Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of August 2, 2020

Baby Animals

Many of my clients are asking for a heads up of what is going on in with the planets for the rest of the year.  So I am taking break from art for my intro this week and doing a generalized and abbreviated dive into astrology.   If you want a more detailed and personalized  version get an appointment with astrologer.  (I use Michelle Gould.)  And while we go down that path, I thought I would share with you all my personal baker’s dozen of pictures of cuteness above and in the tarotcast.  Enjoy.

And now for astrology summary (if you just want the quickie version go to the last paragraph).

This summer has felt weird around the concept of time.  Partial this is due to Covid and our staying in, but also that theme is reflected in the sky.  Normally the inner planets, Mercury and Venus or what is called our personal planets, move within a month.  Venus has been in Gemini since beginning of April, and Mercury has been traversing back and forth through Cancer the home of home and emotions since May 28th.  And both have been in retrograde motion.

Not to mention most of the outer planets are in retrograde too.  In June and July, the only movement besides the Sun going through Gemini and Cancer and the Moon doing its rounds, was Mars who left Pisces and returned to Aries on June 27 (where it stays the rest of the year).  So, both June and July could have felt either unusually sluggish or like you were on a continuous repeat and rinse cycle.

In August we will still have 5 planets in retrograde, Pluto, Neptune, Jupiter, and Saturn and Uranus will join mid-August. Retrogrades are great times to use the 3 Rs:  Review, Reflect and Reassess.   Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus are outer planets and have to do with trends with society at large. For example, Pluto likes to dredge up all the stuff that isn’t working and Capricorn is the sign of society and personal structure and our purpose, so we, as a world, are going through those shifts and will continue in some form until 2024.

However, in August personally things start to move again.  Mercury goes through three signs Cancer, Leo and Virgo.  Our thinking and communication stats flowing again from emotional to flamboyant to orderly and detail oriented.  Venus moves out of Gemini where we are reassessing our values and how we communicate and moves into Cancer August 2nd, so now we can act on creating or strengthening emotional bonds and connections through Sept 7th.

Also, we can look at Saturn and Jupiter personally, and they are both in Capricorn until December.   Jupiter is the planet of growth and Capricorn is how we live on the material plane make money, our health, and our purpose.  Jupiter being retrograde just means things will run positively in those areas, but it will take time.  And Saturn for us personally is about boundaries and how we do our scheduling and managing our life.  That means we have the rest of the year to work on our personal structures and how we want to live to get us ready to start innovating when they both move into Aquarius at the end of 2020.

Starting in September Mars goes retrograde on Sept 9th until October 13th, so it can get a bit sluggish again.  But by the end of September both Jupiter planet of growth and Saturn planet of structure institutions, and Karma go direct.  This means that we can create more traction and action from this massive refection period to start rebuilding and restructuring.

So, what does this all mean.

If you felt like you have not gotten anywhere over the past couple of months you are just in line with the energy of this strange bit of planetary retrograde where the three Rs, review, reflect and reassess are the actions most supported.  Starting in August things will start to shift on a personal level.  And by the end of the year most of our lives will be in the place to rebuild into a lighter more enlightened future.

P.S. Signs with an * it a big week for you.  Leo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Aquarius it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,



Ace of Wands – This week inspires passionate new beginnings, electrical ideas, and vibrant musings.  This is a great week to explore your creativity and imagination.  Experiment and playing with ideas is best.


baby animalsSix of Pentacles – The key this week is about the energy exchange in giving and receiving.  And the two are not so different except in your perception and feelings in either position.  The challenge is trying to find more joy in receiving and gratitude with giving.


baby animals*Lovers – This energy is one of your life lessons.  The Lovers card embodies the aspect of duality and choice.  Now is the time to commit to a choice or two.  The key to choosing is to let go of old panics and unhealthy decision of the past.  They are lesson learned and you will not make those mistakes again.  But to make these choices you must open your heart and trust in yourself that if needed you will see the red flags and pay heed to their warnings.  This is a time to trust your gut and make some choices.


baby animalsKing of Cups – Last week was about letting go of the old and sloughing off the things that no longer work for you.  This releasing is generating the fodder for new beginnings, and this week you have more time to process this primordial ooze lapping at your shores.  Accepting all your emotions are key to this process of evolution.  As Rumi suggests in Guest House, you are a guest house to your emotions, treat each one honorably and be grateful, for your emotions have been sent as guides from beyond.


Queen of Cups and Seven of Cups – So this week can go into the land of disillusionment or into self-acceptance and choice.  You have one energy inviting you to self-discovery, compassion, and passion.  Where your empathy gains strength without taking on other people’s baggage, and your actions align with your heart’s choice.  The other vibe has the mind tricking the heart that there are more choices to think about.  Now is the time to make a compassionate heart choice and see it through to action.


King of Wands – Visionary thinking will be needed to navigate this week’s energy.  Though it has positive tones this energy can burn your edges or possible crisp you to your core. BUT you are supposed to emulate the phoenix and rise again inspired and enlightened.  The key to this is you cannot do this alone.  You need your people to guard your back and bring you sustenance during your rebirth. Your task is only to fall madly in love with your new goals and aspirations.


baby animalsSix of Swords – The energy this week lends a helping hand with difficult transitions.  The challenge is seeing and following the breadcrumbs of serendipity through the mist of uncertainty.  You will find help from unexpected sources.  Eyes, ears and mind open.


Two of Wands – This is a great week to make plans for the distant future.  Where do you want to be a year from now?  What new experiences do you want to manifest?  By casting your line farther out in the future you will catch bigger and better fish.


Knight of Coins – The energy this week is slow and steady wins the race.  This is a great week to create action and movement on any project you pick.  Relax into the tasks you have there is no rush.  The only challenge is being consistent and doing a bit every day.  While balancing it with equal time and energy just kicking back and living life.


Seven of Wands – You deserve this success.  This week do not let anyone dim your accomplishments.  Defend this spark and push away any darkness inflicted by others or your doubting self.  Fill your heart with joy of accomplishment.


Page of Wands – This week is full of inspirations, solutions, and potentials.  The challenge is rooting them into your core truths then taking action to bring them into reality.  The key is not getting over-whelmed so pick one or two to start with.


Five of Coins – Last week your task was to ground and deepen your connection to how strong you really are.  Hopefully, you took the time to do that because this week’s energy wants you to tackle your relationship with money.  That can look like putting money into savings, asking for help, seeing that you have been through worse or raising your prices.  You can take positive actions this week to accept your worthiness and heal the rift between your wealth, self-worth and feeling financially secure.