Tarotcast for Week of October 29, 2017

The number 108 holds a huge significance for me because of a series of synchronicities . It starts 30 years ago with a friend nodding off to sleep mumbling 108 windows and doors. A few months later I was reading the book The Inner Reaches of Out Space by Joseph Campbell where he mentioned how 108 fits in with the use of the number 9 in a variety of mythologies and religions.  Then a couple of months later, I was watching the movie Bull Durham which the opening narration says “I know things. For instance, there are 108 beads in a Catholic rosary and there are 108 stitches in a baseball.”

The number 108 continues to pop up in my life. When I meditate and use a mala which has 108 beads on it,  for 108 is a significant number in Dharmic Religions. I started my spiritual practice with Tai Chi which has 108 positions.  Also, I am an avid martial arts movie watcher, and found there are more forms that use 108 too. I love mythology and while reading Odysseus found that Penelope, his wife, had 108 suitors. In science, the distance from the Earth and Sun is about 108 times the diameter of the Sun. In math, it is the summation of the interior angles of a regular pentagon, which makes it part of the math that contributes to the Golden Ratio. And for all you witches out there a pentagon is the base of the pentagram.

So, this is my 108th tarotcast. I have done this tarotcast for two years, and I would like to celebrate and thank you for being on this trip with me. I hope you all are enjoying it as much as I am. Thank you for reading. XO

P.S. Remember, signs with * it’s a big week for you. I have a new reading the Planetary Spread for you all to check out. I’ve added some funny Halloween pictures and ideas for you.

Aries – Ten of Cups – The Tower warned you that best way to make it through last week’s changes was to be cautious, keep your expectations low, and go with the flow. So now that this shift has happened, the Ten of Cups is asking you to pick only the good things out of the rubble. The lesson is that when things are not built on stable ground they fall.   And many times we do not have control over seismic like disturbances, but we do have power over on what we focus on and carry with us. Costume ideas: Butterflies , unicorns, or something that will make them laugh

Taurus – Ten of Swords -. The Ten of Swords’ lesson is one in following your intuition. This card forewarns if you don’t follow your sixth sense, you will walk into trouble. Usually this trouble comes from other people misunderstanding what you are putting out there or just a plain case of the meanies. Your challenge is to use your intuition around social situations to duck and weave, and when in doubt best to keep to yourself. Costume ideas: Julius Caesar, Cleopatra, Freddie Kruger, Lizzie Borden

Gemini – Page of Swords – To find the information that you will need this week the Page of Swords says you will have to dig for it. The challenge from this card is using your guile to get the information you need.   You are going to need all your charm and cunning this week to find out the truth and/or solution. Costume ideas: Dick Tracey, Miss Marple, Sherlock Holmes, Miss. Fisher

Cancer – Page of Pentacles – Last week the Magician challenged you to believe in your potential, practice, and then allow yourself to make mistakes while learning your craft. This theme continues this week with the added focus of the Page of Pentacles – study. This Page challenges you to learn something new to help excel yourself or a project you are working on. Costume ideas: Aristotle, Marie Currie, or a book-worm

*Leo – Hangman – The Hangman lesson’s are around changing your perspective while things are on hold. Anytime we get time or space where things aren’t flowing this pause is necessary to view the situation with a new perspective. In a very simple and most likely metaphorical way – you can’t get your key to work in the door turn it 180 degrees and try again. Costume ideas: Zombie, vampire, werewolf, anything that transformative

Virgo – Three of Pentacles – The Three of Pentacles is a card around cooperation and working with others. This week’s challenge is to be open to learning from your co-workers and asking for help when needed in work situations. You don’t have to agree with everyone on the team but all perspectives are necessary to see the whole picture. Costume ideas: Minions, Siamese twins, Cerberus

*Libra – Emperor – Emperor’s challenge is about making the world a better place to live and work in for you and others. This doesn’t have to take the form of big things (though it can) like working for Habitat for Humanity. It can be in small ways like fixing the window that is cracked before winter sets in, focusing on getting that pile of papers off your desk, buying a step stool to safely reach the top part of your closet, or doing a small act of kindness each day. The Emperor knows that change can happen in small steps as well as big leaps. Chose your stride. Costume ideas: Any King, Prime Minster or President

Scorpio – Page of Cups – The Page of Cups is a card that reminds us to allow our hearts to be open. This is a card of innocence and unconditional love. Take this week to bathe in love wherever you find it. A dog’s tail wagging when you come home, a cat’s purr, a child’s hug, a friend’s birthday card… Your challenge this week is open arms and open heart. Costume ideas: Cupid, Romeo, Juliet, Aphrodite

Sagittarius – King of Swords – This week you need your mind as sharp as a knife. It’s an all brain cells on deck week. Your challenge is to keep your mind nimble. Study the situation. Learn more from other sources.  Then balance it with time to calm your mind, so you can process all that you have taken in. Costume ideas: Plato, Socrates, Sappho

*Capricorn – Empress – Last week the Ace of Swords and the Moon cards challenged you to start thinking about your emotions in a new context. The Empress continues this focus but instead of last week’s analysis, the Empress lives her emotions. This week practice your new emotional intelligence and see how they feel.   Costume ideas: Any Queen or Goddesses

*Aquarius – Magician – The Magician’s lessons are about experimentation and creation. The Magician is the Nikola Tesla of the deck. This week take time to experiment with what you want to expand on. The challenge is to not shy away from your mistakes – learn from them and then make something amazing. Costume ideas: Magician, Warlock or Witch

Pisces – Page of Pentacles – The last couple of weeks the Fool asked you to learn from your mistakes and be mindful of how they came about, and the Sun shows up wanting you to grow and expand. These themes continue this week, though less intense, with the Page of Pentacles. Now that you have seen your mistakes, you need to study the project or situation before you tackle it. Your challenge is to slow down and do some more research.     Costume ideas: Einstein, Mae Jemison, any great scientists

May light be on you, around you, and within you,
