Tarotcast for Week of July 30, 2017

The above collage art is from May Wilson‘s Ridiculous Portrait series. May Wilson left school in ninth grade and went to work as a stenographer. By age 20 she had gotten married and became a housewife in the suburbs of Baltimore Maryland. With her children grown and in her forties, she decided to take a few correspondence courses in the arts which launched her art career.

In 1956, she was introduced to Ray Johnson and became part of his mail art circle. But it wasn’t until  after her divorce at age 61 and a move to New York City did she blossom again. Through her art work and famous parties she became known as the Grandma Moses of the Underground. She is an inspiration that at any age we can recreate who we are if we do not take ourselves too seriously.

P.S. Remember, signs with * it’s a big week for you.  With your tarotcast are images from May Wilson’s Snowflake and Ridiculous Portrait series.

*Aries – The Star – The Star card is here this week to get you all to slow down and do some much needed healing and breathing. When we slow down we notice the “simpler” things in life that are essential and how amazing they are. For example, the stars are heavenly bodies that can bring us awe, and in the same instance we are made of the same elements. As Carl Sagan said The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of starstuff. So your challenge this week is to be as amazed at your existence as you are in the stars’.

Taurus – Queen of Swords – The Queen of Swords is the card of self-truth and realization. This card challenges you to answer honestly – what do you want to happen this week. What is your deepest desire? Rest, happiness, love? And then she challenges you to strategize how to make that happen. Go to bed at a decent hour, make time to hang with friends or family, or make a romantic meal (even if it just with your cat or dog – I can guarantee they will give you some love if you share your dinner with them.)

Gemini – Four of Wands – This week the Four of Wands’ lesson is how to enjoy your environment. The Four of Wands reminds us that our even though metaphorically home is where the heart is, our home is literally where our heart resides. So take care of your physical body and your immediate environment that you are in and for many of us this means your work space too. Therefore, the challenge this week is to create ways to feel more at home in your body, home space, work space or any other space you spend a large quantity of time in.

*Cancer – High Priestess – Last week, Strength challenged you to tame an inner quality in yourself. Now with a calmer inner landscape the High Priestess returns to have you re-examine what you want to conjure up this year and why? Usually when a card this big shows up again within a short period of time, it means something has shifted to make the path easier. Take this week to look at where you where on the week of July 9th and compare it to where you are now. What has shifted? This shift will give you more insight on your power of creation and where to go next.

Leo – Ace of Swords – The Ace of Swords heralds you to investigate new ways of thoughts around old situations to find new solutions. The challenge this week is to create new thought patterns. This is also a birthday month card and an Ace card which means new beginnings doubled. Remember that thoughts are the beginnings of any action, so new thoughts will bring new actions into your life.

Virgo – Page of Cups – The emotions continue this week with the Page of Cups. The Page of Cups challenges you to take a lighter look on life. You need a more innocent optimistic look on life right now, so rose colored glass are acceptable this week. I suggest you go and hang out with some kids. See how amazed they are with the world, and how much they enjoy the little things in life. You are experiencing the same world they are. For instance, just imagine have you ever see a child when caught in the rain get mad or cry? Nope, they laugh and run around in the rain. Remember you are never too old to find joy in a swing, splashing in a puddle or climbing a tree.

Libra – Eight of Cups – Last week, Judgment challenge you not jump to conclusions for there is a 99.9% chance of them being wrong. This week, the Eight of Cups’ lesson is simpler to do but is more complex in nature. The Eight of Cups challenges you this week to walk away from something that has been troubling you. This is a situation where you have done your best to solve it but it is stuck. The lesson is though it is immovable you do not have to be stuck to it. The best solution is to let go and walk away.


Scorpio – Three of Cups – Three of Cups is the card of friendship, joy, and partying. Your challenge this week is to have a good time with friends. Simple as that. Enjoy.


*Sagittarius – Death and Ten of Cups – What an interesting combination of cards you got this week. Death is the card of slow natural change and nature’s cycles. And the Ten of Cups is the card of joy and bliss. So to get through this week think of it like surfing, You spend energy paddling out. You wait and see how the waves are coming in, you find one that looks right and you paddle like heck again. You catch the wave and it is bliss. The realization is this whole process makes you go back for more.

Capricorn – Three of Wands – This week is all about taking stock and planning. Your challenge this week is to see what is on the horizon and plan for it. This is not a week to start something new or change your mind. This is about continue on preparing for whatever your situation is, because your ship has yet to dock. Patience and preparedness is the key.

*Aquarius – The Fool – The Fool is the card of mindfulness. Your challenge this week is to be in the moment. Be conscious of how you interact with the Earth and with all its inhabitants. It is a week to contemplating your “footprint” as you are walking. This may sound easy but like in the seventies TV series Kung Fu, it took a lot of practice for David Carradine’s character to walk on rice paper without showing where he stepped.

Pisces – Ten of Cups – When was the last time you all had fun? or felt joy?   The Ten of Cups is challenging you to have some fun this week. When this card show up it means your cups need to be re-filled before you get back on the tread-mill. All work and no play make Jack or Jill well to be honest a little crazy. So find some time this week and Enjoy!


May light be on you, around you, and within you,
