Tag Archives: dolls

Tarot and Art Horoscope for Week of July 21, 2019

Calvin Ma -dolls

In 1964 the term action figure was coined by Hasbro because American boys refused to play with toys called “dolls.”  However, dolls, toys made to mimic human form, have been played with for at least 5000 years by all genders.  Though, most dolls from early history are found with the dead and it is theorized that they may not be toys at all but guides or helpers in the afterlife.  They can also be used to guide and help us now.

Dolls are powerful tools helping children navigate and work on their social and emotional skills, and they have shaped all of us in some fashion.  And we need to be aware that dolls push social ethics, morality and norms just by their appearance.  That is why Calvin Ma’s art (above and below) is inspiring.  He uses his action figures to “explore personal issues and struggles with social anxiety.”  His figures covered in feathers, houses and black and white imagery represent our flight, fight or freeze instinct. Though it is designed to protect us from threat or danger, it can get hijacked into anxiety.  His pieces give us a more positive and empowering version of our built-in defense system.  They help guide us to use our fears to become our own personal superhero or at least a badass action figure.

Ma’s art work is at Sherrie Gallerie in Columbus, Ohio from July 28 to September 3, 2019, and at Antler Gallery in Portland, Oregon opening on November 28. Alongside these shows, Ma will also be sharing pieces in at SOFA Expo in Chicago and at Haven Gallery in Long Island, in late October and mid-December, respectively.

P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Cancer this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.


Calvin Ma action figuresKing of Pentacles – This week the King of Pentacles gives energy to all projects that have to do with the material plane and reputation.  This is a great week to put your business hat on, build capital, create physical items or hands on projects, or your pump up your social status.  It is time to become your self-made master of your fortune and destiny.  Motto- Just do it.


Calvin Ma action figuresTwo of Wands – The Two of Wands declares this week’s energy is best used in planning for the future.  This card is about the near future but where do you want to be or what do you want to accomplish in 2025.  The challenge with this card is keeping your feet on the ground while your head is in the clouds.


Calvin MaNine of Cups – The last two weeks the Hierophant challenged you to hone your teaching skills. And then the Lovers card continued focusing on working with people, but had you switch from teacher to co-creator.  This week the Nine of Cups’ energy is about sitting back and integrating those last two weeks’ lessons. The stipulation is that you only assimilate what or who makes you comfortable.


Calvin Ma action figures*Sun – Okay the Universe snuck in another Big card for your coming year the Sun.  The first card was the High Priestess (which is associated with your ruling planet, the Moon). The High Priestess has you focusing on intuition, serenity, cycles, introspection and the big picture for the coming year.  Then the Sun closes out your birth month with its energy of growth and increasing your person shine.  So, starting this week Cancer it is balancing both your inner needs with your outer goals.  This coming year is pushing you to shine a bit stronger than your typical moonlight.


Calvin Ma*Hierophant – Here is your first card of your birth year.  The Hierophant’s theme for 2019-2020, is organization and structure.  This is the year to put into place boundaries, set up schedules, start diets or exercise regimes, rituals anything that helps you structure and direct your energies and days.  This is a year where saying No or Let me think about it is advised. The challenge with this coming year is that these ethics/morals/structures must come from you not society.  It is easy to place societies’ expectations on ourselves – it releases our responsibility of choice.   So, start this week with something simple – organize your closet or your junk drawer. Just make sure you do it in a way that satisfies you, not the wills or ideas of others.


Calvin MaFive of Pentacles – The Five of Pentacles is the card of physical loss.  This can be your keys or cash.  So be careful this week on what you spend your money and time on and where you physically lay down your possessions.  The challenge is asking for help when you find yourself at a loss.


Calvin Ma*Death – The Death card rules the energy of organic change.  This week is a great time to start the ball rolling to create change in places that have bottom out, dead-ended or ran out of oomph.  The goal is to weed out the dead growth so new things can grow in its stead.   The challenge comes when you try to rush or control the growth.  This card’s lesson is kin to tending to a garden you can’t control the weather but you can pick the seeds that will grow well in it.


Calvin MaAce of Cups – Love is in the air.  All Aces are new beginnings, and this card focuses on new stages or diving to new depths of the heart.  This week is advantageous to new relationships and deepening old ones.  Your goal is to find out something new about the people that surround you, new and old. The challenge is sharing something new about yourself too.  It takes two to tango.


Calvin MaQueen of Wands – The Queen of Wands advises you to go play with Mother Nature this week.  You soul is craving some me-time, and for your half-horse personality- nature or the open road does that best.  So, get out of the house this week – road trip, hike, swim in a river, bike.  This week is about movement and experiencing what Gaia has to offer.


Calvin MaThree and Four of Wands – Last week, the World card had you aligning your energy with the lunar eclipse to create amazing transformative and healing mojo.  Now, the Three and Four of Wands has you focusing on short term goals and create a comfy home environment, while you are waiting for your longer-term goals to mature and their timing to line up.  This week is about comfort and patience.


Calvin MaTen of Cups – Your second Ten, so let’s dive a bit into what Ten means.  Tens are perfect for completing cycles and that you enjoy and bask in that completion before moving on.  Last week the Ten of Pentacles advised you to finish up a physical project and then relax your body. This Week the Ten of Cups adds the emotional relaxation to the physical.  This week your challenge is to indulge in things that make you happy.   Your song for this week : My Favorite Things or Happy


Calvin MaTwo of Cups – Two of Cups is the card of relationships.  This is a great week to deepen the relationships that you have chosen and want to grow in your life.  The only challenge with this card is that the give and take of these relationships need to feel balanced to you.  If they are not, then you need to reevaluate how much energy you put into them.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,
