Tarot and Art for Week of June 2, 2019

Jacques Henri Lartigue

A friend of mine has dedicated the month of June to the action of Jump.  And this lead me to think about the above picture by Jacques Henri Lartigue.  The photos he is most famous for, and what I have chosen above and below were taken by him at the ages of 8 through his teens.  Many of his photos are a study of motion or really the study of a frozen piece of motion.

Lartigue called himself a painter first and then amateur photographer.  He did not gain recognition for his photography until later in life.  Becoming fully recognized at his solo exhibit at the MOMA in 1963, when he was 69.  Later, he explains he chose the word amateur because,  I have never taken a picture for any other reason than that at that moment it made me happy to do so.

You can see the mischievous and joyful action of Jumping in these photos.  This makes me ponder if the action of jumping – purposely freeing ourselves even for a moment from gravity – taps us into a facet of happiness, something we so easily see in our youth but can fade with age.  So, take this week and just jump.

P.S.  Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Gemini this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.



Jacques Henri Lartigue*Empress – The Empress is the gardener card.  When she arrives, she asks you to focus on what do you want to grow and or tend to.  Nurturing is the skill most needed this week.  But don’t forget as they say on airplanes you must put the mask on yourself first before you tend to others.   The gardener tends the garden but who tends the gardener?



Jacques Henri Lartigue*Justice – Justice is the card of truths.  This card has you questioning what is your truth?  How do you show it in your daily life?  Are you living your truth?  Those are the big questions, but then Justice also plays out in practical matters.  This is a card of decision making with cool intellect, only the facts, pro and cons list etc… Justice wants you to use your head this week and then act.



Jacques Henri LartigueTen of Swords – Last week you all got the Tower for your first power card for this birth year.  The first lesson with this card is you need to do some major renovating in your life this year.  If you don’t know what to start on or how to make the change happen, the Tower card comes to shake things up and makes it obvious what needs to be deconstructed and reconstructed.  The theme this year is take control of the change yourself or the Universe will change it for you.  Well this week will hold some clear clues on what needs changing with the Ten of Swords.  This card is about people and situations that just are not good for you.  This ten will help you see these items clearly and then it is up to you to rid yourself of them.



Jacques Henri LartigueFive of Coins – The Five of Coins is about suffering and loss.   This week holds clues as to what is not working in your life.  The interesting thing with this card is that this suffering is easily remedy by you just by asking for help.  You do not need to suffer alone this week.  On a practical note this can just mean you might lose something like your keys or glasses – so ask for help to find them.



Jacques Henri LartigueSix of Wands – The Six of Wands is the card of victory.  This week is a good stopping point to take break, enjoy what you have accomplished and rest up.  However, this card also says the work is not done. So keep in mind, there is more to do but this isn’t the week to do it. 




Jacques Henri LartigueKing of Cups – Last week the Star had you restoring your health both mental and physical.  You get to continue that theme with the King of Cups this week.  He would like you to focus on the restoration of your heart and emotions. This week is about lifting your spirits, and any form of water is helpful in this endeavor.   However, the practical warning of this card is do not overindulge with liquid spirits.




Jacques Henri Lartigue

Two of Pentacles – Balance and skill are key this week.  This card shows up advising you to take projects on one at a time.  Multi- tasking leads to mistakes and missteps this week.  Juggle one ball at a time, possible two but no more.





Jacques Henri Lartigue*Death and Six of Cups – Okay another change card.  Last week the Chariot challenged you to take the reins and create momentum in your life.  Now change takes another form, Death.  Death is the card of change that is partly in your control and partly in the spin of the Universe.  So, the weight of responsibility of making change happen has been lifted somewhat.  However, because of the Six of Cups joins in, you will need to make amends with the past to allow the Universe to lift some of that responsibility off your shoulders.  This can look as simple as forgiving a past aggression or as complex as letting go of the incidences from the past that can no longer be resolved.



Jacques Henri LartigueKnight of Cups – This week emotion is the key to movement.  The best way to make this happen with ease is to be forthright with your emotions.  This does not mean you have to wear your heart on your sleeve for all to see, but you must at least be honest with how you are feeling with those that are close to you.  The challenge is remembering that what you are feeling is just that, a feeling – it does not always represent the absolute or whole truth.



Jacques Henri Lartigue.Eight of Cups – Last week, the Emperor gave you his energy to materialize and do.  But he also had you checking in with does your work fulfill you?  If it doesn’t, then being honest with what this work is bringing you (like money or time), and if it is fulfilling then keep doing it with more gusto.  This week, the Eight of Cups still has you working on the question what is fulfilling. Though this card’s exercise is to get rid of some excess emotions, ideas or items that no longer serve you.  This can literally look like cleaning out your closets and drawers.  Time to release.



Jacques Henri Lartigue*Lovers – last week, the Strength card came having you strengthen a resolve, be more resilient, and/or support your self-worth.  And now that you are stronger in your self you can now pair up with others.  This week will bring relationships in focus.  Pay attention to how you interact with them.  This card’s work  is how to bring out the best in others which also as a bonus brings out the best in you.



Jacques Henri Lartigue*Strength– Strength is the card of resilience, confidence and self-worth.  This week you need to boost these qualities in yourself.  You are not seeing how far you have come or how you could have taken routes that would have sent you into shadier outcomes.  So here is an exercise to see how strong you have become.  Think of a decision you made recently and now think of at least 3 ways you could have chosen that would have create a more negative outcome.  This could be as simple as you didn’t give someone the finger on the highway – it could have been worse if 1) you ran them off the road.  2) you shot them the bird and they ran you off the road 3) you held on to your anger until you yelled at your significant other, your boss or a cashier. See, you are making decision every day and most of them are smart and damn good for yourself and the rest of the world.  Take this week confirming how you are a decent human being.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,
