Tarot-cast for March 3, 2019

The artist this week is Mandy Barker.  She combines art and science to raise awareness about plastic pollution in the world’s oceans.  “The aim of my work is to engage with and stimulate an emotional response in the viewer by combining a contradiction between initial aesthetic attraction along with the subsequent message of awareness. The research process is a vital part of my development as the images I make are based on scientific fact… I hope it will ultimately lead to positive action in tackling this increasing environmental problem, which is currently of global concern”.

Not all plastics are easily recyclable PVC, Polystyrene (which include plastic toys) and the category “other” (which include nylon fabric, compact disks, storage containers and water cooler bottles) are not.  Throughout the world most plastic items don’t get recycled, many of them end up in our oceans and at times in unusual ways, which Barker shows in her ink cartridge piece below. The cartridges fell off a ship 5 years ago and are now washing up on shore all along the European coast.  Another example is her piece (Cancer) that follows the plastic trash from the 2012 Tsunami that hit Japan and is floating towards Hawaii. These larger plastics items through time become microplastics and are now being found in microscopic ocean animals, shellfish and fish.  Which are also seen below taken out of a turtle’ stomach( Aquarius) and a bird’s nest(Aries).

Plastic is important and useful for medical and industrial use, and globally we are getting better at recycling plastics. But a better way of reducing plastics now is to stop using them in our everyday life.  Use cloth bags for everything, ask restaurants or grocery markets you visit not to use Styrofoam, and try to buy clothes that are made of 100% natural fibers.  Even doing just one of these things will help lower your plastic consumption and disposal. Just think of it this way – That plastic you don’t buy- you literally won’t be ingesting it in your food source later.

P.S.  Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.


Ace of Cups – The Ace of Cups calls for you to create and spread love and joy.   This card reminds you that positive emotions need to be your “go to” this week even if someone pokes you to get a rise.  Your mottos:  You catch more flies with honey than vinegar, and Love conquers all.


Mandy Barker

Two of Cups – This week relationships are in the forefront with the Two of Cups.  Take time to put energy in and share intimacies with your closest relationships.  Your cup becomes fuller the more you fill other’s cups.


This summer, Mandy Barker joined Greenpeace’s Beluga II Expedition visiting remote islands off the west coast of Scotland. The islands were blighted with plastic pollution. Through this piece the artist presents us her visual interpretation of the journeys plastics make: the time they spend at sea in order to reach such remote locations, how long it takes for them to degrade, and their impact on the environment. The piece features items collected from the islands of Sanday, Canna and Skye.Ingredients: ‘Frozen' watch, trainers, flip flop sole, fish sand mould, heel of a shoe, HP inkjet cartridge, Coca-Cola bottle, water bottles, bottle caps, straw, plastic fork, plastic cup, comb, lighter, Lego, golf ball, toy tennis racket, kettle, coat hanger, bicycle tyre, dog ball, floor mop head, toothbrushes, umbrella, bucket, nozzles, torch, plastic shell, reel, toilet fragrance holder, spade handle, half toolbox, medicine bottle, cup, print stamper, deep fat fryer lid, football, building blocks, toy doll, party popper, U-bend pipe, scouring brush, gun cartridges, Fairy Liquid bottle, plastic duck, knife handle, various wheels, dummy-soother, crisp bags, balloon & holder, various filters, flooring, fishing related debris (line, rope, buoy, net, tennis ball), blue bird, yogurt pot, vintage Esso oil container, handles, and part of a sign with ‘WARNING’ printed on it.

Knight of Wands – The Knight of Wands gives you an energy burst that will allow you to tap into your creativity and spiritual side.  He tells you to wander and/or work without a goal, so seeing what surprises and synchronicities happen.  The challenge is to break the dams that are dampening your spark.


Mandy Barker

Eight of Cups – Time to clean your emotional house.  Whether that is doing some Marie Kondo to your home/closet or meditating away the tethers of emotions bonds that no longer work for you. By the end of this week if you do the heart work you will feel lighter.


Four of Cups – It is Okay this week to do some belly button gazing; however, it needs to be balanced with looking outside yourself.  Pondering is fine if you see the bigger picture and your place in it.


Mandy BarkerSeven of Wands – Last week was all about love but challenges make things U-turn week.   Your task is not to create turmoil because of your personal insecurities.  Boundaries are useful but not when you keep everyone from getting close.  Drop the paranoia – you have allies let them play with you.


Mandy Barker

Page of Rods – The challenge from the Page of Wands is to get your spark lit.  This is usually done with play where there is no goal.  This week purple crayons out and explore.  (If you don’t know the reference look up Harold and the Purple Crayon)


Mandy Barker

Three of Wands – Last week you were supposed to light your fire.  This week the Three of Wands wants you to take that torch and go exploring.  Now is the time to start your journey into the unknown.


Mandy BarkerSeven of Swords – The Seven of Swords warns that this week you can make some social blunders without knowing it.  Your challenge is refining your natural-born charisma.  You can come out on top if you use your quick mind, sweet talk and be mindful of others’ proverbial toes.


Mandy Barker

Page of Swords – The Page of Swords foretells there is information behind the scenes this week that you will have to ferret out.  Your challenge digging it out. Don’t move forward until you have all the facts and they make sense!


Mandy Barker

Knight of Pentacles – This week you are best when you are on the move.  However, your challenge is the pace you set.  Slow and steady will win this race. Move to fast and you will miss something important or mis-step in to a “gopher-hole”.


Mandy BarkerKing of Swords – Last week, the Devil showed up telling you that you are on your last leg of evolution, healing and transformation.   It foretold this year will have its tests, but you will pass these “exams” if you stay true to the new you.  The King of Swords will challenge you on this and you will need to make some decisions this week showing that you truly want this change.  The King of Swords card is the decision maker for long-term goals.  This week start choosing the path you want – not the one you were given.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,
