Tarotcast for Week of July 16, 2017

The above fiber art is made by textile artist Claire Moynihan. She displays these tiny works of art like traditional entomologist do in display cases; however her categorizations of bug balls and moth balls are more humorous.

The study of bugs or entomology dates back to the rise of agriculture.  However, the focused scientific study didn’t start until the 16th century.   And it wasn’t until the early 1800’s that it started to have more participants. Entomology became a wide spread hobby among the European middle and upper class. As children we all have done some form of entomology. We all have gotten down on our hands and knees to study the hustle and bustle of an ant hill, watch a fly clean its face, or run after the fluttering butterfly.

P.S. Remember, signs with * it’s a big week for you.

Aries – Six of Pentacles – The Six of Pentacles teaches you about the ripples of karma. This week everything you give comes back to you three-fold, this includes the good and the bad. This card reminds you karmicly to be more Gilda the Good Witch then Wicked Witch of the West, or at the very least not to send out the flying monkeys when you get upset.

Taurus – Four of Swords – The last couple of weeks have been full of things to do and information to gather. This week the Four of Swords is challenging you to slow that way down. You need time to mull over all that has gone on, your body needs rest, and your soul needs space. So take some advice from the Dalai Lama – Sleep is the best mediation.

*Gemini – Temperance – Big energies for you this week with the arrival of the Temperance card . Temperance’s lesson is around mixing things up without getting out of balance. The last two weeks you have been focusing on suffering and joy. Temperance arrives to cultivate your taste that both ingredients of sorrow and joy when mixed correctly become the nectar of life. Without knowing suffering we could not discern the true taste of joy. I suggest to experiment with this concept through your taste buds. Create or find food this week that combines the qualities of bitter or acidic and sweet, and experiment with their proportions. You will find that they taste better when mixed then when alone. Also,  you may discover that your taste buds can enlighten you about your soul’s preference of the quantity of sorrow and joy that create your unique nectar recipe.

Cancer – King of Swords – Last week you all got The High Priestess asking what do you want to conjuring in the coming year. This week the King of Swords continues that theme, but instead of the focusing on the why, he shifts the focus on the how. Take this week to plan. Write out list of what you would need, who can help and set up a timeline. Remember, Strategy is a pattern in a stream of decisions – Henry Mintzberg

Leo – Two of Pentacles – This week the Two of Pentacles is wanting you to focus on only two things and get them off your to-do list. This is not a week to take on more, but a week to hone down the amount you already have to do.

Virgo – Eight of Wands – The past two weeks had you gathering information and this week there is still more for you to know. The Eight of Wands tells you to keep your ears, eyes and mind open for new information to enlighten you. The challenge is to continue being a sponge and not to act. Be patient the time for action will come but it is not now.

Libra – Three of Cups – Whew, you can take this week off from thinking. The Three of Cups challenges you to hang with friends and/or family and enjoy the good things in life. Take advice from Sophia Loren- You have to enjoy life. Always be surrounded by people who you love, people who have nice conversation. There are so many positive things to think about.

Scorpio – Two of Cups – Two of Cups again focuses on balance in your life but moves from the material realm of last week to the emotional one. This week focus on and make time for the people in your life that you truly love and that are good to you back. The challenge is to put the rest of the world aside. Scorpios are definitely lovers of the world, but this week hone down your passions from the cast of thousands to the fortunate few.

Sagittarius – Six of Swords – Your adventurer is still calling you to keep traveling, though it may be hard to physically do this week. If you can’t manage a small get away, at least find time to do a mental retreat. These past three weeks have been a reminder that you have adventurer’s heart and the only way to sooth it is to travel to new realms. This realms can be emotional, physically or mental but you need to roam without a goal. Just remember you are part horse, and though horses can be tethered they also need to time to run free.

Capricorn – King of Wands – The King of Wands’ lessons are around ruling your life and being creative about it. This card challenges you to think outside the box to make your life run more smoothly.   So here are two possibly paradoxical quotes to help you ponder how to do that. The first by Lisa Golberg – People who refer to out-of-the-box see the box … People who don’t know the box even exists are the innovative thinkers. And the second by Biz Stone- Constraint inspires creativity.

*Aquarius – Devil – The Devil card is the card of temptations. This week it will be hard for you all to keep on track. The biggest de-railer for Aquarians is to be keep focused. Some people see Aquarian as not focused or “air-headed”, but I think you all are highly focused but on too many things at once. You try to take it all in at one time, everything is fascinating, and everything has importance. The Devil this week is tempting you with even more distractions.   Your challenge is not to focus on the monkey mind’s antics, but to tune into your divine will.

– Hermit – The last three weeks have been very thoughtful and full of information but have asked you to hold off on decisions. Hopefully, you took last week’s advice to make lists and gather more info, because you now have all the information that you need. This week , the Hermit is advising you to take all that you have learned the past month, stand back, see the big picture, and revise whatever plans you have. The solutions and choices are becoming clearer this week, but you need some distance to see them. The challenge is you might have to hide out to gain this distance for clear sight.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,
