Tarotcast for Week of December 16, 2018

Eiji Ohashi vending machines of JapanThis week is Solstice; where darkness is at its height in the northern hemisphere, and light reigns in the southern.  The Photographs above and below are from Roadside Lights by the artist Eiji Ohashi.  Japan has 5 million vending machines and leads the world in machine versus land density.  They sell a wide variety of items, from the more common soda and snacks and cigarettes to the unique fresh fruit, eggs, alcohol, books, pets’ clothes, diapers, to name a few.  And roadside vending machines populate many of the rural areas taking the place of the corner store.  Ohashi was drawn to these lone sources of light and sustenance on the rural roadsides of snow-covered Hokkaido and other places in Japan.

This season is about celebrating the light of growth, persistence and love.  It is the lesson we should remember during the Holiday season. Where an elf can bring presents to millions of children in a night, where a Grinch can grow a heart then save a Who holiday, and where oil can burn for days, wonder and the concept of miracles are vital to our perception of the world. That in our darkest hours and coldest places, hope and goodness persist.  Our challenge is honoring and hopefully being that person or thing that can bring light and sustenance to places where it is least expected – to become a wonder in the world.  It is not that hard- just turn on your light and shine.

P.S. Next week look for the popular Looking Back– solstice tarotcast. And you need last minute presents you can give an Astrological Reading or a great stocking stuffer is my Quick Draw for $5

P.S.S. Remember signs with an * it’s a big week for you.  And please shar

*Aries – Sun

Eiji Ohashi vending machines of JapanThe Sun represents growth and positivity, so this week should feel amazing. Though there are a few challenges:  you might feel some growing pains, it might be hard to feel positive in all the rush or while you are growing you could overshadow someone’s else growth.  This can look as simple as finding all your x-mas presents just make sure you don’t butt in line to grab the deal.  Or this can look as complex as growing your confidence but doing it in a way that others don’t feel left out.  The big lesson is Shine without Shadowing.

*Taurus – Empress and the Moon

Eiji Ohashi vending machines of JapanThis is an interesting combination.  The Empress is the card of creation and the Moon is the card of things hidden.  This week is like tending your night-blooming flowers.  There is more creation happening in the dark of your subconscious and/or solitude, than with the light and society.  This can look as simple/complex as doing some stream of consciousness writing, collage, black-out poetry, cleaning out your fridge/freezer and making some new culinary dish, or writing down your dreams.  The challenge letting out new creations that are waiting to spring up from your subconscious.

Gemini – Knight of Cups

Eiji Ohashi vending machines of JapanThe Knight of Cups swoops in to advise you to get in touch with your emotions. This is a great week to take a deep dive in to what is driving your emotions.  If you don’t like what you see, kick it out and if you do, feed it.  If you are having a hard time tapping into your emotions watch Elf, It’s a Wonderful Life, Miracle on 34th Street or The Grinch.

Cancer – Ace of Pentacles

Eiji Ohashi vending machines of JapanThe Ace of Pentacles are new beginning on the material plane.  This is a great week to start a new project, change jobs, move, try new recipes, start a new exercise regime.  Look at what you want to grow or change on the material plane

Leo – Eight of Pentacles

Eiji Ohashi vending machines of JapanHmm your second 8 in a row so let’s take a gander at 8s for a minute.  Eights in numerology mean manifestation through mastery.  Last week the Eight of swords want you to master your negative thoughts.  This week the Eight of Pentacles wants you to master something on the material plane. This look like a project, money, or deal coming together.  Focus more on doing then, how it gets done.  Trust yourself you are skilled.

*Virgo – Judgement

Eiji Ohashi vending machines of JapanThis week has all the potential for being fantastic, if you can just get out of your own way and shine.  Leave your ego and your mind on the curb and let life take you to some new places.  You will find more grace and enlightenment if you follow you spirit and your heart.  This can look as simple/complex as taking a walk/ride to see Holiday lights, going to a holiday party with someone you like, buying candy canes and giving them to every homeless person you pass, or staying at home getting cozy with nog and a book.  The challenge with doing any of these things is thinking yourself out of it like:  holiday lights are a stupid competition, yuck parties, the homeless need homes not candy, or I’m lazy.  This week is about using your judgment to enjoy joy.

Libra – Queen of Swords

Eiji Ohashi vending machines of JapanThe Queen of Swords is about strategy in all you do.  Need to get holiday gifts – make a list of what you need and then map out the best path.  Need to get a project done – hire a babysitter so you can pull a long day, so you don’t have to do work during the holidays.  If you are traveling pack early and preorder your taxi.  This week can get hectic but a good battle plan will get you through it.

Scorpio – Four of Cups

Eiji Ohashi vending machines of JapanHolidays can be hard for all the water signs because there are a lot of emotions swimming around good or bad – yours or others. It can be draining. This week might push on your emotions, so you pull inward.  And you can do that if you don’t do it all week.  The challenge is to see that contemplation is fine if you look up and out to reorient to the positive.  If you find yourself going to far inward call a friend to take you out for a hot tottie or tea.  Love and laughter are the keys this week.

Sagittarius – Ten of Pentacles

Eiji Ohashi vending machines of JapanYou are finishing out your birth month with the Ten of Pentacles or the prosperous kingdom card.  The coming year has the Magician calling for creation and the Hanged Man calling for new and unique perspectives.  All tens are summation cards so 2019 is a place where not only are you creating new and unique projects, traveling to new roads, but it is about enjoying your all that you have done to get to this place.  This week is your first step in seeing how prosperous your kingdom is.  Enjoy the bounty.

Capricorn – Two of Pentacles

Eiji Ohashi vending machines of JapanIt’s a balancing act this week.  Balancing intake with outtake, rest and activities, food and water, society and solitude.  If you feel off kilter it is a sign to stop and ground yourself.  This is a good card to practice going into your birth month.

Aquarius – Two of Cups

Eiji Ohashi vending machines of JapanTwo of Cups is the card of relationships.  Take time this week to have one on ones with people you love.  You need to reconnect with the people you hold dear.  The challenge is to truly be there with them.  This can be hard with the hectic holiday season, but it will fill your cup more than drain it. Think small intimate moments than grand gestures.

Pisces – Ten of Wands

Eiji Ohashi vending machines of JapanThe Ten of Wands is about putting too much on your plate because of a sense of obligation.  This week is more about doing a few things well, than doing a bunch of things half-ass.  The challenge is giving yourself a break. Lay down at least two of your to-dos on your list. You can pick them back up next week if they don’t fade away before that.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,
