Tag Archives: sea turtles

Tarotcast week of October 16, 2016


One of my top ten exhibits at a museum, aquarium, or zoo is the jellyfish exhibit at Monterey Bay Aquarium. If you can’t go, they have live web-cams of the jellies.  Jellyfish are carnivorous Medusa forms making up the major part of the phylum Cnidaria. Jellies pulsate their bell shape to move around and use their stinging tentacles to capture prey. Their body diameter ranges from one millimeter to 2 meters (6.6ft) not including tentacles. The longest jelly is the Lion’s Mane with tentacle length that can get to 120ft. The heaviest is Nomura’s jelly. It can weigh up to 400 lbs.

Jellyfish are found in every ocean from the top to the bottom. They have traversed the seas for at least 500-700 million years making them the oldest multi-organ animal. Jellies are a huge part of the oceans food chain from the variety of animals that eat them and scavenge their carcasses on the “deep ocean” floor. They also are a primary food source for 3 species of turtles.

This is one of the problems with plastic bags. The majority of plastic bags are petroleum based and do not biodegrade and many end up in the world’s oceans. Leatherback turtles, who feed mostly on jellies, think plastic bags are their prey. When they ingest them, the bags cause blockage in their digestive system and eventual death. According to the US EPA, Americans use more than 380 billion plastic bags each year. That’s 38 percent of the worldwide number, one trillion, produced. It takes 32 million barrels of oil to produce this many bags each year. And scientist are starting to find plastic in the fish we eat. So when you are given the choice of paper or plastic, spend the money and buy one of the reusable bags that are at every store. It saves trees, oil, the turtles and possible us.

P.S. For all you email subscribers who click to my site, there will be a little something extra in your email box in this week. Remember, when signs have * it’s a big week for you.


Aries – Five of Wands – Last week I hope you had time to “lighten your load,” because chaos returns this week. In the Dali deck, butterflies symbolize illusion. And the Five of Wands has butterflies all over it. Five of Wands means that the chaos you feel is not real or not yours; therefore, you have the power to release disorder from your life this week. When you start to feel chaotic, your challenge is look for the source of that feeling. Ask questions like: Is it someone else’s chaos that you are allowing in? Is the chaos not really that big of a thing, but you are tired and can’t handle it right now? Are you feeling guilt for not wanting to do it? Once you find the source you can detangle yourself from there.

11419001_948642098491205_1357088590_n*Taurus – The Fool – Last week you got the Eight of Pentacles telling you to “get into the zone” because that is the birth place of your epiphanies. The Fool is the big brother to last week’s card. The Fool’s lesson is about being in the moment with ease. And for earthy Taurus, this is best done while “doing.” This week your challenge is to practice your mindfulness in your daily life and to loosen up. For your mindfulness exercise it can be as simple as mindfully rake up leaves, washing dishes or cutting your vegetables for diner. For exercises in loosening up, you can do silly walks in your hallway, make funny faces at yourself in the mirror, or wiggle your body for 30 seconds while saying “milk” over and over. Your goal is to find yourself becoming aware and enjoy being in your skin.
Continue reading Tarotcast week of October 16, 2016