Tarotcast for Week of Janaury 27, 2019

This week’s artist is Bordalo II.  He started off as a graffiti artist in Lisbon, where street art is popular and legal.  He re-uses trash, specifically ones harmful to wildlife like plastic, to create his graffiti-sculptures. He chooses animal images to highlight the dangers of pollution in our world.   I create, recreate, assemble and develop ideas with end-of-life material and try to relate it to sustainability, ecological and social awareness.

Plastic is so much a part of our everyday lives and important for many areas (especially medical and automotive), but we need to curb our reliance on it.  Look around your home and you will find an average of 70% of your life has a plastic part.  Around 60% of clothing has plastic in it (all synthetic fibers are plastic: polyester, acrylic, nylon). The first thing all of us can do is stop using single use plastics (even if you use them more than once).  And then just being conscious when you buy plastic toys, your clothes, or even organizing with plastic bins, try to find more biodegradable alternatives or at the very least with less plastic or recycled plastic in them.

Boradalo’s work is imaginative, deep and a needed reminder. I love to see that he also did one of a human (see Aries below)) for we are not only the cause of pollution but also a victim.  We are a species of Earth just as the pelican, elephant, snake or spider.  Once we start seeing that we are part of the larger ecosystem maybe we will stop harming our home.

P.S.  Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  If you do an beginning of a year Astrological Reading.


Ten of Swords – Every week has the potential to be good or bad, but when the Ten of Swords shows up it leans toward the negative.  This week, your environment will show the prickly side of the human experience.  There are a couple of ways to deal with this card – hide or if you must show up, avoid.  Listening to your intuition will help you navigate this week.  Heed your inner voice/gut.


King of Cups – This is your second King in a row so let’s dive deeper into the Kings.  When Kings show up, they are wanting you to master or manifest specific areas of your life.  Last week the King of Pentacles had you working on your material plane.  This week the Cups are about manifesting your emotions.   This King is not afraid to cry so all emotions are OK.  The work is having them, accepting them, learning their lessons, and then letting them go.


Nine of Pentacles – Last week, the Hierophant had you emulating bamboo with flexible strong boundaries and structures.  The Nine of Pentacles continues this theme with a bit more emphasis of creating your own secret Garden to inhabit.   You are needing a haven that has a door that locks to occasional retreat to this week.


King of Swords – Another week of listening but also of communicating.  Communication and mediation are skills you will need to use and possibly hone this week.  Your motto Mind before Mouth.


*Emperor – The Emperor comes to advise on building what you already have then starting a new project.  He is the card of manifestation.  Use this energy to push through projects or blocks.  This week is a hands-on approach to life. Your only challenge is not to plow over other people projects or have bullying behavior while you are masterfully creating.


Four of Rods – Last week the Moon card wanted you to use the energy of the Eclipse to conjure some magic or blessings into your life.  This week the Four of Wands wants you to ground that magic into the earth.  The challenge for you is to be grounded but flexible.  Know that you are here for now, but the future is still open for mobility.


Seven of Wands – The Seven of Wands advises you to stand up for yourself.  The challenge is that is what you usually do for others.   Can you protect yourself as well as or even better than you do your loved ones?


Eight of Pentacles – Your second Eight in a row, so let’s look at eights.  All the eights represent places we need to hold and/or release.  Last week the cups said letting of emotions that don’t work.  This week the Pentacles want you to hold on and master your skills.  Do not start anything new this week but get solidly through your to do lists.


*The Hanged Man – The Hanged Man comes when the universe is put on hold.  Things will have a way of stagnating this week.  The best use of this energy is to go down a side road, rabbit hole or quiet contemplation.  Taking alternative paths will bring new ideas and or enlightenment.  Of course, you can try to stay on course too but just realize it might be like swimming against the current.


*Sun – The Sun card is the card of growth, renewal and triumph.  Take this week’s energy and either focus it like a laser on one single project or let the energy gentle shine on your landscapes.  The only challenge is not to shine all day and night or to bring things that are normally in the dark into the light.  This week when the lights go down in the sky so should work.  The day is for doing – the night for resting.


King of Wands – Last week, the Justice card advised picking a path and seeing that the destination will turn out fair and just.  And now, the King of Wands backs you on your endeavors with all the energy you need to get through the week. He is a wiz at manifestation, however, your challenge will be getting out of your own way – mostly around your perfectionism.  If you let that go you will do better than “the average bear.”


Nine of Wands – This is a week for preparation.  I would try to hold out doing anything new or making any decisions this week.    Take this time to stock your cabinets, clean house, organize and strategize for not only February, but your new birth year.