Tarotcast for the Week of September 3, 2017

Happy Birthday month Virgos!

Jean-Pierre Jeunet birthday is today. I love all of the films that he has, in combination, written and directed.: Delicatessen, The City of Lost Children, Amelie, A Very Long Engagement, MicMacs, and The Young and Prodigious T.S. Spivet. He also did a short film called Foutaises -Things I Like, Things I Hate which I also love.

These movies have a gloomy quality to them which I find to be part of Virgo’s character. However, it is not the darkness that makes these films or people great. It is the contrast of deep themes of death and despair told through absurd and funny vignettes of love and life. This is one of the qualities of Virgo’s dharma to see the suffering but find the beauty, love and laughter that lives along side it. This is even the quality of Virgo’s birth month. The end of summer and the beginning of fall, where autumn portrays death in the beauty of fall colors.

P.S. Remember, signs with * it’s a big week for you.

Aries – Six of Wands – This week find a stopping point in a project/life. The Six of Wands is challenge you to take a breather before jumping into the next phase. Take some time to pat yourself on the back for all your hard work and the progresses you have made. You deserve it.

*Taurus – Wheel of Fortune – Time to take a turn at the wheel this week. The Wheel challenges you to take advantage of a change of fortune in your life. This can be good or even a bad set of circumstances that can catapult you out of what has been a redundant cycle. The big thing is change is here so grasp the brass ring and get off the carousel.

*Gemini – Magician – The Magician’s lesson is around using the tools you have to create the world you want. The challenge is to realize you have all that you need to make things happen. No more gathering, plotting, or preparing, just do it.


Cancer – Nine of Cups – The focus this week is about gratitude. Things fall into place except for one piece. Your challenge is to see the good that is happening to you right now and not focusing on the one negative.


*Leo – Magician – The Magician is begging you to do something new, create, or have fun experimenting.   The challenge is to stop looking for the easier road, better tool, or more knowledge.   This week’s lesson is about working with what you have around you right now.   You will be amazed at how your inner MacGyver comes out to save the day.

Virgo -Two of Swords – Good job of getting with your thoughts last week, you have graduated to the Two of Swords. So from the many thoughts of last week you have now whittled it down to two. Your challenge is to let go of decision making and just do it. It is less about which decision to choose or which thought is better, and more about the action that follows this decision/ thought.

Libra – Three of Pentacles – The stagnation of last week’s Hangman lifts slightly this week. The Three of Pentacles’ lesson is around standing your ground. So any delays you encounter this week are there for reason. Take the Universe’s hint to stop, figure out where you are going, and look both ways before moving on.

Scorpio – Two of Cups – Relationships are your focus this week. Relationships are reflections of who you are, so each interaction this week is like looking into a mirror. The Two of Cups is challenging you to improve your side of your close relationships, so that, the reflection you see is one of joy and love and less like the portrait of Dorian Gray.

Sagittarius – Four of Pentacles – Last week, The Magician advises you to hone your skills/tools and create. This week with the Four of Pentacles it will be harder to get things done because you have fewer resources available to you. That can either be less time, space or money. Do what you can this week, and try not to sweat it if you can’t. Also, be careful with your money – no investing and hold on to your wallet.

Capricorn – Eight of Wands – The Eight of Wands is all about information. There are a lot of clues and data out there this week. The challenge with this card is sifting out the good info from the spam and then prioritizing what’s left. The best way to focus this week is to look for synchronicities and follow that thread of data over another.

Aquarius – Queen of Swords – The Queen of Swords’ lessons are about seeking out the truth and honing your communication skills. The best way to find answers is to be straight forward and ask questions. The challenge is when asking try to convey curiosity instead of the inquiry feeling like an interrogation.

*Pisces – High Priest – It’s time for
organizing and scheduling this week. The High Priest’s lessons are around organizing your life to create more ease. The challenge is where to start. As an exercise and/or metaphor try going through your junk drawer before you tackle your closet. Remember doing things with ease is the goal.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,
