th anniversary and their third year in retirement.  They have only been matching outfits and documenting them since 2016.  As Mrs. Pon says Since we both have gray hair, we thought it’d be funny to match our fashion styles, so we started wearing clothes of the same color and patterns. We decide based on how we feel each day… They have taken what is known in Japan as Osoroi Code, where groups or couples wear matching clothes, to another level.  … it’s not just about coordinating our clothes,” said Tsuyoshi. We try to choose outfits that complement our surroundings. What makes a good partnership or harmony varies for all of us.  Mrs. Pon credits Mr. Bon for being a work center person leaving early in the day and coming home after midnight to their long and loving relationship.

Finding balance does not mean everything has to be the same.  It is about what feels right.  This concept of Osoroi Code “matching coordination” is what we should grok from Libra.  It is not just about relating to others and our surroundings.  It how it feels in its relation.  So, this month’s pondering – Am I in harmony with self, others, and my environment? Do have good partners?  And most importantly, does it make me smile? Cite

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Libra this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Aries it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.



Osoroi bonpon511Page of Cups – Last week the energy was pushing you to finish projects.  Hopefully, you got to do that for this week is all about play.  Time to take the focus off doing and more on non-goal-oriented fun.  Play is vital for productivity and freeing your mind to discover new connections that stringent scheduling can hinder.  So pull out the Legos and crayons.



Osoroi bonpon511King of Wands – The muse this week wants you to work with your inspirations.  Do your inspirations motivate your own work, or have they become distractions that no longer fit your divine purpose or soul?  If they do motivate you this is the week to focus on one and go.  Write that book, do that art project, tell your boss about that innovation you have thought of.  Believe in your visions, point of view and intellect.



Osoroi bonpon511Ace of Swords – Last week was about working in the realm of the subtle.  Using your intuition as your compass to navigate the mists.  It made you sensitive to the current of your surroundings which helps you with this week decisions, inquiries, and problems.  With your finely tuned intuition and your sharpened intellect you bring much needed awareness and clarity to situations.



Osoroi bonpon511King of Cups – This week’s energy can bring on your emotions.  However, you have the Muse of Emotions helping you see that this outpouring of feelings are paths to self-discovery.  That what awaits in the middle of the feeling storm is a calm place of compassion and knowing.  Dive into the whys of how you are feeling without being swept away in the currents who, what, where and how.  This energy, if used correctly with love, can heal.



Osoroi bonpon511Three of Cups – Last week the muses were guiding you to an awaken.  By accepting your flaws are rooted in your humanness, you began incorporating them as positive influences instead of distractions.  The muses this week will lead you through the phases of life.  You need to connect to not just people in your age group but also those above and below.  By befriending other ages, you will find connections to your past, your future and firmly ground you in your present.



bonpon511*World – This week is great for finishing up projects.  You can start something new; however, it is vital that you clear off some of the debris left over from last birth year.  You do not need or want to carry useless crap into 2021.  Mars is in retrograde until November 12th and Mercury will go retro during that time, too.  You have until mid-November to tie things up, so what is seeded can start to grow without hinderance or shade.



Osoroi bonpon511Page of Swords – The best thing to do with this week’s energy is to come at it like a news reporter.  You find out more by asking question and doing some deep listening.  Not all information is on the surface, so inquiry and sensitivity are need to get to the real truth.   Since this is also your birth month.  Turn some of that inquiry to investigating what do you want in the coming year.



bonpon511Ten of Wands – The energy this week is about prioritizing your obligations.  This muse recommends ordering your work and then take the two lowest ranked tasks off you list.  Put them aside until next week and see if either someone else picked them up because they were not yours in the first place, or they just magically disappear.



bonpon511Eight of Coins – More work energy this week.  This vibe is great for advancing projects to the next step.  However, is not a great time for starting something new.  If you do, it can feel like Sisyphus rolling your rock up to have it fall again.  So, stick to what you know and plow through that.



Osoroi bonpon511Two of Swords – Last week, the Muse of Manifestation was there to facilitate calling down your energy and to create on the material plane.  This week is more of the same; however, do not vacillate on making decisions.  Now is the time to choose.  You will find out later that the choice did not matter as much for you end up in the same place.  However, in making your choices go with the feeling and less with the logic. It is more about the journey then the destination.



Osoroi bonpon511Four of Cups – The energy continues with your work and building upon your empire.  Continue getting things off your to do list.  However, where last week’s energy was about navigating chaos, this week’s distraction comes from within.  It is fine to do some introspection but diving deep into your pondering mind will take you off course.  So, if you find yourself going down the rabbit hole, change your perspective to the outside and do something you love in the world.



bonpon511Two of Coins – The energy this week is about balance.   Something in your life is out of sync.  Usually with this energy it literally means you need to work on physical balance.  Like not enough veggies or water or you need to practice yoga or Tai Chi.  And/or your work/life balance can be out of whack.  So, time for an adjustment.