Tag Archives: endangered animals

Tarot and Art Horoscope for Week of June 16, 2019

Red Panda

I don’t know about you, but I need some cuteness in my life right now.   Red Pandas are on the top of my list.  They are not really related to the Pandas. Due to new DNA research they are closer relatives to weasels, raccoons or skunks.  These cuties live in high altitude temperate forest with bamboo understories, and yep 85% of their food is bamboo leaves.  Their habitat range spans through Burma, China, Nepal, India and Tibet.  They are on the endangered animals due to loss of habitat; therefore, they are being bred in zoos to support the population’s diversity in the wild.

To help support the Red Panda donate to organizations like the Smithsonian National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute. They do research in creating better ways to protect Red Pandas and other endangered animals in the wild and facilitate in keeping their genetic diversity.  And of courses cutting down on the demand for resources by consuming less, helps all of us animals.

P.S.  Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Gemini this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.


Red Panda*Sun – The Sun card rises with in you a sense of accomplishment.  You are getting things done, growing in healthier ways and succeeding in new ways.  The light is shining on you this week, soak up its warmth.  Put all the good things that happen to you this week in your pocket and save them for a rainy day.  This week should be  smooth sailing.  So, if for some reason you aren’t feeling it – cross the street – you are just choosing to walk on the shady side.


Red PandaFive of Swords – Chaos around communication is this week’s vibe.  Misunderstandings can happen a lot this week.  The best advice on how to manage it – is to get your ego out of the conversation.  And watch out that you are not asked to do something you do not feel comfortable with.  Don’t compromise your integrity to please.


Red Panda*World – So here is your last power card for your new birth year – the World.  Remember you got the Tower at the start of this month telling you to shake down the things that aren’t working in your life.  And this is the reason why – the world is bringing you great opportunities this coming year to expand your horizons.  This is a year to say yes to things.  Keep your eyes and ears open, for each experience holds a gem in it just for you.  Take heed, even those this card tells you to step through as many doors as possible;  it also reminds you that you can walk right out.  This birth year is time to change your paradigm.


Red PandaSeven of Pentacles – The Seven of Pentacles is the card of work.  Simply put, this week should be pretty easy to get things done, so it is a great time to get things off your to do list. The two cautions with this card is that all things take time and pace yourself.  Use your time wisely.


Red PandaThree of Swords – The Three of Swords tells you it is a good time to tend to old wounds.  Time to get real with something, idea or person that has been bugging you.  Put some thought into how to deal with this “thorn in your side”.   Pulling it out slow or fast is up to you, but now is the time to let it heal.    


Red PandaTen of Cups – Last week, the Moon card came asking you to shine a light into the darkness of your subconscious.  Your subconscious either had some healing, growing or disposing that needed to happen.  So, the Moon had you watching areas you were triggered – where fear has been embedded.  And told you to coax this fear out with food or love, so you could tame  and befriend the fear.  This week the Ten of Cups continues this theme of soothing, and suggests doing at least ten things that bring you joy this week.  The only hard part of this card is thinking you don’t deserve it so you don’t do them.


Red PandaEight of Wands – Important information is coming to you this week.  Ears, eyes and mind open.  Also, this card is great if you need to aim for a goal.  It can be more easily accomplished or moved forward when this card appears.


Red PandaKnight of Swords – The Knight of Swords tells you not to rush into anything this week.   This is a week to think before you act.  Be a bit more careful than you usually are.  On a very practical side watch injuries to your extremities.


Red Panda*Fool – The Fool card is the card of the traveler and new journeys.  Therefore, this is a great week to travel.  If you must stay around home then take new roads to your destinations, travel with your mind by reading something new you would never read or eat something you have never eaten.  This card wants you to get your 5 senses experiencing new horizons.  Enjoy the varieties in life.


Red PandaSix of Pentacles – Last week, the Chariot had you practicing not only your balance but also your fortitude. Challenging you to know thyself.  To figure out what is the best way, time, space to harness the change and figuring out what pace to set so your stamina increases.  The Six of Pentacles continues this theme of balance.  However, it has you focusing on increasing and spreading positive change.  The more you give the more you get.  Of course, this also card says this can happen with the negative.  So watch your P’s and Q’s.


Red Panda*Judgement – Time to evolve something Aquarius.  The Judgement card energies evolution.  This week pick one thing that you want to change.  This can be as simple as finally getting the layout of your kitchen working with more ease. so you aren’t running from one drawer to the next looking for the measuring cups.  Or this can be as complex as evolving your relationship to a higher intimacy level.  By having a heart to heart with the understanding that each of you will do it with love and compassion for the other.


Red PandaSeven of Wands – The Seven of Wands is the card of feeling backed into a corner, or that there is no resolution to a problem.  However, this card also reminds you that you are a fighter that wins.  Because you have had the fortitude from going through much worse.  This week is just a skirmish not a war.  Resist giving in and you will be victorious.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,
