Tarotcast for Week of December 10, 2017

Crows in park

My fascinations with crows started in San Francisco. A friend of mine used them as an omen to keep her eyes and ears open for messages from the Universe. As soon as she said it, I started seeing crows in city. When I moved to Troy NY, I was introduced to the phenomena of crow migration in the winter.  Crows are typically solitary birds. However, in the winter at night they come from their various regular digs to the riverfront and one of those places was a park right across the street from me. The above picture is a murder (a group of crows) of crows in NYC, because lol all my pictures are too dark. To me, they look like beautiful black flowers on the blooming on leafless trees, and I loved walking in the park when they were there, though carefully. It felt magically.

The other time that crows come together is when another crow dies. They hold what looks like a crow’s “funeral” Researchers at the Avian Conservation Lab found that if a crow sees one of its brethren dead it will call out and other crows will come. The researchers also found that crows have amazing human facial recognition (See article on how they used caveman masks), so they have theorized that this behavior has come about for crows to communicate about threats in their territory. This discovery gives a twist as to  why a group of crows is called a murder.

P.S. Remember, signs with * it’s a big week for you. Need a great socking stuffer get the Pull the Trigger reading for only $5. For any gift reading I can email you a printable gift certificate.

Aries – Three of Wands

You can take a break in manifesting with the Three of Wands. This card advise you to tie up loose ends and work on making sure everything is prepared for the near future. This is a perfect challenge for you this week to do more oiling the wheels before you continue to move forward.

Taurus – Page of Swords

Last week Judgment wanted you to take the more enlightened path without saying I told you so. The Page of Swords continues these theme, for your challenge is to find out more about a situation before you decide to enter into discourse. This is an eyes and ears open – mouth shut kinda week.

Gemini – Three of Wands

Last week the Emperor was telling you through a series of mottos to start manifesting.   The Three of Wands continues that theme of action. However, your environment will put up road blocks until you are fully prepared. If you are waylaid, don’t get impatient or feel hurried. Take the time to make sure you have all that you need and realize the Universe is trying to sync you up to “make all the green lights.”

*Cancer – Three of Cups and The Chariot

Yes you got the Three of Cups again. So you need more hugs, more friendship, and more connection. You also got the Chariot, the card of balanced controlled movement. This week the Chariot will help you reign in the chaos that surrounds you. Your challenge is to call your friends when you feel like hiding.

Leo – Seven of Wands

Your focus will be challenged this week. The Seven of Wands advises you to focus on one thing at a time. Your challenge is to stay on your own track and don’t get caught up in other people’s chaos.

Virgo – Page of Swords

The Page of Swords advises you to gather more knowledge before making any decisions this week. For example, find out what your Mother got your Father before you go out shopping and buy him the same thing. When you heed the Page of Swords’ fact finding you save yourself time, effort, and possibly money.

Libra – Page of Cups

More cups/emotions for you this week. Last week, King of Cups said if you are not loving what you are doing then you are focusing on the wrong things. The Page of Cups will help you find or reignite the passion you have lost. One exercise is to do something this week that you loved to do as a kid like ice skating, build a fort, color with crayons or go fishing. Your challenge is to have fun without a goal.

Scorpio – Five of Swords

Five cards are never easy since they deal with chaos and loss. The best way to deal with the Five of Swords, which deals with mind and communication, is to keep your opinions to yourself. There is nothing that needs to be said this week that can’t wait.

Sagittarius – Three of Swords

The past two weeks the Fool challenged to grow, experience life, keep your mind, eyes, and opinions open. And the Wheel said your choice of action or inaction in the coming year will change your fortune for the better and ripple for years to come. The Three of Swords’ challenge is before you step into your new year take time to heal old wounds. These are usually thought patterns from outside sources that you are holding on to. Take this week to cleanse and heal your heart chakra.

Capricorn – King of Cups

Last week, the Page of Cups challenged you to make sure your higher calling have an aspect of play in it, or it won’t have the purity you are striving for. Now the King of Cups challenges you that your higher calling should also help balance your emotions. This is a hard card for you Earthy Caps. You usually think that to deal with your emotions you stuff them down or ignore them until they bubble over.   Remember all this emotional stuff is laying the ground work for your coming year.

Aquarius – Seven of Cups

The Seven of Cups is a favorite for most Aquarians. This card advice is to use your imagination and spend a bit of time day-dreaming new possibilities. Your challenge is dealing with the paradox of dreaming big enough while still dreaming that it can be done in the next five years.

*Pisces – Judgment

Hope you took the advice of Queen of Swords last week and kept your ear to the ground and gathered intel. This week, Judgment challenges you to use that information to propel your future plans.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,
