Tarotcast for Week of April 16, 2017

Rabbits are associated with fertility, the moon and the spirit world in almost every ancient culture. In Egypt, Wennet a rabbit headed goddess guarded the pass to the Otherworld. The rabbits were the sacred animals of Artemis and Aphrodite in Greece. In Asia, the rabbit is the messenger for the moon goddess.

In a variety of myths the rabbit is a messenger between the spirit world and us. According to some cultures, this is the reasons they made burrows to easily talk to souls. Rabbits are a paradox in many myths. They can be harbingers of good luck, but can also be tricksters. I just think they are cute. So here are a bunch of bunnies for you . Happy Easter.

P.S. Remember, signs with * it’s a big week for you.

Aries – Two of Pentacles – Two of Pentacles continues your current theme of getting things done. The Two of Pentacles’ challenge is to learn how to balance the things that you have to do with the things that you want to do. My advice is to make two lists, have to and want to. Then as you go through the week make sure they are being checked off evenly.

Taurus – Ten of Pentacles – The Ten of Pentacles’ lesson is around prosperity. You have accomplished something really amazing in the past three months, and you need to take this week to celebrate and honor your hardwork. Also realize that your work is now bumped up to the next level. The appearance of this card doesn’t mean that you need to take this week off, but please take a moment to pat yourself on the back.

Gemini – Four of Cups – The Four of Cups’ lesson is about working with your emotions to ground yourself. Your challenge this week is to feel your emotions without going down an emotional rabbit hole. Make sure any heart stuff (maybe such as? I’m not sure I know what you mean by heart stuff) you do brings stability. If you feel like you are wobbling, change the emotional channel and tune into something else.

Cancer – Three of Wands – The Three of Wands continues your current theme of regrouping and prepping the ground work. This week, gauge your timing and be patient. The lesson is that things are changing, but they need time to do it. So chill out, feather the nest, and be conscious of the tides. There is a time for every purpose under heaven.

*Leo – World – This week has every potential to be full if you want it to be. And that is the lesson of the World card. What do you want your World to look like? Your challenge is to let go of the chains of the past. However, this does not mean to let go of the past’s lessons and information. You only need to let go of the idea that things need to stay the same. The World is opening up possibilities if you want them. The interesting thing is that solutions or opportunities that didn’t work in the past may work now.

Virgo – Three of Cups – The Three of Cups challenges you to find some friends to have a drink with, take a walk in the park or watch a movie with, or play paintball with. This card is advising you to plan fun social time with people that you trust. You need to get in touch with the better parts of yourself by seeing that mirror that people you love hold up for you, and you need a good belly laugh or three.

*Libra – Justice – Justice is one of your soul cards. You work on your soul card’s nuances throughout your life. The Justice card in an everyday way represents learning to make decisions that are just and fair. You know that things are not black and white but decisions must be made and consequences must be dealt with nonetheless. This is hard for Libras because you all see all sides to a problem/dilemma, so when judgment is passed or a decision is made you hesitate because you are ever questioning the fairness or rightness of it. So, your soul work with this card is in honing in on your intuition in order to balance out the pros and cons of a situation in order to determine what is a fair consequence or result. Another way of looking at it is balancing what your heart knows (creating love) with what your mind knows (creating resilience). When these two balance out in a decision, it is the correct way to go.

*Scorpio – Magician – Last week you had the Judgment card of revelation and evolution. Hopefully, you observed that a problem was actually an answer to one your deeper questions. Now the Magician is asking you, where do you go from here? This new phase is a bit of a test on what do you want to will into existence. Again, these don’t have to be huge concepts. Let’s take last week’s scenario with a co-worker. You have found out that he/she is a no show when timing is important. Without that expectation you now see that he/she is better suited to help with your long term projects and that you had all the tools you needed (Sally came in and helped with the last minute stuff), or that you actually didn’t need the help at all. The Magician’s challenge is for you to use your tools correctly, so stop trying to get that square peg into a round hole and have a little more belief in yourself.

Sagittarius – King of Wands – The King of Wands’ lesson is in learning how to rule your roost with a sense of purpose. So first challenge – Do you have a purpose in mind? Maybe your purpose is just to get everyone in your life through the day alive. That can be an achievement in itself. Your challenge from this King is to up the ante. You are actually not giving yourself enough credit, and therefore lowering your divine purpose. I bet you can get everyone fed, rested and even have brought some laughter in the mix, and find that it wasn’t even hard to do.

Capricorn – Six of Wands – Last week the Sun challenged you to put on your shades and sunscreen and walk out into the light. This “shining” continues this week with the Six of Wands – victory – but with less urgency than the Sun last week. This card challenges you to look at all the things that got you to this victory. As in any war there were some causalities and it is good to honor them but the real objective is to understand the effect of this “light.” What will you conquer next and how did the “conflict” of the past prepare you for the future?

Aquarius – Eight of Wands – Last week The Hierophant challenged you to manage the structures and disciplines in your life. You will need that tidier desk/email, because the Eight of Wands is here with a bunch of information. The challenge with this Eight is to sort the wheat from the chaff. One way to deal with this onslaught of info is to hone in on a single question to be answered. The Eight of Wands promises you that if you keep focused on what you are asking, it will bring you the answer.

Pisces – Queen of Pentacles – The Queen of Pentacles is the lady of comfort. This Queen challenges you to take time out and get a massage or a pedicure, or to lounge in a hammock with a beer. Heck, she will even ask why not all of them, but here are her conditions. She requires that, before you get comfy you finish three doable projects. Her big lesson is “I will not feel guilt when I indulged if I do my chores.”

May light be on you, around you, and within you,
