Tarotcast – October 18, 2015

Hope you all are enjoying these. If you are please share! Here are your cards for the week of October 18th. Remember signs that have * , it’s a big week for you all.

Aries– Nine of rods- Last week was about finding out information. This week there is more information out there for you, but you will need to do some organizing this week too. That means start making list, get rid of all that extra email out of your in box, clean off your desk etc… Because, in all that clutter, you can find some jewels of information that you need or things you really need to focus on.

Taurus– Three of cups- Last week you had time to relax and refill those solitary cups. This week spend time with friends. They help refill cups as much as your alone time did. And just a hint Taurus because of your loyal and giving nature you collect people around you that take more than they give.   This week is not a time to hang with those people only the ones that refill your cups.

*Gemini-The Hangman- Dear Gemini last week I hope you let go of something. This week (like Virgos last week’s tarotcast) The Hangman is all about the lessons around self absorption, stagnation and reflection.   Reflection is an important part of being sentient, and the Hangman is the card to learn how to do it without getting stuck in your patterns. Gemini, as signs go, it’s a bit harder for you to do the self reflection thing because you have two identities/soul paths in one life time.  Some of you solve this challenge with living one life for the first half of your life then changing to something totally different for the second half. Others run both soul paths at the same time. For either of you, your “second” life is not getting the attention it needs. When you all get the Hangman it is a time for some deep belly gazing and this can only be done in solitude. (Two’s company but three’s a crowd). To gain access to your other self, I recommend sleeping for a night with your head at the foot of your bed or meditating while gazing in a mirror. This process will help relieve that soul itch or boredom you have been feeling.

*Cancer– Emperor- Last week is was about creation and this week continues that theme with a focus on materializing those projects that got started last week. It’s a nose to the grindstone week. The things you accomplish this week will help create the material future and security that we Cancers crave.

*Leo– The World- So last week you hopefully were realistic about what or who you want to continue with on this journey of yours. Because this week- BAM- opportunity will start to knock on multiple doors. And if you did your homework last week choosing the right door(s) will be easier. As science has proven, too many choices are more difficult than just two. Remember lovely Leos the problem with The World card is that many options start becoming available and your job is to make the choice that best fits your dreams and needs of the future.

Virgo– Knight of Cups- Yes, you made it to the other side hopefully with some amazing insights about yourself and your environment. Now it a week of fun. You got some work to do, but you know where to go. Follow your heart.

*Libra– The Hierophant- So hopefully you got some play in last week because this week The Hierophant has some soul searching for you to do. You know that amazing sense of Justice you have. Well this week it is time to do some deep questioning about your moral structures. Are you being too harsh with someone? Or are letting someone get away with something you know is wrong but not speaking up? This week you will be challenged on what you stand for. And your job is to find out which side you are on. Just a warning dear Libras- because you are such a loving sign- you walk a fine line between compassion and enabling. This week is about adjusting that line.

Scorpio– Four of Cups-Wow, Scorpios these past two weeks you have been dealing with a lot of emotional stuff and this week continues that theme. This week you need to literally look up and around you. Your environment has some amazing gifts just for you. However, I am going to remind you from last week: Don’t let your emotions get the best of you. They are only a part of what makes you a magical being.

*Sagittarius– Death – So this month has had some heavy hitters for you but you have carried on like only Sagittarians can do. And this week is another big week but overall a good one. With the Tower at the beginning of the month you went through some big changes and now Death is slowing that change down. Things are still on the move but at a slower pace. And this Sagittarians is hard for you all. You actually do better when the race is on, things are moving and shaking… The change Death brings is more organic- more hands off then on. So this is your challenge can you let things grow at their own pace?

Capricorn– Four of Swords- Well Capies the first half of October was big on creativity. And this week it about time to relax, pull into yourself . Reflect, Recoup, and Rest. And a little advice: take your vitamins; and wash your hands. It’s flu season.

Aquarius– Ace of Pentacles- Another good week for you all. This is a great week to work on new projects, new jobs, new ideas, look for a new place to move, etc… The hard part for you is making sure you are keeping it real and your feet on the ground.

Pisces– Eight of Rods- The news you have been waiting for will come from an outside source. The challenge for you all is will you listen to it and see it as good news.