Tarotcast- October 25, 2015

Hope you all have had a great October so far. This is one of my favorite weeks with Halloween and All Hallows Day. When the curtain between death and life becomes penetrable. So for fun I am adding a some Halloween and past life ideas.

Here are your cards for the week of October 25th. Remember signs that have * , it’s a big week for you.

*Aries– The World- So hopefully the past two weeks you have been gathering information and organizing it because this week doors will be opening for you. The World card means that your environment is willing and able to create opportunities for your future. Here is the catch, all those doors don’t all lead to good futures. It’s up to you to use that information you been gathering the past two weeks to make the right decision(s) to which door(s) you will choose. On Halloween ask for the world. Halloween Costume/Past Life- Italian Merchant, Pirate or any other world traveler.

*Taurus– The Sun- Last week I hope you had time to refill those cups with your friends. But if not you have another week to do so. This week put your time and energy into you. So like last week’s theme do not surround yourself with people that do not support and help you grow. You need your energy to shine. One thing to remember, be careful not to blot out anyone else light with your own. So make sure as you grow others grow with you. On Halloween ask for whatever you truly need. Halloween Costume/Past Life- Any dead Hollywood Actor/Actress

*Gemini-The High Priestess- Wow you have had some heavy soul searching weeks. And here is another one. All that belly gazing and personal understanding you hopefully did gave you some insight into yourself and what is making you tick right now. The High Priestess card means another week of pulling back from people but this time “people watch” without interaction or judgment You will find out a lot this week if you just sit back and listen to what people say. Just be careful if you pull away possibly too far you could be seen as snobby or not caring. On Halloween ask for something magical. Halloween Costume/Past Life- Duh High Priestess or Witch (yep even if you are a dude time to trany up find your inner priestess)

*Cancer– The Fool- Finally a week to cut lose. This is the week to find out how to have fun and still be the wise one that you are. On Halloween ask for a clean slate. Halloween Costume/Past Life-Jester or anything that makes people laugh or Dali Llama or anyone who changed the world for the better

Leo– Ace of Rods- So last week you picked some projects/ideas to start on. This week start planning, imagining, sketch out some ideas for those new projects. It’s a great week to get those creative juices flowing. Just remember it’s OK to make mistakes because those mistakes will help you create something really new. On Halloween ask for insight. Halloween Costume/Past Life- A famous artist or inventor

Virgo– Six of Pentacles- Generosity is the theme this week. Everything you give comes back to you three fold. The rub is if you give out negative you get 3 times more negative. So be generous this week with your time, energy and money and you will reap the benefits when you need it the most. On Halloween light a candle to light the way for the dead and they will help you in the future. Halloween Costume/Past Life- Robin Hood or any of his merry men, Doctor/Nurse or on the darker side Hellraiser or any of the American Horror Characters

Libra– Two of Swords- So hopefully you were able to adjust that line between compassion and enabling. This week it is time to make that decision that you have been wobbling back and forth on. The funny thing about the two of swords is no matter what you pick the outcome will be fine. It is actually the choice itself and why you made it that is more important. On Halloween ask for clarity. Halloween Costume/Past Life- Medieval Europe – think Camelot for nice and the Black Plague for scary

*Scorpio– The Magician -Yes, finally you are out of that emotion whirlpool that you were in. This week the Magician is saying you have the tools for everything you need to do. Believe in your magic and conjure up something really amazing. This Halloween ask for something magical to happen in your life. Halloween Costume/Past Life- Magician or Wizard.

Sagittarius– Nine of Rods – So did you let things grow at their own pace last week? This week you all have some time to get your ducks in a row. It is a week to pick up, clean up and organize after your three weeks of whirlwind and change. The twist is to remember to whistle while you work. This Halloween ask for something to be planted just for you . Halloween Costume/Past Life- Musician that is no longer living

*Capricorn– The Hermit- Well Capies it seems you didn’t have enough of the recouping The Hermit lets you reflect, recoup, and rest for another week but with a twist. First you need to tell people that you need some alone time but keep your communication lines open. And then spend some time on doing things that matter just to you. This Halloween ask for some time for yourself. Halloween Costume/Past Life- any saint -(not scary enough add in how they died).

Aquarius– Queen of Rods- spend some time this week being creative.   This Halloween ask for something new to come into your life. Halloween Costume/Past Life- any queen

Pisces– Four of Pentacles- Spend your time and money wisely this week because you won’t have a lot of either. This Halloween ask for wisdom. Halloween Costume/Past Life- Prince or Pauper