Tarotcast for Week of July 2, 2017

Humpback WhalesThis picture reminds me of the Creation of Adam by Michelangelo. Whales have always been god like to me. Since first grade, when I read The Whales Go By a Dr. Seuss I Can Read book, I was awestruck with their size, and when you looked into their eyes they looked so all knowing. Their connection with spirituality heightened when my second grade teacher played Rodger Payne’s Songs of the Humpback Whale. The sounds were and are still so ethereal. Whales became one of my totem animals from then on.

Whales are grouped together with dolphins and porpoises. Because of new genetic research, whales are now being grouped under Cetartiodactyla or even- toed ungulates. This group includes cattle, sheep, pigs, llamas, camel and deer, to name a few. However, their closet living land relative is the hippopotamus. Isn’t it amazing the variety of paths evolution or even our lives can take. That we all came from a one celled organism that started in the sea, and can end up back in that same ocean trying to re-connect.

P.S. Remember, signs with * it’s a big week for you.

Aries – Four of Wands – This week stay close to home. The Four of Wands forecasts that your heart is where your home is. Your challenge is how can you make your home a place of rest and bliss. However, if have to leave home, make sure to find a place and time where you can put up our feet and breathe a sigh of relief.

*Taurus – Hierophant – This week you need to put some structure back into your life. The Hierophant is a task master. He asks what do you really need to get done this week. Think of this energy like your personal trainer – wanting you to be the most productive and efficient you. And his advice to do so is to create your ideal schedule, prioritize what needs to get done, and just do it.

Gemini – Three of Swords – The Three of Swords is about letting go of negative thought patterns. Your challenge this week is to get rid of three thoughts that keep hurting your heart. Usually these are put there by others, but you are fearful to take them out. You believe the pain is better than feeling the hole that will be left. However, these thoughts are like splinters. They hurt like hell to take out and then 5 minutes later you have forgotten you were in so much pain.

Cancer – Ace of Wands – Last week was about completions. This week the Ace of Wands is about beginnings. The Ace of Wands’ lessons are about bringing spirit and creativity into your life. Spend time this week day dreaming and experimenting with things that create inspiration in your life. And like last week remember you have this month to finish things up and think of new things to bring in.

*Leo – Strength – Strength, what a great card for your last month of your solar year! This card represents Leo in the Tarot deck and is your life card. The card usually depicts a woman holding the jaws of a lion. Like this image, you are courageous and strong but also battle with your inner life more than any other sign. This week your challenge is to fortify the areas where you are strong and continue to work on taming your animal instincts of running away or lashing out.

*Virgo – High Priestess – Well Virgo this week will be a an easy one if you keep to yourself, and only answer question when asked. The High Priestess lessons are learned while contemplating the cosmos, looking at cycles in life and enhancing knowledge. Spend this week catching up on your reading and star gazing. The challenge is to only sharing your knowledge with people who actually seek you out for advice.

Libra – King of Swords – So you have moved from Page of Swords, digging for answers, to King of Swords, making decisions. The only challenge with this King is to make sure you have strategized how to execute these decisions. This is not a week to go with the flow, or let other people lead.

Scorpio – Knight of Swords – Another Knight this week, so let’s hone in on Knights. Knights are cards of movement. So last week and this week you should be doing things that move your life forward. Last week, the Knight of Cups wanted you to up your passion index. This week the Knight of Swords wants you to spend time in thought. Your big challenge is to think before you leap.

*Sagittarius – Wheel of Fortune – The Wheel of Fortune is the card of adventure. Your challenge is to get out of the routine of your life and do something new. Every time you spin the wheel this week it will bring something fresh into your life. This can look as simple as going to a garage sale and finding a hidden gem or as complex as sending out your resume to your dream job.

Capricorn – Nine of Swords – The Nine of Swords’ lessons are around over-thinking. Whether this is over-thinking a project or over-thinking your life, the challenge with this card is to get more Zen. When you start to find yourself thinking for longer than 20 minutes on a problem and you haven’t found a solution put it aside and let your sub-conscious do some of the heavy lifting. This week read Aquarius’s tarotcast there is info in there for you too.

Aquarius – Five of Wands – The Five of Wands is the card of chaos. The challenge of this card is practicing stepping into the chaos and grabbing what you need, or choosing to turn around and go the other way. The best way to strengthen this skill other than learning Tai Chi is to pay attention to your Aquarian instincts of social trends. What you have intuited from past trends will hold true this week.

Pisces – Knight of Swords – The Knight of Swords’ lesson is around decision making. This knight’s challenge is to not rush into anything. You do need to make decisions, but they need to be thought out. This is not a week to fly by the seat of your pants. Plan, make pros and cons lists, and stop and look both ways before crossing the street.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,
