Tag Archives: Moths

Tarotcast for the Week of March 25, 2018

Common Moth

I think I fell in love with moths when I saw the Godzilla movie Mothra versus Godzilla.  Where a giant moth saves Tokyo from Godzilla.  Moths are a group of insects related to butterflies.  But where butterflies are considered beautiful and helpful, moths are generally considered ugly, eat our clothes and are not worthy of our attention.  I would like to change your opinion.

Moth are close relatives to butterflies but evolved millions of years before them.  There are over 160,000 species of moths.  the out number butterflies 10 to 1.    Most moths are nocturnal,  some species are seen at only twilight and dusk and a few hang out in the day.  Therefore all night-blooming plants rely on moths to pollinate them.  Moth can smell each other up to 7 miles away with their antennae.  They come in the same variety of colors as any butterfly,

Despite a few species being notorious for eating natural fabrics and fur, many adults moths do not eat at all or eat nectar.  Actually, several species of moth’s cocoons are used to make one of the yummiest fabrics, silk.  A moth species represents the largest living flying insect, as big as a songbird, which is an amazing aeronautical feet.  Now, do you agree that  these cute fuzzy insects are pretty amazing?

P.S. You can now reach me for quick questions on the Instantgo app.

Aries – Nine of Swords

The Nine of Swords comes around when we need to put our worries aside.  Worries are helpful to make us plan and think things through, but if you find yourself ruminating, you need to balance your worries with more optimistic outcomes.

*Taurus – Sun

The Sun is peeking out this week.  Things are coming into the light.  You are starting to plan for your next birth year. The Sun card challenges you to say yes more than no this week.  No need to say yes to everything, but if your interest is peaked, try to find the time to add the idea, project or person on your list of to-dos.


*Gemini – Lovers

Big three weeks for you all.  The last two weeks the Fool and the Hierophant have been demanding that you need a more carefree lifestyle.   The Lovers, which is your sign’s karma card, arrives with the key to making your life have more flow.  The Lovers’ key is to create something more than you.  For example that could be art, a business or children. The challenge is you do better if you have a partner or someone who can cheer you on, so find someone who can help you joyfully stay on task.


Cancer – Queen of Swords

The Queen of Swords is a card of strategy and planning.  Take this week to step back and make sure you are still heading on the path you wish to take.  Take this week to re-alter your course if needed and make sure you have what you need for the next leg of your journey.


Leo – Queen of Pentacles

Last week, the Moon challenged you to shine light on things that are hidden.  This week is more grounded, less emotional and heady.  The Queen of Pentacles is challenge you to take baths, eat good food, and wear clothes that make you feel good.  After last week you need to pamper yourself.


Virgo – Three of Pentacles

This week pay attention to the masters, gurus, or people you look up to.  They have useful knowledge that you will utilize.  The challenge is if you don’t have any mentor figures go out and get some.


Libra – King of Wands

The King of Wands is wanting you to up your game.  Your challenge this week  is to figure out how to play and work smarter not harder.



*Scorpio – Death

The Death card sounds scary, but it is one of the cards of change.  Change needs to happen this week and it happens when you learn to work with your environment.  This card represents change that comes about through your abilities to work with your environment.  I like to think of it as a garden.  Your part is to plant, weed and work with what the environment doles out to grow something to harvest.  Your challenge is have a goal but be flexible with how it comes about.


Sagittarius – Queen of Cups

The Queen of Cups is about spreading joy and play.  She challenges you to flirt, make people laugh, and give small gifts of gratitude or affection. This week the motto you catch more flies with honey than vinegar works in your favor.


Capricorn – Ten of Pentacles

The Ten of Pentacles wants you to finish up loses ends with work or business.  Because, the challenge this week is after you have done what you needed to do this card wants you to fully relax and enjoy the good life.


Aquarius – Ace of Pentacles

New beginnings this week.  You get this week to start a new project or get a fresh start at work and in your environment.  The challenge with this Ace is to focus on one item and get it firmly planted before moving to the next..


*Pisces – Fool

The Fool is Mister Clean Slate, Mister Blank Canvas.  His challenge is pick a direction and go, learn something new or take an adventure,  You goal is anything you want it to be as long as it is new and fresh,


May light be on you, around you, and within you,
