Tag Archives: Eco-art

Tarot-cast for Week of April 21, 2019

Aurora RobsonStill celebrating the Earth this month by highlighting artist who highlight nature.   The eco-artist for this week is Aurora Robson.  Her art is made from trash, mostly plastic or packaging materials.  She is the founding artist of Project Vortex, an international collective of artists, designers and architects that work to intercepting the trash stream, shifting it from its negative impact in oceans, into art.   Her Ted-talk entitled Trash & Love she said something that struck a chord in me.  Waste is merely displaced abundance.  How can we change just one thing we throw out into something else?  How can we disrupt the flow of our negative impact?  Can it be as easy as changing our perspective of what we throw away? 

P.S.  Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.


Aurora Robson*Chariot – Last week, the Ace of Cups and the Sun foretold your coming year as auspicious. Their combined power helps you expand any area of your life you focus on.  And this week another big card surfaced, the Chariot – change that is totally in your control.  So, this year’s mission is off to a running start this week.  In its simplest form this card wants you to jump in your car, bike or shoes and get outside, find new places and explore.  In a more complex form this card wants you to start – that project, business, and/or relationship you shelfed so long ago.  The challenge with both last week and this week’s cards is if you want expansion or change it’s all in your hands.  This year you need to make things happen, so grab the reins and go.


Aurora RobsonAce of Coins – Happy Birthday month.  What a great start to your birthday month.  Ace of Coins means new beginnings on the material plane – business, money making, projects or your environment.  This week start something that keeps your hands busy.  The energy for new beginnings is literally held in the palms of your hands this week.


Aurora Robson

Ace of Swords – The Ace of Swords foretells this is a week to make decisions, start conversations, and ponder the unimagined.  You can stay in your head all this week; the challenge is that it must have a focused purpose.


Aurora Robson

King of Coins – The King of Coins comes when you need to expand your material plane.  This can be as simple as getting through that slog pf paperwork or getting items crossed off your to-do list.  The big challenge is getting it done. Your motto – just do it.


Aurora RobsonFour of Cups – The Four of Cups is the card on contemplation.  You can do some belly-button gazing and self-compassion this week.  However, your challenge is that you will need to look outside yourself to complete the answer/puzzle/picture.


Aurora Robson*Hanged Man – The Hanged Man is the card of stagnation, or so it seems.  It is the Universe giving you a forced time out to do some thinking or re-thinking.  The challenge with this card is not doing the internal work that is needed.  This can be as simple as being stuck somewhere and instead of playing on your phone, you do some proactive day dreaming.  Or as complex as turning your perspective upside down for a week – like making the negatives into a positive and the positives finding their negatives.  This reversal of thinking helps you see hidden cycles and scenarios.  Side note- Do not make big decisions, start projects or relationships this week.


Aurora RobsonThree of Pentacles – The Three of Pentacles advises collaboration and practicing your skills on work with others.  The “work” you do is better if you have another set of eyes to look it over and give you some pointers.  Listen to others advice this week; it will give you deeper insight into projects and problems/solutions.


Aurora Robson*Wheel of Fortune – The Wheel of Fortune is the card of karmic change.  This week look for karmic intervention in your life.  These are signs post of places that need changing.  This can look as simple as you lose your keys three times in a row, so you need to get a place to hang your keys on when you get to your house.  Or as complex as figuring out what is not working in your life by playing the mind game – What would you do if you won 100 million dollars, and then get to work making some of that happen with the salary you have now.


Aurora RobsonEight of Swords – The Eight of Swords is the card of binding yourself with your thought patterns.  This week it is time to let go of your negative thoughts.  This challenge can be tricky and disguised, for your thoughts are as smart as you are.  An example of a negative thought could be wrapped up in judgement of others which in turn allows you to overly judge yourself.


Aurora Robson*Empress – The Empress foretells this is a great week to begin something that will grow over the next 9 to 10 months.  This card comes when it is advantageous to cultivate your life in a way that is more comforting and relaxed way of life.  The Empress also advise that you indulge all your senses this week.  By doing so, your five/six senses will help you find the places or projects you want to grow.  This can be as simple as planting a garden or as complex as planting seeds for the next cycle of your life.  The challenges simple or complex are enjoying your growing pains and process along the gestation period, and it will take time to grow to a place where you can enjoy its bounty.


Aurora RobsonThree of Swords – The last two weeks you had Judgment, the card of evolution shedding your skin, molting your feathers, or wrapping up in a cocoon to evolve into the next phase of your journey. And the Lovers having you choose who gets to ride with you into this next stage.  The Three of Swords continues this theme but is siding more with the challenges of Judgement and the Lovers.  You have 3 negative thought patterns that are keeping you from your heart’s desire.  It is hard to let go of some of our thoughts, but this week now is the time to pull out the thorn and do some healing.  So you can evolve into the newer you.


Aurora RobsonPage of Cups– Time to put on your rose-colored glasses and bring out that set of unicorns to play with.  This week the Page of Cups is wanting you to drop some of your sarcasm and cynicism and spread some joy around the office, home and/or neighborhood. Love and hope literally starts with you this week.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,

