Tag Archives: bonpon511

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Sept. 27, 2020


Happy Birthday Libras!

Libra is the sign that governs balance, partnership, and harmony.  Libra’s motto is I relate.  Whatever house Libra resides in your natal chart is where these concepts become the place of learning for you.  With a nod to Libras this week’s artists are the couple, bonpon511 on Instagram, otherwise known as Tsuyoshi and Tomi Seki.  (when you go to their Insta account flip through the photos – they see some cool art shows.)

In May they celebrated their 40th anniversary and their third year in retirement.  They have only been matching outfits and documenting them since 2016.  As Mrs. Pon says Since we both have gray hair, we thought it’d be funny to match our fashion styles, so we started wearing clothes of the same color and patterns. We decide based on how we feel each day… They have taken what is known in Japan as Osoroi Code, where groups or couples wear matching clothes, to another level.  … it’s not just about coordinating our clothes,” said Tsuyoshi. We try to choose outfits that complement our surroundings. What makes a good partnership or harmony varies for all of us.  Mrs. Pon credits Mr. Bon for being a work center person leaving early in the day and coming home after midnight to their long and loving relationship.

Finding balance does not mean everything has to be the same.  It is about what feels right.  This concept of Osoroi Code “matching coordination” is what we should grok from Libra.  It is not just about relating to others and our surroundings.  It how it feels in its relation.  So, this month’s pondering – Am I in harmony with self, others, and my environment? Do have good partners?  And most importantly, does it make me smile? Cite

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Libra this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Aries it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.



Osoroi bonpon511Page of Cups – Last week the energy was pushing you to finish projects.  Hopefully, you got to do that for this week is all about play.  Time to take the focus off doing and more on non-goal-oriented fun.  Play is vital for productivity and freeing your mind to discover new connections that stringent scheduling can hinder.  So pull out the Legos and crayons.



Osoroi bonpon511King of Wands – The muse this week wants you to work with your inspirations.  Do your inspirations motivate your own work, or have they become distractions that no longer fit your divine purpose or soul?  If they do motivate you this is the week to focus on one and go.  Write that book, do that art project, tell your boss about that innovation you have thought of.  Believe in your visions, point of view and intellect.



Osoroi bonpon511Ace of Swords – Last week was about working in the realm of the subtle.  Using your intuition as your compass to navigate the mists.  It made you sensitive to the current of your surroundings which helps you with this week decisions, inquiries, and problems.  With your finely tuned intuition and your sharpened intellect you bring much needed awareness and clarity to situations.



Osoroi bonpon511King of Cups – This week’s energy can bring on your emotions.  However, you have the Muse of Emotions helping you see that this outpouring of feelings are paths to self-discovery.  That what awaits in the middle of the feeling storm is a calm place of compassion and knowing.  Dive into the whys of how you are feeling without being swept away in the currents who, what, where and how.  This energy, if used correctly with love, can heal.



Osoroi bonpon511Three of Cups – Last week the muses were guiding you to an awaken.  By accepting your flaws are rooted in your humanness, you began incorporating them as positive influences instead of distractions.  The muses this week will lead you through the phases of life.  You need to connect to not just people in your age group but also those above and below.  By befriending other ages, you will find connections to your past, your future and firmly ground you in your present.



bonpon511*World – This week is great for finishing up projects.  You can start something new; however, it is vital that you clear off some of the debris left over from last birth year.  You do not need or want to carry useless crap into 2021.  Mars is in retrograde until November 12th and Mercury will go retro during that time, too.  You have until mid-November to tie things up, so what is seeded can start to grow without hinderance or shade.



Osoroi bonpon511Page of Swords – The best thing to do with this week’s energy is to come at it like a news reporter.  You find out more by asking question and doing some deep listening.  Not all information is on the surface, so inquiry and sensitivity are need to get to the real truth.   Since this is also your birth month.  Turn some of that inquiry to investigating what do you want in the coming year.



bonpon511Ten of Wands – The energy this week is about prioritizing your obligations.  This muse recommends ordering your work and then take the two lowest ranked tasks off you list.  Put them aside until next week and see if either someone else picked them up because they were not yours in the first place, or they just magically disappear.



bonpon511Eight of Coins – More work energy this week.  This vibe is great for advancing projects to the next step.  However, is not a great time for starting something new.  If you do, it can feel like Sisyphus rolling your rock up to have it fall again.  So, stick to what you know and plow through that.



Osoroi bonpon511Two of Swords – Last week, the Muse of Manifestation was there to facilitate calling down your energy and to create on the material plane.  This week is more of the same; however, do not vacillate on making decisions.  Now is the time to choose.  You will find out later that the choice did not matter as much for you end up in the same place.  However, in making your choices go with the feeling and less with the logic. It is more about the journey then the destination.



Osoroi bonpon511Four of Cups – The energy continues with your work and building upon your empire.  Continue getting things off your to do list.  However, where last week’s energy was about navigating chaos, this week’s distraction comes from within.  It is fine to do some introspection but diving deep into your pondering mind will take you off course.  So, if you find yourself going down the rabbit hole, change your perspective to the outside and do something you love in the world.



bonpon511Two of Coins – The energy this week is about balance.   Something in your life is out of sync.  Usually with this energy it literally means you need to work on physical balance.  Like not enough veggies or water or you need to practice yoga or Tai Chi.  And/or your work/life balance can be out of whack.  So, time for an adjustment.